import math
import numpy as np
import torch
import logging
import sys
import pickle
import operator
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
formatter = logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
[docs]class ModelWrapper(object):
"""Common base class for all wrappers. Defines instance methods which are the same
for all subclasses plus common static utility methods."""
# This has been defined so that subclasses can call the superclass init function
# with parameter config. This does nothing yet, but could do some common initialization
# processing in the future.
def __init__(self, dataset, config={}):
[docs] @classmethod
def load(cls, filenameprefix):
"""Load a saved wrapper instance and return it. The file name is made of the
filenameprefix with '.wrapper.pickle' appended."""
with open(filenameprefix+".wrapper.pickle", "rb") as inf:
w = pickle.load(inf)
logger.debug("Restored instance keys=%s" % (w.__dict__.keys(),))
assert hasattr(w, 'metafile')
return w
# Useful utility methods below this line
[docs] @staticmethod
def early_stopping_checker(losses=None, accs=None, patience=2, mindelta=0.0):
"""Takes two lists of numbers, representing the losses and/or accuracies of all validation
If accs is not None, it is used, otherwise losses is used if not None, otherwise always
returns False (do not stop).
If accuracies are used, at most patience number of the last validation accuracies can
NOT be at least mindelta larger than the best one so far.
If losses are used, at most patience number of last validation losses can NOT be
at least mindelta smaller then the best one so far.
In other words this stops if more that patience of the last metrics are not an improvement
of at least mindelta over the current best.
values = accs
if not accs:
if not losses:
return False
values = [-x for x in losses] # so we can always check for increase
if len(values) < patience+2:
return False
best = -9e99
bestidx = 0
# find the index of the best value:
for i in range(len(values)):
if values[i] > (best+mindelta):
bestidx = i
best = values[i]
curidx = len(values)-1
if curidx-bestidx > patience:
return True
return False
[docs] @staticmethod
def makeless(n, func=math.pow, preshift=-1.0, postshift=1.0, p1=0.5):
"""Function to return logarithmic or inverse polynomial values for such tasks
as calculating number of dimensions from vocabulary size."""
val = int(func((n+preshift), p1)+postshift)
return val
[docs] @staticmethod
def accuracy(batch_predictions, batch_targets, pad_index=-1):
"""Calculate the accuracy from a tensor with predictions, which contains scores for each
class in the last dimension (higher scores are better) and a tensor with target indices.
Tensor elements where the target has the padding index are ignored.
If the tensors represent sequences the shape of the predictions is batchsize, maxseqlen, nclasses
and of the targets is batchsize, maxseqlen, otherwise the predictions have shape
batchsize, nclasses, targets have shape batchsize
# n_pred_dims = len(batch_predictions.size()) # this should be 3 for sequences, otherwise 2
pred_size = batch_predictions.size()[-1] # the size of the predictions dimension = nclasses
# first reshape so that we have the prediction scores in the last/second dimension
# then find the argmax index along the last/second dimension (dimension=1)
_, out_idxs = torch.max(, pred_size), 1)
# TODO: it may be more efficient to calculate the accuracy differently for sequences and for
# classification and avoid using numpy here
# Instead we could use, just with torch tensors:
# mask = (targets != -1)
# same = (targets == predictions)
# vals = torch.masked_select(same, mask)
# total = vals.size()[0]
# correct = vals.sum()
targets =
logger.debug("targets reshaped: %s" % (targets,))
pred_idxs = out_idxs.cpu().numpy()
logger.debug("pred_idxs reshaped: %s" % (pred_idxs,))
mask = (targets != pad_index)
logger.debug("mask reshaped: %s" % (mask,))
n_correct = np.sum(pred_idxs[mask] == targets[mask])
n_total = np.sum(mask)
acc = n_correct / n_total
logger.debug("Total=%s, correct=%s, acc=%s" % (np.sum(mask), n_correct, acc,))
# import ipdb
# ipdb.set_trace()
return acc, n_correct, n_total