Pipeline LF_TrainTopicModel_Mallet_EN
This is a “ready made” pipeline that illustrates a simple preparation of documents for training a topic model and then runs the PR to train a Mallet topic model.
IMPORTANT: this pipeline expects that Token annotations as created by ANNIE, with POS tags in the feature “category” and the lemma/root in feature “root” are already in the default annotation set.
- Use a Groovy script to copy only those token annotations which are of kind “word” and which do not have a POS tag starting with “V” into the annotation set LDA as annotation type “TokenWord”
- Use a FeatureGazetteer to remove TokenWord annotations where a stop word matches the lemma
- Use a FeatureGazetteer to remove TokenWord annotations where a stop word matches the lower case string
- Use a JavaRegexpAnnotator to find strings in the document that look like something we do not want to include for topic modelling (currently only finds URLs and email addresses)
- Remove TokenWord annotations contained within what has found in the previous step
- Run the LF PR for training a topic model, using the remaining TokenWord annotations as input