# Annotators Quickstart

Annotating a project:

  • After signing up to the site, notify the owner of the annotation project you've been recruited of your username. This will allow them to add you as an annotator to a project.
  • After you've been recruited to a project, click on the Annotate link on the navigation bar at the top of the page to start annotating.
  • You will be shown the details about the project you're annotating along with a set of form(s) to capture your annotation. Ensure you've read the Annotator guideline fully before starting the annotation process.
  • You can then start annotating documents one at a time. Click on Submit to confirm the completion of annotation, Clear to start again or Reject to skip the particular document. Be aware some projects do not allow you to skip documents.
  • Once you've finished annotating a certain number of documents in a project (specified by the project manager) your task will be deemed complete, and you will be able to be recruited into another annotation project.

# Deleting your account

At any time you can choose to stop participating and delete your account. You can do this by:

  • Click on your username in the top right corner and then Account.
  • Click on Delete my account.
  • When deleting your account, by default your personal information will be removed but your annotations will remain on the system. To completely remove all of your annotations, click on the checkbox next to Also remove any annotations, projects and documents that I own:.
  • Click the Unlock button.
  • Then click Delete to remove your account.