Getting Started and Usage Examples

Basic Operations

Create a new document within Python from a given string, set a document feature and add an annotation that spans the whole document to the default annotation set:

from gatenlp import Document

# Create the document
doc1 = Document("This is the text of the document.")

# set a document feature
doc1.features["purpose"] = "simple illustration of gatenlp basics"

# get the default annotation set
defset = doc1.annset()

# add an annotation that spans the whole document, no features
defset.add(0, len(doc1), "Document", {})

Now save the document in bdocjson format and load back from the saved document:

# save the document in bdocjson format, this can be read into Java GATE
# using the format-bdoc plugin."testdoc.bdocjs")
# Read back the document
doc2 = Document.load("testdoc.bdocjs")

# print the json representation of the loaded document
{"annotation_sets": {"": {"name": "", "annotations": [{"type": "Document", "start": 0, "end": 33, "id": 0, "features": {}}], "next_annid": 1}}, "text": "This is the text of the document.", "features": {"purpose": "simple illustration of gatenlp basics"}, "offset_type": "p", "name": ""}

Tokenize and create annotations for the tokens using a NLTK tokenizer:

from gatenlp.processing.tokenizer import NLTKTokenizer
from nltk.tokenize import TreebankWordTokenizer

nltk_tok = TreebankWordTokenizer()
ann_tok = NLTKTokenizer(nltk_tokenizer=nltk_tok, outset_name="NLTK")
doc1 = ann_tok(doc1)

Get all the annotation for the NLTK tokens which are in annotation set “NLTK”:

# get the annotation set with the name "NLTK" and print the number of annotations
set_nltk = doc1.annset("NLTK")
print("NLTK set length:", len(set_nltk))

# get only annotations of annotation type "Token" from the set and print the number of annotations
# since there are no other annotations in the original set, the number should be the same
set_tokens = set_nltk.with_type("Token")
print("Number of Token annotations: ", len(set_tokens))

# print all the annotations in order
for ann in set_tokens:

NLTK set length: 8
Number of Token annotations:  8

The annotation set set_nltk is an original annotation set and reflects directly what is stored with the document: it is an “attached” annotation set. Adding or removing annotations in that set will change what is stored with the document.

On the other hand, the annotation set set_tokens is the result of a filtering operation and is “detached”. By default it is immutable, it cannot be modified. It can be made mutable, but when annotations are then added or removed from the set, this will not change what is stored with the document.

# check if the set_nltk is detached
print("set_nltk is detached: ", set_nltk.isdetached())  # no it is attached! 
print("set_nltk is immutable: ", set_nltk.immutable )  # no
# add an annotation to the set

# check if the set_tokens is detached
print("set_tokens is detached: ", set_tokens.isdetached())  # yes!
# check if it is immutable as well
print("set_tokens is immutable: ", set_tokens.immutable )  # yes
except Exception as ex:
    print("Error:", ex)
# ok, let's make the set mutable and add the annotation
set_tokens.immutable = False

print("set_nltk: size=", len(set_nltk), ", annotation:", set_nltk)
print("set_tokens: size=", len(set_tokens), ", annotations: ",   set_tokens)
set_nltk is detached:  False
set_nltk is immutable:  False
set_tokens is detached:  True
set_tokens is immutable:  True
Error: Cannot add an annotation to an immutable annotation set
set_nltk: size= 9 , annotation: AnnotationSet([Annotation(0,4,Token,features=Features({}),id=0), Annotation(3,5,New1,features=Features({}),id=8), Annotation(5,7,Token,features=Features({}),id=1), Annotation(8,11,Token,features=Features({}),id=2), Annotation(12,16,Token,features=Features({}),id=3), Annotation(17,19,Token,features=Features({}),id=4), Annotation(20,23,Token,features=Features({}),id=5), Annotation(24,32,Token,features=Features({}),id=6), Annotation(32,33,Token,features=Features({}),id=7)])
set_tokens: size= 9 , annotations:  AnnotationSet([Annotation(0,4,Token,features=Features({}),id=0), Annotation(5,7,Token,features=Features({}),id=1), Annotation(5,7,New2,features=Features({}),id=8), Annotation(8,11,Token,features=Features({}),id=2), Annotation(12,16,Token,features=Features({}),id=3), Annotation(17,19,Token,features=Features({}),id=4), Annotation(20,23,Token,features=Features({}),id=5), Annotation(24,32,Token,features=Features({}),id=6), Annotation(32,33,Token,features=Features({}),id=7)])

Adding the annotation with type “New1” to set_nltk actually stored the annotation with the document, but did not affect the filtered set set_tokens, and adding the annotation with type “New2” to the filtered set did not affect the set stored with the document.

The document and document features and the annotation sets and annotation as well as their features can be shown in a Jupyter notebook by simply showing a document value:


By checking an annotation type, the corresponding annotations are marked in the document text. Clicking on a marked annotation shows the annotation features instead of the document features in the bottom pane. To show the document features again, click the “Document:” header above the document text. If a location is clicked where more than one overlapping annotation is marked, a popup window is shown from which the annotation has to be selected for which to show the features.

# cleanup the document file we created
import os

Notebook last updated

import gatenlp
print("NB last updated with gatenlp version", gatenlp.__version__)
NB last updated with gatenlp version 1.0.8a1