* Copyright (c) 2007-2013, The University of Sheffield.
* This file is part of GATE MÃmir (see,
* and is free software, licenced under the GNU Lesser General Public License,
* Version 3, June 2007 (also included with this distribution as file
* LICENCE-LGPL3.html).
* Valentin Tablan, 1 Nov 2013
* $Id: 20154 2017-02-20 19:19:38Z ian_roberts $
package gate.mimir.index;
import gate.Annotation;
import gate.mimir.MimirIndex;
import gate.util.GateRuntimeException;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.BitStreamIndex;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.CompressionFlags;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.CompressionFlags.Coding;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.CompressionFlags.Component;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.DiskBasedIndex;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.Index;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.Index.UriKeys;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.IndexIterator;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.IndexReader;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.IndexWriter;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.NullTermProcessor;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.QuasiSuccinctIndex;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.QuasiSuccinctIndexWriter;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.SkipBitStreamIndexWriter;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.TermProcessor;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.cluster.ContiguousDocumentalStrategy;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.cluster.ContiguousLexicalStrategy;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.cluster.DocumentalCluster;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.cluster.DocumentalConcatenatedCluster;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.cluster.LexicalCluster;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.tool.Combine;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.tool.Combine.IndexType;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.tool.Concatenate;
import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.tool.Scan;
import it.unimi.dsi.big.util.ShiftAddXorSignedStringMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.big.util.StringMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.Fast;
import it.unimi.dsi.bits.TransformationStrategies;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Arrays;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Hash;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Swapper;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntBigArrayBigList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntBigList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntComparator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2LongAVLTreeMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2LongMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ReferenceOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectBigArrayBigList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectBigList;
import it.unimi.dsi.lang.MutableString;
import it.unimi.dsi.lang.ObjectParser;
import it.unimi.dsi.logging.ProgressLogger;
import it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.mph.LcpMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction;
import it.unimi.dsi.util.BloomFilter;
import it.unimi.dsi.util.Properties;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import java.util.concurrent.RunnableFuture;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* <p>
* An inverted index associating terms with documents. Terms can be either token
* feature values, or annotations. Optionally, a direct index may also be
* present.
* </p>
* <p>
* An atomic index manages a head index (the principal data) and a set of tail
* indexes (batches containing updates). Additionally, the data representing
* all the new documents that have been queued for indexing since the last tail
* was written are stored in RAM.
* </p>
* <p>
* When direct indexing is enabled, the term IDs in the direct index are
* different from the term IDs in the inverted index. In the inverted index
* the term IDs are their position in the lexicographically sorted list of all
* terms. In the directed index, the term IDs are their position in the list
* sorted by the time they were first seen during indexing.
* </p>
* <p>
* The head and tail batches can be combined into a new head by a
* <em>compact</em> operation.
public abstract class AtomicIndex implements Runnable {
* A callable that does nothing. This is used to produce instances of
* {@link CustomFuture} which are only used to wait for the completion of an
* operation that returns nothing.
private static final Callable<Void> noOpVoid = new Callable<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
* An in-RAM representation of a postings list
protected static class PostingsList {
* The first document pointer added to this postings list.
private long firstDocumentPointer = -1;
* The last seen document pointer.
private long lastDocumentPointer = -1;
* The list of document pointer differentials (differences from the previous
* document pointer. The first document pointer value is stored in
* {@link #firstDocumentPointer}), and we store a <tt>0</tt> in the first
* position of this list. The actual value of a document pointer for a given
* position is:
* <dl>
* <dt>pos 0</dt>
* <dd>{@link #firstDocumentPointer}</dd>
* <dt>pos i</dt>
* <dd>pointer at position (i-1) + documentPointersDifferential[i]</dd>
* </dl>
private IntList documentPointersDifferential;
* The count (number of terms) for each document. This list is aligned with
* {@link #documentPointersDifferential}.
private IntList counts;
* The list of positions in this postings list. For each document at
* position <tt>i</i>, there will be counts[i] positions stored in this
* list. This value is <code>non-null</code> only if positions are stored,
* which is configured through a construction-time parameter.
private IntArrayList positions;
* The last seen position in the current document.
private int lastPosition = -1;
* The number of positions in the current document
private int count = 0;
* The maximum term count of all the stored documents
private int maxCount = 0;
* The number of document pointers contained
private long frequency = 0;
* The total number of term occurrences in all stored documents.
private long occurrences = 0;
* The sum of the maximum positions for each document.
private long sumMaxPos = 0;
public PostingsList(boolean storePositions) {
firstDocumentPointer = -1;
documentPointersDifferential = new IntArrayList();
counts = new IntArrayList();
if(storePositions) {
positions = new IntArrayList();
* Start storing the data for a new document
* @param pointer
public void newDocumentPointer(long pointer) {
// is this really a new document?
if(pointer != lastDocumentPointer) {
if(firstDocumentPointer < 0) firstDocumentPointer = pointer;
if(lastDocumentPointer == -1) {
// this is the first document
} else {
// close previous document
// add the new document
documentPointersDifferential.add((int)(pointer - lastDocumentPointer));
lastDocumentPointer = pointer;
// reset the lastPosition when moving to a new document
lastPosition = -1;
public void addPosition(int pos) {
// ignore if the position hasn't changed: we don't store two identical
// records
if(pos != lastPosition) {
//and update lastPosition
lastPosition = pos;
* When storing positions, the count is automatically calculated. When not
* storing positions, it needs to be explicitly set by calling this method.
* @param count
public void setCount(int count) {
this.count = count;
* Checks whether the given position is valid (i.e. greater than the last
* seen position. If the position is invalid, this means that a call to
* {@link #addPosition(int)} with the same value would actually be a
* no-operation.
* @param pos
* @return
public boolean checkPosition(int pos){
return pos > lastPosition;
* Notifies this postings list that it has received all the data
public void flush() {
if(count > 0) {
// we have some new positions for the last document: they were already
// added to positions, but we now need to store their count
if(count > maxCount) maxCount = count;
sumMaxPos += lastPosition;
occurrences += count;
count = 0;
* Empties all the data from this postings list making it ready to be reused.
public void clear() {
count = 0;
maxCount = 0;
occurrences = 0;
if(positions != null){
lastPosition = -1;
sumMaxPos = 0;
firstDocumentPointer = -1;
lastDocumentPointer = -1;
frequency = 0;
* Writes the data contained in this postings list to an index writer
* @param indexWriter
* @throws IOException
public void write(IndexWriter indexWriter) throws IOException {
if(indexWriter instanceof QuasiSuccinctIndexWriter) {
positions!= null ? sumMaxPos : 0);
} else {
long currDocumentPointer = firstDocumentPointer;
int positionsStart = 0;
for(int docId = 0; docId < documentPointersDifferential.size(); docId++) {
currDocumentPointer += documentPointersDifferential.get(docId);
int currCount = counts.get(docId);
OutputBitStream obs = indexWriter.newDocumentRecord();
indexWriter.writeDocumentPointer(obs, currDocumentPointer);
indexWriter.writePositionCount(obs, currCount);
if(positions != null){
indexWriter.writeDocumentPositions(obs, positions.elements(),
positionsStart, currCount, -1);
positionsStart += currCount;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
long docPointer = firstDocumentPointer;
int positionsPointer = 0;
boolean firstDoc = true;
for(int i = 0; i < documentPointersDifferential.size(); i++) {
docPointer += documentPointersDifferential.get(i);
int count = counts.getInt(i);
if(firstDoc) {
firstDoc = false;
} else {
str.append("; ");
boolean firstPos = true;
for(int j = positionsPointer; j < positionsPointer + count; j++) {
if(firstPos) {
firstPos = false;
} else {
str.append(", ");
str.append(") ");
return str.toString();
* Class representing an MG4J index batch, such as the head or any of the
* tails.
protected static class MG4JIndex {
protected File indexDir;
protected Index invertedIndex;
protected Index directIndex;
protected BloomFilter<Void> invertedTermFilter;
protected BloomFilter<Void> directTermFilter;
protected String indexName;
public MG4JIndex(
File indexDir,
String indexName,
Index invertedIndex,
BloomFilter<Void> invertedTermFilter,
Index directIndex,
BloomFilter<Void> directTermFilter) {
this.indexDir = indexDir;
this.indexName = indexName;
this.invertedIndex = invertedIndex;
this.invertedTermFilter = invertedTermFilter;
this.directIndex = directIndex;
this.directTermFilter = directTermFilter;
* Given a terms file (text file with one term per line) this method generates
* the corresponding termmap file (binary representation of a StringMap).
* Optionally, a {@link BloomFilter} can also be generated, if the suitable
* target file is provided.
* @param termsFile the input file
* @param termmapFile the output termmap file, or <code>null</code> if a
* termmap is not required.
* @param bloomFilterFile the file to be used for writing the
* {@link BloomFilter} for the index, or <code>null</code> if a Bloom filter
* is not required.
* @throws IOException
public static void generateTermMap(File termsFile, File termmapFile,
File bloomFilterFile) throws IOException {
FileLinesCollection fileLinesCollection =
new FileLinesCollection(termsFile.getAbsolutePath(), "UTF-8");
if(termmapFile != null) {
StringMap<CharSequence> terms =
new ShiftAddXorSignedStringMap(
new LcpMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction.Builder<CharSequence>()
//new LcpMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction<CharSequence>(
// fileLinesCollection, TransformationStrategies.prefixFreeUtf16()));
BinIO.storeObject(terms, termmapFile);
if(bloomFilterFile != null) {
BloomFilter<Void> bloomFilter = BloomFilter.create(fileLinesCollection.size64());
for(MutableString term : fileLinesCollection) {
BinIO.storeObject(bloomFilter, bloomFilterFile);
* Creates a documental cluster from a list of {@link MG4JIndex} values.
* @param batches the indexes to be combined into a cluster
* @param termProcessor the term processor to be used (can be null)
* @return a documental cluster view of the list of indexes provided.
protected final static Index openInvertedIndexCluster(
List<MG4JIndex> batches, TermProcessor termProcessor){
if(batches == null || batches.size() == 0) return null;
if(batches.size() == 1) return batches.get(0).invertedIndex;
// prepare the documental cluster
Index[] indexes = new Index[batches.size()];
// cut points between the batches - there are numBatches+1 cutpoints,
// cutPoints[0] is always zero, and cutPoints[i] is the sum of the
// sizes of batches 0 to i-1 inclusive
long[] cutPoints = new long[indexes.length + 1];
cutPoints[0] = 0;
int numberOfTerms = -1;
int numberOfDocuments = -1;
long numberOfPostings = -1;
long numberOfOccurences =-1;
int maxCount =-1;
int indexIdx = 0;
IntBigList sizes = new IntBigArrayBigList();
BloomFilter<Void> bloomFilters[] = new BloomFilter[indexes.length];
for(MG4JIndex aSubIndex : batches) {
indexes[indexIdx] = aSubIndex.invertedIndex;
cutPoints[indexIdx + 1] = cutPoints[indexIdx] +
numberOfTerms += aSubIndex.invertedIndex.numberOfTerms;
numberOfDocuments += aSubIndex.invertedIndex.numberOfDocuments;
numberOfPostings += aSubIndex.invertedIndex.numberOfPostings;
numberOfOccurences += aSubIndex.invertedIndex.numberOfOccurrences;
if(maxCount < aSubIndex.invertedIndex.maxCount){
maxCount = aSubIndex.invertedIndex.maxCount;
bloomFilters[indexIdx] = aSubIndex.invertedTermFilter;
return new DocumentalConcatenatedCluster(indexes,
new ContiguousDocumentalStrategy(cutPoints),
false, // flat = all component indexes have the same term list
bloomFilters, // Bloom Filters
numberOfDocuments == -1 ? -1 : numberOfDocuments + 1,
numberOfTerms == -1 ? -1 : numberOfTerms + 1,
numberOfPostings == -1 ? -1 : numberOfPostings + 1,
numberOfOccurences == -1 ? -1 : numberOfOccurences + 1,
null, // payload
true, // hasCounts
true, // hasPositions,
null, // field
sizes, // sizes
null // properties
* Opens the direct index files from all the batches and combines them into
* a {@link LexicalCluster}.
* @param batches the batches to be opened.
* @return
protected final static Index openDirectIndexCluster(List<MG4JIndex> batches){
if(batches == null || batches.size() == 0) return null;
if(batches.size() == 1) return batches.get(0).directIndex;
// prepare the lexical cluster
Index[] indexes = new Index[batches.size()];
int[] cutPoints = new int[indexes.length + 1];
cutPoints[0] = 0;
String[] cutPointTerms = new String[indexes.length + 1];
cutPointTerms[0] = longToTerm(0);
int numberOfTerms = -1;
int numberOfDocuments = -1;
long numberOfPostings = -1;
long numberOfOccurences =-1;
int maxCount =-1;
int indexIdx = 0;
BloomFilter<Void> bloomFilters[] = new BloomFilter[indexes.length];
for(MG4JIndex aSubIndex : batches) {
indexes[indexIdx] = aSubIndex.directIndex;
// we build this based on the inverted index, as the cut-points for the
// lexical partitioning are based on document IDs
if(indexIdx < cutPoints.length - 1) {
cutPoints[indexIdx + 1] = cutPoints[indexIdx] +
cutPointTerms[indexIdx + 1] = longToTerm(cutPoints[indexIdx + 1]);
numberOfTerms += aSubIndex.directIndex.numberOfTerms;
numberOfDocuments += aSubIndex.directIndex.numberOfDocuments;
numberOfPostings += aSubIndex.directIndex.numberOfPostings;
numberOfOccurences += aSubIndex.directIndex.numberOfOccurrences;
if(maxCount < aSubIndex.directIndex.maxCount){
maxCount = aSubIndex.directIndex.maxCount;
bloomFilters[indexIdx] = aSubIndex.directTermFilter;
cutPointTerms[cutPointTerms.length - 1] = null;
return new LexicalCluster(indexes,
new ContiguousLexicalStrategy(cutPoints, cutPointTerms),
bloomFilters, // Bloom Filters
numberOfDocuments == -1 ? -1 : numberOfDocuments + 1,
numberOfTerms == -1 ? -1 : numberOfTerms + 1,
numberOfPostings == -1 ? -1 : numberOfPostings + 1,
numberOfOccurences == -1 ? -1 : numberOfOccurences + 1,
null, // payload
true, // hasCounts
false, // hasPositions,
null, // field
null, // sizes
null // properties
* Converts a long value into a String containing a zero-padded Hex
* representation of the input value. The lexicographic ordering of the
* generated strings is the same as the natural order of the corresponding
* long values.
* @param value the value to convert.
* @return the string representation.
public static final String longToTerm(long value) {
String valueStr = Long.toHexString(value);
return "0000000000000000".substring(valueStr.length()) + valueStr;
* The file name (under the current directory for this atomic index) which
* stores the principal index.
public static final String HEAD_FILE_NAME = "head";
* The file extension used for the temporary directory where the updated head
* is being built.
public static final String HEAD_NEW_EXT = ".new";
* The file extension used for the temporary directory where the old head
* index is being stored while the newly updated one is being installed.
public static final String HEAD_OLD_EXT = ".old";
* The prefix used for file names (under the current directory for this
* atomic index) for updates to the head index.
public static final String TAIL_FILE_NAME_PREFIX = "tail-";
public static final String DIRECT_TERMS_FILENAME = "direct.terms";
* FIles belonging to teh direct index get this suffix added to their
* basename.
public static final String DIRECT_INDEX_NAME_SUFFIX = "-dir";
* The file name (under the current directory for this atomic index) for the
* directory containing the documents that have been queued for indexing, but
* not yet indexed.
public static final String DOCUMENTS_QUEUE_FILE_NAME = "queued-documents";
/** The initial size of the term map. */
private static final int INITIAL_TERM_MAP_SIZE = 1024;
* A marker value that gets queued to indicate a request to
* write the in-RAM data to a new index batch.
private static final GATEDocument DUMP_BATCH = new GATEDocument(){};
* A marker value that gets queued to indicate a request to combine all the
* on-disk batches into a new head.
private static final GATEDocument COMPACT_INDEX = new GATEDocument(){};
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AtomicIndex.class);
protected static final PatternFilenameFilter TAILS_FILENAME_FILTER =
new PatternFilenameFilter("\\Q" + TAIL_FILE_NAME_PREFIX + "\\E\\d+");
* The name of this atomic index.
protected String name;
* The directory where this atomic index stores its files.
protected File indexDirectory;
* The term processor used to process the feature values being indexed.
protected TermProcessor termProcessor = null;
* The size (number of terms) for the longest document indexed but not yet
* saved.
protected int maxDocSizeInRAM = -1;
* The number of occurrences represented in RAM and not yet written to disk.
protected long occurrencesInRAM = 0;
* The {@link MimirIndex} that this atomic index is a member of.
protected MimirIndex parent;
* A list containing the head and tails of this index.
protected List<MG4JIndex> batches;
* The cluster-view of all the MG4J indexes that are part of this index (i.e.
* the head and all the tails).
protected Index invertedIndex;
* The direct index for this atomic index. If
* <code>{@link #hasDirectIndex()}</code> is false, then this index will be
* <code>null</code>.
protected Index directIndex;
* A set of properties added to the ones obtained from the index writer when
* writing out batches.
protected Properties additionalProperties;
* A set of properties added to the ones obtained from the direct index writer
* when writing out batches.
protected Properties additionalDirectProperties;
* Is the direct indexing enabled? Direct indexes are used to find terms
* occurring in given documents. This is the reverse operation to the typical
* search, which finds documents containing a given a set of terms.
protected boolean hasDirectIndex;
* This map associates direct index terms with their IDs. See the note at the
* top-level javadocs for this class for a discussion on direct and inverted
* term IDs.
protected Object2LongMap<String> directTermIds;
* The terms in the direct index, in the order they were first seen during
* indexing.
protected ObjectBigList<String> directTerms;
* The single thread used to index documents. All writes to the index files
* are done from this thread.
protected Thread indexingThread;
* Documents to be indexed are queued in this queue.
protected BlockingQueue<GATEDocument> inputQueue;
* Documents that have been indexed are passed on to this queue.
protected BlockingQueue<GATEDocument> outputQueue;
* The position of the current (or most-recently used) token in the current
* document.
protected int tokenPosition;
* A mutable string used to create instances of MutableString on the cheap.
protected MutableString currentTerm;
* The number of documents currently stored in RAM.
protected int documentsInRAM;
* An in-memory inverted index that gets dumped to files for each batch.
protected Object2ReferenceOpenHashMap<MutableString, PostingsList> termMap;
* The sizes (numbers of terms) for all the documents indexed in RAM.
protected IntArrayList documentSizesInRAM;
* If a request was made to compress the index (combine all sub-indexes
* into a new head) this value will be non-null. The operation will be
* performed on the indexing thread at the first opportunity. At that point
* this future will complete, and the value will be set back to null.
protected RunnableFuture<Void> compactIndexTask;
* If a request was made to write the in-RAM index data to disk this value
* will be not null. The operation will be performed on the indexing
* thread at the first opportunity. At that point the Future will complete,
* and the value will be set back to null.
protected RunnableFuture<Long> batchWriteTask;
* Creates a new AtomicIndex
* @param parent the {@link MimirIndex} containing this atomic index.
* @param name the name of the sub-index, e.g. <em>token-i</em> or
* <em>mentions-j</em>
* @param indexDirectory the directory where this index should store all its
* files.
* @param hasDirectIndex should a direct index be used?
* @param inputQueue the input queue for documents to be indexed.
* @param outputQueue the output queue for documents that have been indexed.
* @throws IndexException
* @throws IOException
protected AtomicIndex(MimirIndex parent, String name,
boolean hasDirectIndex, TermProcessor termProcessor,
BlockingQueue<GATEDocument> inputQueue,
BlockingQueue<GATEDocument> outputQueue) throws IOException, IndexException {
this.parent = parent; = name;
this.indexDirectory = new File(parent.getIndexDirectory(), name);
this.hasDirectIndex = hasDirectIndex;
this.termProcessor = termProcessor;
this.inputQueue = inputQueue;
this.outputQueue = outputQueue;
this.currentTerm = new MutableString();
this.additionalProperties = new Properties();
// save the term processor
if(hasDirectIndex) {
additionalDirectProperties = new Properties();
* Opens the index and prepares it for indexing and searching.
* @throws IndexException
* @throws IOException
protected void initIndex() throws IOException, IndexException {
// open the index
batches = new ArrayList<AtomicIndex.MG4JIndex>();
if(indexDirectory.exists()) {
// opening an existing index
List<String> batchNames = new ArrayList<String>();
File headDir = new File(indexDirectory, HEAD_FILE_NAME);
if(headDir.exists()) {
Map<Integer, String> tails = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
for(String aTail : indexDirectory.list(TAILS_FILENAME_FILTER)) {
// add the tails in order
// modify internal state
synchronized(this) {
// load all batches, in order
for(String batchName : batchNames) {
} else {
// new index creation
synchronized(this) {
invertedIndex = openInvertedIndexCluster(batches, termProcessor);
// open direct index
if(hasDirectIndex) {
directTerms = new ObjectBigArrayBigList<String>();
directTermIds = new Object2LongAVLTreeMap<String>();
File directTermsFile = new File(indexDirectory, DIRECT_TERMS_FILENAME);
if(directTermsFile.exists()) {
FileLinesCollection fileLines = new FileLinesCollection(
directTermsFile.getAbsolutePath(), "UTF-8");
Iterator<MutableString> termsIter = fileLines.iterator();
long termID = 0;
while(termsIter.hasNext()) {
String term =;
directTermIds.put(term, termID++);
synchronized(this) {
directIndex = openDirectIndexCluster(batches);
* Gets the name of this atomic index. This is used as the file name for the
* directory storing the index files.
* @return
public String getName() {
return name;
* Is a direct index configured for this atomic index.
* @return
public boolean hasDirectIndex(){
return hasDirectIndex;
* Starts a new MG4J batch. First time around this will be the head,
* subsequent calls will start a new tail.
protected void newBatch() {
occurrencesInRAM = 0;
maxDocSizeInRAM = -1;
documentsInRAM = 0;
if(termMap == null) {
termMap = new Object2ReferenceOpenHashMap<MutableString,
} else {
termMap.trim( INITIAL_TERM_MAP_SIZE );
if(documentSizesInRAM == null) {
documentSizesInRAM = new IntArrayList();
} else {
* Writes all the data currently stored in RAM to a new index batch. The first
* batch is the head index, all other batches are tail indexes.
* @throws IOException
* @throws IndexException
* @return the number of occurrences written to disk
protected long writeCurrentBatch() throws IOException, IndexException {
if(documentsInRAM == 0) return 0;
// find the name for the new tail
int tailNo = -1;
File headDir = new File(indexDirectory, HEAD_FILE_NAME);
if(headDir.exists()) {
// we have a head, calculate the tail number for this new tail
String[] existingTails = indexDirectory.list(TAILS_FILENAME_FILTER);
for(String aTail : existingTails) {
int aTailNo = Integer.parseInt(aTail.substring(TAIL_FILE_NAME_PREFIX.length()));
if(aTailNo > tailNo) tailNo = aTailNo;
// Open an index writer for the new tail
String newTailName = tailNo == -1 ? HEAD_FILE_NAME :
(TAIL_FILE_NAME_PREFIX + Integer.toString(tailNo));
File newTailDir = new File(indexDirectory, newTailName);
String mg4jBasename = new File(newTailDir, name).getAbsolutePath();
QuasiSuccinctIndexWriter indexWriter = new QuasiSuccinctIndexWriter(
// write the data from RAM
int numTermsInRAM = termMap.size(); "Generating index for batch " + newTailName +
"; documents: " + documentsInRAM + "; terms:" + numTermsInRAM +
"; occurrences: " + occurrencesInRAM +
" / " + parent.getOccurrencesInRam());
// We write down all term in appearance order in termArray.
final MutableString[] termArray = termMap.keySet().toArray(new MutableString[ numTermsInRAM ]);
// We sort the terms appearing in the batch and write them on disk.
Arrays.quickSort(0, termArray.length,
new IntComparator() {
public int compare(Integer one, Integer other) {
return compare(one.intValue(), other.intValue());
public int compare(int one, int other) {
return termArray[one].compareTo(termArray[other]);
new Swapper() {
public void swap(int one, int other) {
MutableString temp = termArray[one];
termArray[one] = termArray[other];
termArray[other] = temp;
// write the terms, termmap, and bloom filter files
// make sure we can't create a Bloom filter of expected size 0
BloomFilter<Void> termFilter = BloomFilter.create(Math.max(numTermsInRAM, 1));
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(new FastBufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(mg4jBasename + DiskBasedIndex.TERMS_EXTENSION),
64 * 1024),
"UTF-8" ));
for (MutableString t : termArray ) {
t.println( pw );
generateTermMap(new File(mg4jBasename + DiskBasedIndex.TERMS_EXTENSION),
new File(mg4jBasename + DiskBasedIndex.TERMMAP_EXTENSION), null);
// write the bloom filter
new File(mg4jBasename + DocumentalCluster.BLOOM_EXTENSION));
// write the sizes file
File sizesFile = new File(mg4jBasename + DiskBasedIndex.SIZES_EXTENSION);
OutputBitStream sizesStream = new OutputBitStream(sizesFile);
for(int docSize : documentSizesInRAM.elements()) {
// write the actual index
int maxCount = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < numTermsInRAM; i++ ) {
PostingsList postingsList = termMap.get( termArray[ i ] );
if ( maxCount < postingsList.maxCount ) maxCount = postingsList.maxCount;
// write the index properties
try {
Properties properties =;
additionalProperties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.SIZE,
// -1 means unknown
additionalProperties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.MAXDOCSIZE,
additionalProperties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.MAXCOUNT, maxCount );
additionalProperties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.OCCURRENCES,
occurrencesInRAM );
Scan.saveProperties( IOFactory.FILESYSTEM_FACTORY, properties,
mg4jBasename + DiskBasedIndex.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION );
// write stats
PrintStream statsPs = new PrintStream(new File(mg4jBasename +
} catch(ConfigurationException e) {
// this should never happen
throw new IndexException("Error while saving tail properties", e);
if(hasDirectIndex) {
// update parent
long res = occurrencesInRAM;
// clear out internal state, in preparation for the next tail
// merge new tail into index cluster
try {
// modify internal state
synchronized(this) {
invertedIndex = openInvertedIndexCluster(batches, termProcessor);
if(hasDirectIndex) {
directIndex = openDirectIndexCluster(batches);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new IndexException("Could not open the index just written to " +
mg4jBasename , e);
return res;
* Writes the in-RAM data to a new direct index batch.
* @param batchDir
protected void writeDirectIndex(File batchDir)
throws IOException, IndexException {
// The index we are writing is a direct index, so we give it new terms
// which are actually document IDs, and they have posting lists containing
// document IDs, which are actually termIDs.
// The document pointers in RAM are zero-based, so we need to add all the
// documents on disk to this.
long docsOnDisk = 0;
for(MG4JIndex index : batches) {
docsOnDisk += index.invertedIndex.numberOfDocuments;
//1. invert index data in RAM
Object2ReferenceOpenHashMap<MutableString, PostingsList> docMap =
new Object2ReferenceOpenHashMap<MutableString,
MutableString docIdStr = new MutableString();
// make sure all the terms about to be indexed have direct ID
for(MutableString termMS : termMap.keySet()) {
String termString = termMS.toString();
long directTermId = directTermIds.getLong(termString);
if(directTermId == directTermIds.defaultReturnValue()) {
// term not seen before
directTermId = directTerms.size64() -1;
directTermIds.put(termString, directTermId);
// we now read the posting lists for all the terms, in ascending term order
MutableString termMS = new MutableString();
for(long directTermId = 0; directTermId < directTerms.size64(); directTermId++){
String termString = directTerms.get(directTermId);
PostingsList termPostings = termMap.get(termMS);
if(termPostings != null) {
long docPointer = docsOnDisk + termPostings.firstDocumentPointer;
for(int i = 0; i < termPostings.documentPointersDifferential.size(); i++) {
docPointer += termPostings.documentPointersDifferential.get(i);
int count = termPostings.counts.getInt(i);
// convert data to the correct type
// at this point we have term, document, counts so we can write the data
// to the in-RAM direct index
PostingsList docPostings = docMap.get(docIdStr);
if(docPostings == null) {
docPostings = new PostingsList(false);
docMap.put(docIdStr.copy(), docPostings);
// 2. write the data from RAM
String mg4jBasename = new File(batchDir, name +
// copy the default compression flags, and remove positions
Map<Component, Coding> flags = new HashMap<Component, Coding>(
QuasiSuccinctIndexWriter directIndexWriter =
new QuasiSuccinctIndexWriter(
// sort all the docIds
final MutableString[] docArray = docMap.keySet().toArray(new MutableString[ docMap.size() ]);
// We sort the terms appearing in the batch and write them on disk.
Arrays.quickSort(0, docArray.length,
new IntComparator() {
public int compare(Integer one, Integer other) {
return compare(one.intValue(), other.intValue());
public int compare(int one, int other) {
return docArray[one].compareTo(docArray[other]);
new Swapper() {
public void swap(int one, int other) {
MutableString temp = docArray[one];
docArray[one] = docArray[other];
docArray[other] = temp;
BloomFilter<Void> docBloomFilter = BloomFilter.create(docArray.length);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(new FastBufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(mg4jBasename + DiskBasedIndex.TERMS_EXTENSION),
64 * 1024),
"UTF-8" ));
for (MutableString t : docArray ) {
t.println( pw );
generateTermMap(new File(mg4jBasename + DiskBasedIndex.TERMS_EXTENSION),
new File(mg4jBasename + DiskBasedIndex.TERMMAP_EXTENSION), null);
// write the bloom filter
new File(mg4jBasename + DocumentalCluster.BLOOM_EXTENSION));
// write the sizes file
// this is a list of document sizes (directTerms in our case)
File sizesFile = new File(mg4jBasename + DiskBasedIndex.SIZES_EXTENSION);
OutputBitStream sizesStream = new OutputBitStream(sizesFile);
int maxTermSize = -1; // -1 means unknown
//for(MutableString term : termArray) {
for(long directTermId = 0; directTermId < directTerms.size64(); directTermId++){
String termString = directTerms.get(directTermId);
PostingsList termPostings = termMap.get(termMS);
int termSize = termPostings != null ?
(int)termPostings.frequency : 0;
if(termSize > maxTermSize) maxTermSize = termSize;
// write the actual index
int maxCount = 0;
long occurrences = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < docArray.length; i++ ) {
PostingsList postingsList = docMap.get( docArray[ i ] );
if ( maxCount < postingsList.maxCount ) maxCount = postingsList.maxCount;
occurrences += postingsList.occurrences;
// write the index properties
try {
Properties properties =;
additionalDirectProperties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.SIZE,
// -1 means unknown
additionalDirectProperties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.MAXDOCSIZE,
additionalDirectProperties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.MAXCOUNT, maxCount );
additionalDirectProperties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.OCCURRENCES,
Scan.saveProperties( IOFactory.FILESYSTEM_FACTORY, properties,
mg4jBasename + DiskBasedIndex.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION );
// write stats
PrintStream statsPs = new PrintStream(new File(mg4jBasename +
} catch(ConfigurationException e) {
// this should never happen
throw new IndexException("Error while saving tail properties", e);
//update the index-wide direct terms file
File newDirectTermsFile = new File(indexDirectory, DIRECT_TERMS_FILENAME + HEAD_NEW_EXT);
pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FastBufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(newDirectTermsFile), 64 * 1024), "UTF-8" ));
for (String t : directTerms ) {
File directTermsFile = new File(indexDirectory, DIRECT_TERMS_FILENAME);
File oldDirectTermsFile = new File(indexDirectory, DIRECT_TERMS_FILENAME + HEAD_OLD_EXT);
if(!directTermsFile.exists() || directTermsFile.renameTo(oldDirectTermsFile)) {
if(newDirectTermsFile.renameTo(directTermsFile)) {
} else {
throw new IndexException("Unable to save direct terms file");
* Combines all the currently existing batches, generating a new head index.
* @throws IndexException
* @throws IOException
* @throws ConfigurationException
protected void compactIndex() throws IndexException, IOException, ConfigurationException {
File headDirNew = new File(indexDirectory, HEAD_FILE_NAME + HEAD_NEW_EXT);
// make a local copy of the sub-indexes
List<MG4JIndex> indexesToMerge =
new ArrayList<AtomicIndex.MG4JIndex>(batches);
if(!headDirNew.mkdir()) {
throw new IndexException("Could not create new head directory at " +
headDirNew.getAbsolutePath() + "!");
Map<Component,Coding> codingFlags =
String outputBaseName = new File(headDirNew, name).getAbsolutePath();
String[] inputBaseNames = new String[indexesToMerge.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < inputBaseNames.length; i++) {
inputBaseNames[i] = new File(indexesToMerge.get(i).indexDir, name)
try {
new Concatenate(
false, // metadataOnly
true, // skips
// BitStreamIndex.DEFAULT_QUANTUM,
// replaced with optimised automatic calculation
// generate term map
generateTermMap(new File(outputBaseName + DiskBasedIndex.TERMS_EXTENSION),
new File(outputBaseName + DiskBasedIndex.TERMMAP_EXTENSION),
new File(outputBaseName + DocumentalCluster.BLOOM_EXTENSION));
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new IndexException("Exception while combining sub-indexes", e);
if(hasDirectIndex()) {
combineDirectIndexes(indexesToMerge, new File(headDirNew, name +
// update the internal state
synchronized(this) {
// remove the indexes that were merged
// insert the new head at the front of the list
File headDir = new File(indexDirectory, HEAD_FILE_NAME);
File headDirOld = new File(indexDirectory, HEAD_FILE_NAME + HEAD_OLD_EXT);
if(headDir.exists() && headDir.renameTo(headDirOld)){
if(headDirNew.renameTo(headDir)) {
batches.add(0, openSubIndex(HEAD_FILE_NAME));
invertedIndex = openInvertedIndexCluster(batches, termProcessor);
if(hasDirectIndex) {
directIndex =openDirectIndexCluster(batches);
// clean-up: delete old head, used-up tails
if(!gate.util.Files.rmdir(headDirOld)) {
throw new IndexException(
"Could not fully delete old sub-index at: " + headDirOld);
for(MG4JIndex aSubIndex : indexesToMerge) {
if(!aSubIndex.indexDir.equals(headDir)) {
throw new IndexException(
"Could not fully delete old sub-index at: " +
} else {
throw new IndexException("Cold not rename new head at " +
headDirNew.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + headDir);
} else {
throw new IndexException("Cold not rename head at " +
headDir.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + headDirOld);
* Given a set of direct indexes (MG4J indexes, with counts, but no positions,
* that form a lexical cluster) this method produces one single output index
* containing the data from all the input indexes.
* @param inputIndexes
* @param outputBasename
* @throws IOException
* @throws ConfigurationException
protected static void combineDirectIndexes (List<MG4JIndex> inputIndexes,
String outputBasename) throws IOException, ConfigurationException {
long noOfDocuments = 0;
long noOfTerms = 0;
for(MG4JIndex index : inputIndexes) {
noOfDocuments += index.directIndex.numberOfDocuments;
noOfTerms += index.directIndex.numberOfTerms;
// open the output writer
// copy the default compression flags, and remove positions
Map<Component, Coding> flags = new HashMap<Component, Coding>(
QuasiSuccinctIndexWriter outputIndexWriter =
new QuasiSuccinctIndexWriter(
BloomFilter<Void> bloomFilter = BloomFilter.create(noOfTerms);
PrintWriter termsPw = new PrintWriter(
new OutputStreamWriter(new FastBufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(outputBasename + DiskBasedIndex.TERMS_EXTENSION),
64 * 1024),
"UTF-8" ));
// write the index
long occurrences = 0;
int maxCount = 0;
PostingsList postingsList = new PostingsList(false);
for(MG4JIndex inputIndex : inputIndexes) {
IndexReader inputReader = inputIndex.directIndex.getReader();
File directTermsFile = new File(inputIndex.indexDir,
inputIndex.indexName + DIRECT_INDEX_NAME_SUFFIX +
FileLinesCollection.FileLinesIterator termsIter =
new FileLinesCollection(directTermsFile.getAbsolutePath(),
MutableString termMS = null;
IndexIterator inputIterator = inputReader.nextIterator();
while(inputIterator != null && termsIter.hasNext()) {
termMS =;
long docPointer = inputIterator.nextDocument();
while(docPointer != IndexIterator.END_OF_LIST) {
docPointer = inputIterator.nextDocument();
occurrences += postingsList.occurrences;
if ( maxCount < postingsList.maxCount ) maxCount = postingsList.maxCount;
inputIterator = inputReader.nextIterator();
generateTermMap(new File(outputBasename + DiskBasedIndex.TERMS_EXTENSION),
new File(outputBasename + DiskBasedIndex.TERMMAP_EXTENSION), null);
// write the bloom filter
new File(outputBasename + DocumentalCluster.BLOOM_EXTENSION));
// direct indexes don't store positions, so sizes are not needed
// write the index properties
Properties properties =;
properties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.SIZE,
// -1 means unknown
properties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.MAXDOCSIZE, -1);
properties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.MAXCOUNT, maxCount );
properties.setProperty( Index.PropertyKeys.OCCURRENCES, occurrences);
Scan.saveProperties( IOFactory.FILESYSTEM_FACTORY, properties,
outputBasename + DiskBasedIndex.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION );
// write stats
PrintStream statsPs = new PrintStream(new File(outputBasename +
* Instructs this index to dump to disk all the in-RAM index data at the fist
* opportunity.
* @return a {@link Future} value that, upon completion, will return the
* number of occurrences written to disk.
* @throws InterruptedException if this thread is interrupted while trying to
* queue the dump request.
public Future<Long> requestSyncToDisk() throws InterruptedException {
if(batchWriteTask == null) {
batchWriteTask = new FutureTask<Long>(new Callable<Long>() {
public Long call() throws Exception {
return writeCurrentBatch();
return batchWriteTask;
* Requests this atomic index to compact its on-disk batches into a single
* batch.
* @return a {@link Future} which can be used to find out when the compaction
* operation has completed.
* @throws InterruptedException if this thread is interrupted while trying to
* queue the compaction request.
public Future<Void> requestCompactIndex() throws InterruptedException {
if(compactIndexTask == null) {
compactIndexTask = new FutureTask<Void>(new Callable<Void>(){
public Void call() throws Exception {
return null;
return compactIndexTask;
* Opens one sub-index, specified as a directory inside this Atomic Index's
* index directory.
* @param subIndexDirname
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws IndexException
protected MG4JIndex openSubIndex(String subIndexDirname) throws IOException, IndexException {
Index invertedIndex = null;
File subIndexDir = new File(indexDirectory, subIndexDirname);
String mg4jBasename = new File(subIndexDir, name).getAbsolutePath();
try {
invertedIndex = Index.getInstance(
mg4jBasename + "?" + + "=1;",
true, true);
} catch(IOException e) {
// memory mapping failed"Memory mapping failed for index " + mg4jBasename
+ ". Loading as file index instead");
// now try to open it as a plain an on-disk index
invertedIndex = Index.getInstance(mg4jBasename, true, true);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new IndexException("Could not open the sub-index at" + mg4jBasename , e);
//read the Bloom filter
File bloomFile = new File(mg4jBasename + DocumentalCluster.BLOOM_EXTENSION);
BloomFilter<Void> invertedTermFilter = null;
try {
if(bloomFile.exists()) {
invertedTermFilter = (BloomFilter<Void>) BinIO.loadObject(bloomFile);
} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
// this should never happen. If it does, it's not fatal
logger.warn("Exception wile loading stre Bloom Filter", e);
Index directIndex = null;
BloomFilter<Void> directTermFilter = null;
if(hasDirectIndex) {
// open direct index
mg4jBasename = new File(subIndexDir, name +
try {
directIndex = Index.getInstance(
mg4jBasename + "?" + + "=1;",
true, false);
} catch(IOException e) {
// memory mapping failed"Memory mapping failed for index " + mg4jBasename
+ ". Loading as file index instead");
// now try to open it as a plain an on-disk index
directIndex = Index.getInstance(mg4jBasename, true, false);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new IndexException("Could not open the sub-index at" + mg4jBasename , e);
//read the Bloom filter
bloomFile = new File(mg4jBasename + DocumentalCluster.BLOOM_EXTENSION);
try {
if(bloomFile.exists()) {
directTermFilter = (BloomFilter<Void>) BinIO.loadObject(bloomFile);
} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
// this should never happen. If it does, it's not fatal
logger.warn("Exception wile loading stre Bloom Filter", e);
MG4JIndex newIndexData = new MG4JIndex(subIndexDir, name,
invertedIndex, invertedTermFilter,
directIndex, directTermFilter);
return newIndexData;
* Runnable implementation: the logic of this run method is simply indexing
* documents queued to the input queue. To stop it, send a
* {@link GATEDocument#END_OF_QUEUE} value to the input queue.
public void run() {
indexingThread = Thread.currentThread();
GATEDocument aDocument;
// start in-RAM indexing
if(inputQueue != null) {
aDocument = inputQueue.take();
if(aDocument != GATEDocument.END_OF_QUEUE) {
if(aDocument == DUMP_BATCH) {
//dump batch was requested
if(batchWriteTask != null){;
batchWriteTask = null;
} else if(aDocument == COMPACT_INDEX) {
// compress index was requested
if(compactIndexTask != null) {;
compactIndexTask = null;
} else {
try {
long occurencesBefore = occurrencesInRAM;
aDocument.addOccurrences(occurrencesInRAM - occurencesBefore);
} catch(Throwable e) {
logger.error("Problem while indexing document!", e);
} else {
// close down
if(aDocument != DUMP_BATCH && aDocument != COMPACT_INDEX) {
} while(aDocument != GATEDocument.END_OF_QUEUE);
}catch(InterruptedException e) {
} catch(Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception during indexing!", e);
throw new GateRuntimeException("Exception during indexing!", e);
} finally {
indexingThread = null;
* Closes all file-based resources.
* @throws IOException
abstract protected void flush() throws IOException;
* Notifies this index to stop its indexing operations, and waits for all data
* to be written.
* @throws InterruptedException is the waiting thread is interrupted before
* the indexing thread has finished writing all the data.
public void close() throws InterruptedException {
if(indexingThread != null) {
* Hook for subclasses, called before processing the annotations
* for this document. The default implementation is a no-op.
protected void documentStarting(GATEDocument gateDocument) throws IndexException {
* Hook for subclasses, called after annotations for this document
* have been processed. The default implementation is a no-op.
protected void documentEnding(GATEDocument gateDocument) throws IndexException {
* Get the annotations that are to be processed for a document,
* in increasing order of offset.
protected abstract Annotation[] getAnnotsToProcess(
GATEDocument gateDocument) throws IndexException;
* Calculate the starting position for the given annotation, storing
* it in {@link #tokenPosition}. The starting position is the
* index of the token within the document where the annotation starts,
* and <em>must</em> be >= the previous value of tokenPosition.
* @param ann
* @param gateDocument
protected abstract void calculateStartPositionForAnnotation(Annotation ann,
GATEDocument gateDocument) throws IndexException;
* Determine the string (or strings, if there are alternatives) that should
* be stored in the index for the given annotation.
* If a single string value should be returned, it is more efficient to store
* the value in {@link #currentTerm}, in which case <code>null</code> should
* be returned instead.
* If the current term should not be indexed (e.g. it's a stop word), then
* the implementation should return an empty String array.
* @param ann
* @param gateDocument
protected abstract String[] calculateTermStringForAnnotation(Annotation ann,
GATEDocument gateDocument) throws IndexException;
* Adds the supplied document to the in-RAM index.
* @param gateDocument the document to index
* @throws IndexException
protected void processDocument(GATEDocument gateDocument) throws IndexException{
//zero document related counters
tokenPosition = 0;
//get the annotations to be processed
Annotation[] annotsToProcess = getAnnotsToProcess(gateDocument);
logger.debug("Starting document "
+ gateDocument.getDocument().getName() + ". "
+ annotsToProcess.length + " annotations to process");
try {
//process the annotations one by one.
for(Annotation ann : annotsToProcess){
processAnnotation(ann, gateDocument);
// the current document is finished
int docLength = tokenPosition + 1;
if(docLength > maxDocSizeInRAM) maxDocSizeInRAM = docLength;
} finally {
* Indexes one annotation (either a Token or a semantic annotation).
* @param ann the annotation to be indexed
* @param gateDocument the GATEDocument containing the annotation
* @throws IndexException
* @throws IOException
protected void processAnnotation(Annotation ann,
GATEDocument gateDocument) throws IndexException {
// calculate the position and string for this annotation
calculateStartPositionForAnnotation(ann, gateDocument);
String[] terms = calculateTermStringForAnnotation(ann, gateDocument);
if(terms == null){
//the value was already stored in #currentTerm by the implementation.
}else if(terms.length == 0){
//we received an empty array -> we should NOT index the current term
//we have received multiple values from the implementation
for(String aTerm : terms){
currentTerm.replace(aTerm == null ? "" : aTerm);
* Adds the value in {@link #currentTerm} to the index.
* @throws IOException
protected void indexCurrentTerm() {
//check if we have seen this mention before
PostingsList termPostings = termMap.get(currentTerm);
if(termPostings == null){
//new term -> create a new postings list.
termMap.put( currentTerm.copy(), termPostings = new PostingsList(true));
//add the current posting to the current postings list
// In a documental cluster, each sub-index is zero-based. This is why we use
// the local document pointer here.
//this is needed so that we don't increment the number of occurrences
//for duplicate values.
} else {
logger.debug("Duplicate position");
* Gets the top level directory for this atomic index. This will be a
* directory contained in the top level directory of the {@link MimirIndex}
* which includes this atomic index.
* @return
public File getIndexDirectory() {
return indexDirectory;
* Gets the top level {@link MimirIndex} to which this atomic index belongs.
* @return
public MimirIndex getParent() {
return parent;
* Gets the input queue used by this atomic index. This queue is used to
* submit documents for indexing.
* @return
public BlockingQueue<GATEDocument> getInputQueue() {
return inputQueue;
* Gets the output queue used by this atomic index. This is used to
* "return" documents that have finished indexing. Notably, values
* in this queue will have their occurrences value (see
* {@link GATEDocument#getOccurrences()}) increased by the number of
* occurrences generated by indexing the document in this atomic index.
* @return
public BlockingQueue<GATEDocument> getOutputQueue() {
return outputQueue;
* Gets the inverted index (an {@link Index} value) that can be used to
* search this atomic index. This will normally be a
* {@link DocumentalCluster} view over all the batches contained.
* @return
public Index getIndex() {
return invertedIndex;
* Gets the direct index for this atomic index. The returned value is
* <code>non-null</code> only if the atomic index was configured to have a
* direct index upon its construction (see
* {@link #AtomicIndex(MimirIndex, String, File, boolean, TermProcessor, BlockingQueue, BlockingQueue)}.).
* You can check if a direct index has been configured by calling
* {@link #hasDirectIndex()}.
* @return an Index in which terms and documents are reversed. When querying
* the returned index, the "terms" provided should be String
* representations of document IDs (as produced by {@link #longToTerm(long)}).
* The search results is a set of "document IDs", which are actually
* term IDs. The actual term string corresponding to the returned term IDs can
* be obtained by calling {@link #getDirectTerm(long)}.
public Index getDirectIndex() {
return directIndex;
* Gets the term string for a given direct term ID. The term ID must have been
* obtained from the direct index of this index.
* @param termId the ID for the term being sought.
* @return the string for the given term.
public CharSequence getDirectTerm(long termId) {
return directTerms.get(termId);
* Gets the list of direct terms for this index. The terms are sorted by the
* first they were seen, and <strong>not</strong> lexicographically.
* @return
public ObjectBigList<? extends CharSequence> getDirectTerms() {
return directTerms;
* Gets the occurrence count in the whole index for a given direct term,
* specified by a direct term ID (which must have been obtained from the
* direct index of this index).
* @param directTermId
* @return
* @throws IOException
public long getDirectTermOccurenceCount(long directTermId) throws IOException {
String termStr = directTerms.get(directTermId);
// we need to sum up all the counts for this term in the inverted index
long count = 0;
IndexIterator idxItr = invertedIndex.documents(termStr);
long docId = idxItr.nextDocument();
while(docId != IndexIterator.END_OF_LIST) {
count += idxItr.count();
docId = idxItr.nextDocument();
return count;
* Returns the number of batches in this atomic index.
* @return
public int getBatchCount() {
return batches.size();