Source code for gatelfdata.features

"""Module for the Features class"""

import sys
import logging
from gatelfdata.featurenumeric import FeatureNumeric
from gatelfdata.featurenominalembs import FeatureNominalEmbs
from gatelfdata.featureboolean import FeatureBoolean
from gatelfdata.featurengram import FeatureNgram

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
formatter = logging.Formatter(
                '%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')

[docs]class Features(object):
[docs] def make_feature(self, fname, datatype, attribute, featurestats, vocabs): """Helper function to create a specific feature gets called as part of __init__""" kind = attribute["featureCode"] logger.debug("Making feature for kind/name/type/attr: %r/%r/%r/%r", kind, fname, datatype, attribute) if kind == "N": # create an ngram feature, based on a simple feature of type nominal ret = FeatureNgram(fname, attribute, featurestats, vocabs.get_vocab(attribute)) else: # create a simple feature of the correct type if datatype == "nominal": # create a nominal feature, represented through embeddings or onehot # We represent both by featurenominalembs, both get converted into a value # index initiallly. However for onehot, the embedding vectors are just the onehot # vectors (except for padding which is still an all-zero vector). logger.debug("About to create feature, vocabs is %s" % (vocabs,)) ret = FeatureNominalEmbs(fname, attribute, featurestats, vocabs.get_vocab(attribute)) elif datatype == "numeric": # simple numeric feature ret = FeatureNumeric(fname, attribute, featurestats) elif datatype == "boolean": # simple boolean feature ret = FeatureBoolean(fname, attribute, featurestats) else: raise Exception("Odd datatype: ", datatype) logger.debug("Returning: %r", ret) return ret
def __init__(self, meta, vocabs): # initialisation consists of going through the meta info and # creating all the individual feature instances and storing them # in here in a list. # NOTE: we should go through the actual features, not the attributes, so we do # not really need anything that represents an attributelist since this is # just a fixed number of simple attributes. # meta: either a string or the meta information already read in and parsed. self.meta = meta self.vocabs = vocabs self.isSequence = meta["isSequence"] if self.isSequence: self.seq_max = meta["sequLengths.max"] self.seq_avg = meta["sequLengths.mean"] # now we have the meta, create the list of features self.features = [] attrs = self.meta["featureInfo"]["attributes"] stats = self.meta["featureStats"] # The LF metadata is per feature, not per embedding type of the feature, so # we first need to combine the counts per feature for each of the types here. for f in self.meta["features"]: dt = f["datatype"] attrnr = f["attrid"] attrinfo = attrs[attrnr] # attrcode = attrinfo.get("code") if dt == "nominal": self.vocabs.setup_vocab(attrinfo, stats[f["name"]]) self.vocabs.finish() for f in self.meta["features"]: dt = f["datatype"] attrnr = f["attrid"] fname = f["name"] # attrkind = f["kind"] # get a bit more info from the corresponding attribute metadata attrinfo = attrs[attrnr] fstats = stats[fname] thefeature = self.make_feature(fname, dt, attrinfo, fstats, self.vocabs) logger.debug("Features: appending feature=%r", thefeature) self.features.append(thefeature) def _convert_featurevec(self, valuelist, idxs=None, normalize=None): if not idxs and (len(valuelist) != len(self.features)): raise Exception("Wrong number of values passed, expected", len(self.features), "got", len(valuelist)) if idxs and len(idxs) > len(valuelist): raise Exception("Wrong number of idxs passed, got", len(idxs), "but got values:", len(valuelist)) if idxs and len(idxs) > len(self.features): raise Exception("Wrong number of idxs passed, got", len(idxs), "but got features:", len(self.features)) if idxs: valuelist = [valuelist[i] for i in idxs] features = [self.features[i] for i in idxs] else: features = self.features values = [] for i in range(len(features)): res = features[i](valuelist[i], normalize=normalize) values.append(res) return values def __iter__(self): return iter(self.features) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.features[item] def __call__(self, valuelist, idxs=None, normalize=None): # For a feature vector: # this will go through each input and run it through the stored feature # instance, and the values will get put into the result list and returned # Note that for ngram attributes, the "value" to put into the list is itself a list # (of embedding indices). # For a sequence of feature vectors: each feature vector gets converted # in the normal way, targets as well # NOTE: not sure yet how to handle nominals that are onehot encoded! In some cases # we want to instances in some we want the vectors .. see featurenominal1ofk if self.isSequence: out_indep = [] for fv in valuelist: out_indep.append(self._convert_featurevec(fv, idxs=idxs)) return out_indep else: values = self._convert_featurevec(valuelist, idxs=idxs) return values def __call__OLD(self, valuelist, idxs=None): # For a feature vector: # this will go through each input and run it through the stored feature # instance, and the values will get put into the result list and returned # Note that for ngram attributes, the "value" to put into the list is itself a list # (of embedding indices). # For a sequence of feature vectors: will return a list/vector # for each feature where each element corresponds to a sequence element # So the representation gets changed from a list of feature vectors # of values to a list of values for each feature if self.isSequence: # for now we do this in an easy to understand but maybe slow way: # first go convert each of the feature vectors in the sequence # then convert the resulting list of lists seqofvecs = [] for el in valuelist: vals4featurevec = self._convert_featurevec(el, idxs=idxs) seqofvecs.append(vals4featurevec) # now each element in sequofvecs should have as many elements # as there are features, just transpose that matrix return [l for l in map(list, zip(*seqofvecs))] else: values = self._convert_featurevec(valuelist, idxs=idxs) return values
[docs] def size(self): return len(self.features)
def __repr__(self): fl = [f.__repr__() for f in self.features] return "Features(features=%r)" % fl def __str__(self): fl = [f.__str__() for f in self.features] return "Features("+",".join(fl)+")"
[docs] def pretty_print(self, file=sys.stdout): print("Features:", file=file) for f in self.features: print(" ", f, file=file)