Using GATE’s Learning Framework in Conjunction with Weka


In this task you will learn how to use Weka to complement the machine learning functionality available in GATE. Weka offers the advantages of faster training times and additional technologies such as feature selection. It can allow you to rapidly discern the level of performance achievable on your task, and the best algorithms and parameters. Then you can bring this result back into GATE (or an approximation of it). In this exercise, we’ll begin by using the Export PR in the Learning Framework to export the training data from the classification exercise. Then we’ll load the data into Weka. We’ll try various algorithms and parameters. We’ll also try some feature selection and scaling, and see how that affects our result. Then we’ll set up GATE to use the Weka wrapper, and replicate our best result within GATE. You will need:

Exporting Data from GATE

Importing Data into Weka

Experimenting with Classification in Weka

Bringing what you Learned back into GATE