* OriginalMarkupMetadataHelper.java
* Copyright (c) 2007-2011, The University of Sheffield.
* This file is part of GATE MÃmir (see http://gate.ac.uk/family/mimir.html),
* and is free software, licenced under the GNU Lesser General Public License,
* Version 3, June 2007 (also included with this distribution as file
* LICENCE-LGPL3.html).
* Valentin Tablan, 7 Oct 2009
* $Id: OriginalMarkupMetadataHelper.java 17321 2014-02-17 11:11:40Z valyt $
package gate.mimir.index;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import gate.Annotation;
import gate.AnnotationSet;
import gate.GateConstants;
import gate.mimir.DocumentMetadataHelper;
import gate.mimir.DocumentRenderer;
import gate.mimir.search.query.Binding;
* An implementation of {@link DocumentMetadataHelper} and
* {@link DocumentRenderer} that imports relevant markup tags from the indexed
* document's original markups annotation set, saves them as document metadata
* in the zip collection, and then uses these saved values to render the
* document at search time.
* The metadata saved by this class is stored in the main document metadata map
* using this class's name as a key. The value save is itself a Map, with
* multiple metadata fields.
public class OriginalMarkupMetadataHelper implements DocumentMetadataHelper,
DocumentRenderer {
* Creates a new document helper/renderer.
* @param markupAnnTypes the types of annotations from the original markups
* set that should be saved as document metadata (and used for rendering
* documents). If the value given for this parameter is <code>null</code>,
* then the default set of tags is used (see {@link #DEFAULT_TAG_TYPES}).
public OriginalMarkupMetadataHelper(Set<String> markupAnnTypes) {
if(markupAnnTypes == null){
markupAnnTypes = new HashSet<String>();
for(String aTag : DEFAULT_TAG_TYPES) markupAnnTypes.add(aTag);
this.markupAnnTypes = markupAnnTypes;
* Renders a document, using the saved original markup tags, and adding tags
* for the provided query hits. This will generate HTML (XML, XHTML, etc)
* content by printing out the document tokens, spaces, and tags.
* @param documentData the {@link DocumentData} object for the document to be
* rendered.
* @param hits the list of hits that need to also be rendered.
* @param output a {@link Appendable} to which the output is written.
* @see gate.mimir.DocumentRenderer#render(gate.mimir.index.DocumentData, java.util.List, java.lang.Appendable)
public void render(DocumentData documentData, List<Binding> hits,
Appendable output) throws IOException {
String[] tokens = documentData.getTokens();
String[] nonTokens = documentData.getNonTokens();
DocumentTags docTags = (DocumentTags)getMetadataField(documentData, TAGS_KEY);
//tags that have been opened and need to close:
//key = token offset for close tag
//value: list of tag IDs that end at that location
SortedMap<Integer, LinkedList<String>> spansToEnd =
new TreeMap<Integer, LinkedList<String>>();
Iterator<int[]> tagIter = docTags.tags != null ?
docTags.tags.iterator() : null;
int[] currentTag = (tagIter != null && tagIter.hasNext()) ?
tagIter.next() : null;
Iterator<Binding> hitIter = hits != null ? hits.iterator() : null;
Binding currentHit = (hitIter != null && hitIter.hasNext()) ?
hitIter.next() : null;
for(int tokIdx = 0; tokIdx < tokens.length; tokIdx++){
if(docTags != null){
//check if we need to open any tags here
while((currentTag != null && currentTag[1] == tokIdx) ||
(currentHit != null && currentHit.getTermPosition() == tokIdx)){
//we need to open a tag or a hit
if(currentTag != null && currentTag[1] == tokIdx &&
currentHit != null && currentHit.getTermPosition() == tokIdx){
//we have both a tag and a hit, starting at the same position
//we start the one that ends later, with a preference for a tag
//(as hits should be inner-most)
if(currentTag[2] >= (currentHit.getTermPosition() + currentHit.getLength())){
//consume the TAG
String openingTag = docTags.tagDescriptors.get(currentTag[0]);
String closingTag = getClosingTag(openingTag);
if(currentTag[2] == -1) {
// zero-length tag
} else {
LinkedList<String> spans = spansToEnd.get(currentTag[2]);
if(spans == null){
spans = new LinkedList<String>();
spansToEnd.put(currentTag[2], spans);
//consume the tag
currentTag = (tagIter != null && tagIter.hasNext()) ?
tagIter.next() : null;
//consume the HIT
int spanEnd = currentHit.getTermPosition() + currentHit.getLength() -1;
LinkedList<String> spans = spansToEnd.get(spanEnd);
if(spans == null){
spans = new LinkedList<String>();
spansToEnd.put(spanEnd, spans);
//consume the hit
currentHit = (hitIter != null && hitIter.hasNext()) ?
hitIter.next() : null;
}else if(currentTag != null && currentTag[1] == tokIdx){
//we only have a TAG to use
String openingTag = docTags.tagDescriptors.get(currentTag[0]);
String closingTag = getClosingTag(openingTag);
if(currentTag[2] == -1) {
// zero-length tag
} else {
LinkedList<String> spans = spansToEnd.get(currentTag[2]);
if(spans == null){
spans = new LinkedList<String>();
spansToEnd.put(currentTag[2], spans);
//consume the tag
currentTag = (tagIter != null && tagIter.hasNext()) ?
tagIter.next() : null;
//we only have a HIT to use
int spanEnd = currentHit.getTermPosition() + currentHit.getLength() -1;
LinkedList<String> spans = spansToEnd.get(spanEnd);
if(spans == null){
spans = new LinkedList<String>();
spansToEnd.put(spanEnd, spans);
//consume the hit
currentHit = (hitIter != null && hitIter.hasNext()) ?
hitIter.next() : null;
//write the token
//check if we need to close any spans here
while(spansToEnd.size() > 0 && spansToEnd.firstKey() == tokIdx){
LinkedList<String> closingTags = spansToEnd.remove(spansToEnd.firstKey());
for(String aTag : closingTags){
//write the non-token, if any
if(tokIdx < nonTokens.length) output.append(nonTokens[tokIdx]);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see gate.mimir.index.DocumentMetadataHelper#documentEnd(gate.Document, gate.mimir.index.mg4j.zipcollection.DocumentData)
public void documentEnd(GATEDocument document, DocumentData documentData) {
//here we need to store the relevant markup as a metadata field
DocumentTags documentTags = new DocumentTags();
//a list of annotations to save
AnnotationSet omSet = document.getDocument().getAnnotations(
AnnotationSet tagsSet = null;
synchronized(omSet) {
tagsSet = omSet.get(markupAnnTypes);
List<Annotation> tagsToSave = new ArrayList<Annotation>(tagsSet);
Collections.sort(tagsToSave, new StartComparator());
//a structure holding the tags that need to be closed.
//key (long): the document offset where the tag should close
//value (int): the index in the tags array of the current document metadata
SortedMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>> tagsToEnd =
new TreeMap<Long, LinkedList<Integer>>();
Annotation[] tokens = document.getTokenAnnots();
Iterator<Annotation> tagsiter = tagsToSave.iterator();
Annotation currentTag = tagsiter.hasNext() ? tagsiter.next() : null;
long tagStart = currentTag == null ? -1 : currentTag.getStartNode().getOffset();
long tagEnd = currentTag == null ? -1 : currentTag.getEndNode().getOffset();
for(int tokIdx = 0; tokIdx < tokens.length; tokIdx++) {
long tokStart = tokens[tokIdx].getStartNode().getOffset();
long tokEnd = tokens[tokIdx].getEndNode().getOffset();
//see if there are any tags to close at this offset
while(tagsToEnd.size() > 0 && tagsToEnd.firstKey() <= tokStart){
//get all tags ending inside the previous token or the space before the
//current token
LinkedList<Integer> tags = tagsToEnd.remove(tagsToEnd.firstKey());
for(int aTag : tags){
documentTags.tags.get(aTag)[2] = tokIdx -1;
//see if we need to save any tags at this offset
while(currentTag != null){
if(tagStart < tokEnd){
//the current tag starts within the current token
int tagDescId = getTagId(currentTag, documentTags);
documentTags.tags.add(new int[]{tagDescId, tokIdx, -1});
if(tagEnd <= tokStart){
// the tag starts and ends before the current token starts, so it's
// either zero-length, or whitespace-only
// leave the end position as -1.
} else {
// not a zero-length tag,
// so we'll need to find the closing position later
LinkedList<Integer> tagsEnding = tagsToEnd.get(tagEnd);
if(tagsEnding == null){
tagsEnding = new LinkedList<Integer>();
tagsToEnd.put(tagEnd, tagsEnding);
tagsEnding.addFirst(documentTags.tags.size() -1);
//update the current tag
currentTag = tagsiter.hasNext() ? tagsiter.next() : null;
tagStart = currentTag == null ? -1 : currentTag.getStartNode().getOffset();
tagEnd = currentTag == null ? -1 : currentTag.getEndNode().getOffset();
//current tag not inside the current token yet.
}//while currentTag != null
}//for tokens
while(tagsToEnd.size() > 0){
//we did not close all tags yet
int tokIdx = tokens.length -1;
LinkedList<Integer> tags = tagsToEnd.remove(tagsToEnd.firstKey());
for(int aTag : tags){
documentTags.tags.get(aTag)[2] = tokIdx;
while(currentTag != null){
//we did not exhaust all tags, we'll assign all remaining tags to the last
int tokIdx = tokens.length -1;
int tagDescId = getTagId(currentTag, documentTags);
documentTags.tags.add(new int[]{tagDescId, tokIdx, tokIdx});
//update the current tag
currentTag = tagsiter.hasNext() ? tagsiter.next() : null;
tagStart = currentTag == null ? -1 : currentTag.getStartNode().getOffset();
tagEnd = currentTag == null ? -1 : currentTag.getEndNode().getOffset();
addMetadataField(documentData, TAGS_KEY, documentTags);
* Adds a new field to the metadata map saved by this class.
* @param key
* @param value
protected void addMetadataField(DocumentData documentData, String key,
Serializable value){
HashMap<String, Serializable> myMetadata =
(HashMap<String, Serializable>)documentData.getMetadataField(
if(myMetadata == null){
//this is the first time - let's add the map.
myMetadata = new HashMap<String, Serializable>();
documentData.putMetadataField(getClass().getName(), myMetadata);
myMetadata.put(key, value);
* Gets a metadata field value from the metadata map saved by this class.
* @param key
* @param value
protected Serializable getMetadataField(DocumentData documentData, String key){
HashMap<String, Serializable> myMetadata =
(HashMap<String, Serializable>)documentData.getMetadataField(
return myMetadata == null ? null : myMetadata.get(key);
* Calculates the closing tag for a given opening tag.
* @param openingTag
* @return
protected static String getClosingTag(String openingTag){
StringBuilder closeTag = new StringBuilder("</");
//are we inside the name?
boolean inName = false;
for(int charIdx = 0; charIdx < openingTag.length(); charIdx++){
char currentChar = openingTag.charAt(charIdx);
//we're consuming non-space or > characters
if(currentChar == ' ' || currentChar == '>'){
//we're done!
//we're looking for the opening <
if(currentChar == '<') inName = true;
return closeTag.toString();
* Gets the ID in the current list of tag descriptors for a given annotation
* @param ann
* @return
protected int getTagId(Annotation ann, DocumentTags documentMetadata){
StringBuilder tagDesc = new StringBuilder("<");
List<String> featNames = new ArrayList<String>();
for(Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : ann.getFeatures().entrySet()){
if((entry.getKey() instanceof String) && (entry.getValue() != null)){
for(String featName : featNames){
String featValue = ann.getFeatures().get(featName).toString().replace("\"", """);
tagDesc.append(' ');
return documentMetadata.getTagDescriptorIndex(tagDesc.toString());
* Returns the tag name that should be used to represent the given
* annotation. This implementation simply returns the (trimmed)
* annotation type, but subclasses may implement a more sophisticated
* mapping.
* @param ann an annotation
* @return the tag name that should be used to represent the annotation
protected String tagNameForAnnotation(Annotation ann) {
return ann.getType().trim();
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see gate.mimir.index.DocumentMetadataHelper#documentStart(gate.Document)
public void documentStart(GATEDocument document) {
//we do nothing here
public static final String TAGS_KEY = "tags";
* The names of the original tags that should be preserved as
* document metadata in the zip collection, and used for rendering documents.
public static final String[] DEFAULT_TAG_TYPES = new String[]{
"b", "div", "i", "li", "ol", "p", "span", "sup", "sub", "table", "th", "td", "tr", "u", "ul"};
* The tag used to mark-up query hits (opening tag).
public static final String HIT_OPENING_TAG = "<span class=\"mimir-hit\">";
* The tag used to mark-up query hits (closing tag).
public static final String HIT_CLOSING_TAG = "</span>";
* The types of annotations to be saved as markup metadata.
private Set<String> markupAnnTypes;
* An object storing a list of tags (obtained from the original markup) that
* should be saved as document metadata. They are stored as triples of int
* values:
* <ol>
* <li>the index in the {@link #tagDescriptors} array for the tag</li>
* <li>the start offset for the tag (in terms of token position);</li>
* <li>the end offset for the tag (in terms of token position); That is the
* position of the last token that is part of this tag. Zero-length tags
* are represented by setting this position to -1.</li>
* </ol>
protected static class DocumentTags implements Serializable{
* Serialisation UID
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5449290166356815305L;
public DocumentTags(){
tagDescriptorsSet = new HashSet<String>();
tagDescriptors = new ArrayList<String>();
tags = new ArrayList<int[]>();
* Gets the index in the {@link #tagDescriptors} list for a given tag
* descriptor. If no such descriptor is known, then a new one is added to
* the {@link #tagDescriptors} list and its index is returned.
* @param tagDescriptor
* @return
public int getTagDescriptorIndex(String tagDescriptor){
return tagDescriptors.size() -1;
return tagDescriptors.indexOf(tagDescriptor);
public String toString() {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
boolean first = true;
for(int[] aTag : tags) {
if(first) first = false;
else str.append(' ');
return str.toString();
* A set used internally to ensure uniqueness of the tag descriptors.
private transient Set<String> tagDescriptorsSet;
* A list of strings storing tag descriptors that are used to reduce the
* size of data stored as metadata.
private List<String> tagDescriptors;
* A list of tags that are to be stored as document metadata. Each element
* is an array if 3 ints:
* <ol>
* <li>the index in the {@link #tagDescriptors} array for the tag</li>
* <li>the start offset for the tag (in terms of token position);</li>
* <li>the end offset for the tag (in terms of token position);</li>
* </ol>
* This list is ordered based on the start offset, end offset and ID of the
* GATE annotations from which it was constructed, so that the tags should
* appear in the correct document order.
private List<int[]> tags;
* Compares annotation by start offset, end offset, and ID. Can be used to
* sort a list of markup tags in [a good approximation of] document order with
* regard to their starting position.
protected static class StartComparator implements Comparator<Annotation>{
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.util.Comparator#compare(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
public int compare(Annotation ann1, Annotation ann2) {
long start1 = ann1.getStartNode().getOffset();
long start2 = ann2.getStartNode().getOffset();
if(start1 < start2){
return -1;
} else if(start1 > start2){
return 1;
//same start offset
long end1 = ann1.getEndNode().getOffset();
long end2 = ann2.getEndNode().getOffset();
if(end1 < end2){
//first annotation ends sooner, so should start later
return 1;
}else if(end1 > end2){
return -1;
//same end offset too -> used ann ID
return ann1.getId() - ann2.getId();