Module gatenlp.document

Module that implements the Document class for representing gatenlp documents with features and annotation sets.

Expand source code
Module that implements the Document class for representing gatenlp documents with
features and annotation sets.

from typing import Callable, Union, List
import logging
import importlib
from typing import Iterable
import copy as lib_copy
from gatenlp.annotation_set import AnnotationSet
from gatenlp.annotation import Annotation
from gatenlp.offsetmapper import OffsetMapper, OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON, OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA
from gatenlp.features import Features
from gatenlp.utils import in_notebook, in_colab
from gatenlp.changelog import ChangeLog

from gatenlp.changelog_consts import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Document:
    Represent a GATE document. This is different from the original Java GATE representation in
    several ways:

    * the text is not mutable and can only be set at creation time, so there is no "edit" method

    * as a feature bearer, all the methods to set, get and manipulate features are part of this
      class, there is
      no separate "FeatureMap" to store them

    * does not support listener callbacks
    * there is no separate abstraction for "content", the only content possible is text which
      is a unicode string that can be acessed with the "text()" method
    * Spans of text can be directly accessed using doc[from:to]
    * Features may only have string keys and values which can be json-serialised
    * Annotation offsets by default are number of Unicde code points, this is different from Java
      where the offsets are UTF-16 Unicode code units
    * Offsets of all annotations can be changed from/to Java (from python index of unicode
      codepoint to Java index of UTF-16 code unit and back)
    * No part of the document has to be present, not even the text (this allows saving just
      the annotations separately from the text)
    * Once the text has been set, it is immutable (no support to edit text and change annotation
      offsets accordingly)

        text: the text of the document. The text can be None to indicate that no initial text
          should be set. Once the text has been set for a document, it is immutable and cannot
          be changed.
      features: the initial document features to set, a sequence of key/value tuples
      changelog: a ChangeLog instance to use to log changes.

    def __init__(self, text: str = None, features=None, changelog: ChangeLog = None):
        if text is not None:
            assert isinstance(text, str)
        if changelog is not None:
            assert isinstance(changelog, ChangeLog)
        self._changelog = changelog
        self._features = Features(features, _change_logger=self._log_feature_change)
        self._annotation_sets = dict()
        self._text = text
        self.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
        self._name = ""

    def name(self):
        """ """
        return self._name

    def name(self, val):



        if val is None:
            val = ""
        if not isinstance(val, str):
            raise Exception("Name must be a string")
        self._name = val
        if self._changelog is not None:
            ch = {"command": "name:set"}
            ch["name"] = val

    def _ensure_type_python(self) -> None:
        """ """
        if self.offset_type != OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON:
            raise Exception(
                "Document cannot be used if it is not type PYTHON, "
                + "use to_type(OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON) first"

    def _fixup_annotations(self, method: Callable) -> None:

          method: Callable:


        annset_names = self._annotation_sets.keys()
        for annset_name in annset_names:
            annset = self._annotation_sets[annset_name]
            if annset._annotations is not None:
                for ann in annset._annotations.values():
                    ann._start = method(ann._start)
                    ann._end = method(ann._end)

    def to_offset_type(self, offsettype: str) -> Union[OffsetMapper, None]:
        """Convert all the offsets of all the annotations in this document to the
        required type, either OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA or OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON. If the offsets
        are already of that type, this does nothing.

        NOTE: if the document has a ChangeLog, it is NOT also converted!

        The method returns the offset mapper if anything actually was converted,
        otherwise None.

          offsettype: either OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA or OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
          offsettype: str:

          offset mapper or None

        if offsettype == self.offset_type:
            return None
        if offsettype == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA and self.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON:
            # convert from currently python to java
            om = OffsetMapper(self._text)
            self.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA
        elif offsettype == OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON and self.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA:
            # convert from currently java to python
            om = OffsetMapper(self._text)
            self.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
            raise Exception("Odd offset type")
        return om

    def apply_changes(self, changes, handle_existing_anns=ADDANN_ADD_WITH_NEW_ID):
        """Apply changes from a ChangeLog to this document. `changes` can be a ChangeLog instance,
        a sequence of change objects (dicts) as stored in a ChangeLog instance, or a single
        change object.

        The document is modified in-place.

          changes: one or more changes
          handle_existing_anns: what to do if the change from the changelog tries to
              add an annotation with an annotation id that already exists in the target set.
              (Default value = ADDANN_ADD_WITH_NEW_ID)

        if isinstance(changes, dict):
            changes = [changes]
        elif isinstance(changes, ChangeLog):
            changes = changes.changes
        for change in changes:
            cmd = change.get("command")
            fname = change.get("feature")
            fvalue = change.get("value")
            features = change.get("features")
            sname = change.get("set")
            annid = change.get("id")
            if cmd is None:
                raise Exception("Change without field 'command'")
            if cmd == ACTION_ADD_ANNSET:
                assert sname is not None
            elif cmd == ACTION_ADD_ANN:
                assert sname is not None
                assert annid is not None
                anns = self.annset(sname)
                ann = anns.get(annid)
                start = change.get("start")
                end = change.get("end")
                anntype = change.get("type")

                if ann is None:
                    anns.add(start, end, anntype, annid=annid, features=features)
                    if handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_IGNORE:
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_ADD_WITH_NEW_ID:
                        anns.add(start, end, anntype)
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_REPLACE_ANNOTATION:
                        anns.add(start, end, anntype, annid)
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_UPDATE_FEATURES:
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_REPLACE_FEATURES:
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_ADD_NEW_FEATURES:
                        fns = ann.features.names()
                        for f in features.keys():
                            if f not in fns:
                                ann.features[f] = features[f]
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_IGNORE:

            elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_ANNS:
                assert sname is not None
                anns = self.annset(sname)
            elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_ANN_FEATURES:
                assert sname is not None
                assert annid is not None
                anns = self.annset(sname)
                ann = anns.get(annid)
                if ann is not None:
                    pass  # ignore, could happen with a detached annotation
            elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_DOC_FEATURES:
            elif cmd == ACTION_SET_ANN_FEATURE:
                assert fname is not None
                assert sname is not None
                assert annid is not None
                ann = self.annset(sname).get(annid)
                ann.features[fname] = fvalue
            elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_ANN_FEATURE:
                assert sname is not None
                assert annid is not None
                anns = self.annset(sname)
                ann = anns.get(annid)
                if ann is not None:
                    if fname is not None:
                        ann.features.pop(fname, None)
                    pass  # ignore, could happen with a detached annotation
            elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_DOC_FEATURE:
                assert fname is not None
                self.features.pop(fname, None)
            elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_ANN:
                assert sname is not None
                assert annid is not None
                anns = self.annset(sname)
            elif cmd == ACTION_SET_DOC_FEATURE:
                assert fname is not None
                self.features[fname] = fvalue
            elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_DOC_FEATURES:
            elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_DOC_FEATURE:
                assert fname is not None
                del self._features[fname]
                raise Exception("Unknown ChangeLog action: ", cmd)

    def features(self):
        """Accesses the features as a FeatureViewer instance. Changes made on this object are
        reflected in the document and recorded in the change log, if there is one.

        :return: A FeatureViewer view of the document features.



        return self._features

    def changelog(self):
        """Get the ChangeLog or None if no ChangeLog has been set.

        :return: the changelog



        return self._changelog

    def changelog(self, chlog):
        """Make the document use the given changelog to record all changes
        from this moment on.

          chlog: the new changelog to use or None to not use any

          the changelog used previously or None

        self._changelog = chlog

    def text(self) -> str:
        """Get the text of the document. For a partial document, the text may be None.

        :return: the text of the document



        return self._text

    def text(self, value: str) -> None:
        Set the text of the document. This is only possible as long as it has not been set
        yet, after that, the text is immutable.

        IMPORTANT: it is possible to add arbitrary annotations to a document which does not have any
        text. This is meant to allow handling of annotation-only representations.
        However, if the text is set after annotations have been added, annotation offsets are not
        checked and it is possible to thus create an invalid document where annotations refer to
        text ranges that do not exist!

          value: the text for the document
          value: str:


        if self._text is None:
            self._text = value
            raise NotImplementedError("Text cannot be modified")

    def _log_feature_change(
        self, command: str, feature: str = None, value=None
    ) -> None:

          command: str:
          feature: str:  (Default value = None)
          value:  (Default value = None)


        if self._changelog is None:
        command = "doc-" + command
        ch = {"command": command}
        if command == "doc-feature:set":
            ch["feature"] = feature
            ch["value"] = value

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        Return the length of the text.
        Note: this will convert the type of the document to python!

        :return: the length of the document text
        if self._text is None:
            return 0
            return len(self._text)

    def __getitem__(self, span) -> str:
        Get the text for the given span.

        :param span: a single number, an offset range of the form from:to or an annotation.
        If annotation, uses the annotation's offset span.
        :return: the text of the span
        if isinstance(span, Annotation):
            return self.text[span._start:span._end]
        if isinstance(span, AnnotationSet):
            return self.text[span.start():span.end()]
        if hasattr(span, "start") and hasattr(span, "end"):
            return self.text[span.start:span.end]
        return self.text[span]

    def annset(self, name: str = "") -> AnnotationSet:
        Get the named annotation set, if name is not given or the empty string,
        the default annotation set.
        If the annotation set does not already exist, it is created.

            name: the annotation set name, the empty string is used for the
                "default annotation set".
            name: str:  (Default value = "")

          the specified annotation set.

        if name not in self._annotation_sets:
            annset = AnnotationSet(owner_doc=self, name=name)
            self._annotation_sets[name] = annset
            if self._changelog:
                self._changelog.append({"command": "annotations:add", "set": name})
            return annset
            return self._annotation_sets[name]

    def annset_names(self) -> List[str]:


          :return: annotation set names

        return list(self._annotation_sets.keys())

    def remove_annset(self, name: str):
        """Completely remove the annotation set.

          name: name of the annotation set to remove
          name: str:


        if name not in self._annotation_sets:
            raise Exception(f"AnnotationSet with name {name} does not exist")
        del self._annotation_sets[name]
        if self._changelog:
            self._changelog.append({"command": "annotations:remove", "set": name})

    def anns(self, annspec):
        Return a detached annotation set with all annotations which match the annotation specification.
        Annotation ids are preserved if possible, but if annotations from different sets have duplicate
        ids, new ids are assigned instead.

            annspec: either a single string which is interpreted as an annotation set name, or a list where
                each element is either a string (annotation set name) or a tuple. If an element is a tuple, the
                first element of the tuple must be the annotation set name and the second element either a type
                name or a list of type names.

            a detached, immutable set with all the annotations matching the annotation specification
        return AnnotationSet.create_from(self.yield_anns(annspec))

    def yield_anns(self, annspec):
        Yield all annotations which match the annotation specification.
        The order of the annotations is unespecified.

            annspec: either a single string which is interpreted as an annotation set name, or a list where
                each element is either a string (annotation set name) or a tuple. If an element is a tuple, the
                first element of the tuple must be the annotation set name and the second element either a type
                name or a list of type names.

            all the annotations matching the annotation specification
        if isinstance(annspec, str):
            tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(annspec)
            if tmpset is not None:
                for ann in tmpset._annotations.values():
                    yield ann
        for spec in annspec:
            if isinstance(spec, str):
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    for ann in tmpset._annotations.values():
                        yield ann
                setname, types = spec
                if isinstance(types, str):
                    types = [types]
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    for ann in tmpset._annotations.values():
                        if ann.type in types:
                            yield ann

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        String representation of the document, showing all content.

        :return: string representation
        return "Document({},features={},anns={})".format(
            self.text, self._features, self._annotation_sets.__repr__()

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        asets = (
            + ",".join([f"'{k}':{len(v)}" for k, v in self._annotation_sets.items()])
            + "]"
        return "Document({},features={},anns={})".format(
            self.text, self._features, asets

    def to_dict(self, offset_type=None, annspec=None, **kwargs):
        """Convert this instance to a dictionary that can be used to re-create the instance with
        NOTE: if there is an active changelog, it is not included in the output as this
        field is considered a transient field!

          offset_type: convert to the given offset type on the fly (Default value = None)
          annspec if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications: each element
              is either a string, the name of the annotation set to include, or a tuple where the
              first element is the annotation set name and the second element is either a
              type name or a list of type names. The same annotation set name should not be used
              in more than one specification.
          **kwargs: get passed on to the to_dict methods of included objects.

          the dictionary representation of this instance

        # if the specified offset type is equal to what we have, do nothing, otherwise
        # create an offset mapper and pass it down to where we actually convert the annotations

        if offset_type is not None:
            assert offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA or offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
            if offset_type != self.offset_type:
                if self._text is not None:
                    om = OffsetMapper(self._text)
                    kwargs["offset_mapper"] = om
                    kwargs["offset_type"] = offset_type
            offset_type = self.offset_type

        # create the annotation sets map
        if annspec is not None:
            annsets_dict = {}
            for spec in annspec:
                if isinstance(spec, str):
                    tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
                    if tmpset is not None:
                        annsets_dict[spec] = tmpset.to_dict(**kwargs)
                    setname, types = spec
                    if isinstance(types, str):
                        types = [types]
                    tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
                    if tmpset is not None:
                        annsets_dict[setname] = self._annotation_sets[setname].to_dict(
                            anntypes=types, **kwargs
            annsets_dict = {
                name: aset.to_dict(**kwargs)
                for name, aset in self._annotation_sets.items()

        return {
            "annotation_sets": annsets_dict,
            "text": self._text,
            "features": self._features.to_dict(),
            "offset_type": offset_type,

    def from_dict(dictrepr, **_kwargs):
        """Return a Document instance as represented by the dictionary dictrepr.

          dictrepr: return: the initialized Document instance
          **_kwargs: not used, ignored

          the initialized Document instance

        feats = dictrepr.get("features", {})
        doc = Document(dictrepr.get("text"), features=feats) = dictrepr.get("name")
        doc.offset_type = dictrepr.get("offset_type")
        if doc.offset_type is None:
            doc.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
        if (
            doc.offset_type != OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA
            and doc.offset_type != OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
            raise Exception("Invalid offset type, cannot load: ", doc.offset_type)
        annsets = {
            name: AnnotationSet.from_dict(adict, owner_doc=doc)
            for name, adict in dictrepr.get("annotation_sets", {}).items()
        doc._annotation_sets = annsets
        return doc

    def save(
        """Save the document to the destination file.

            destination: either a file name or something that has a write(string) method.
            fmt: serialization format, by default the format is inferred from the file extension.
            offset_type: store using the given offset type or keep the current if None
                (Default value = None)
            mod: module where the document saver is implemented.
                (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
            annspec: if not None, a list of annotation set names or tuples of set name and a
                list of annotation types to include in the serialized document.
            kwargs: additional parameters for the document saver.
        if annspec is not None:
            kwargs["annspec"] = annspec
        if fmt is None or isinstance(fmt, str):
            m = importlib.import_module(mod)
            saver = m.get_document_saver(destination, fmt)
            saver(Document, self, to_ext=destination, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)
            # assume fmt is a callable to get used directly
            fmt(Document, self, to_ext=destination, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)

    def save_mem(
        """Serialize to a string or bytes in the given format.

            fmt: serialization format to use. (Default value = "json")
            offset_type: store using the given offset type or keep the current if None
                (Default value = None)
            mod: module where the document saver is implemented.
                (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
            kwargs: additional parameters for the format.
        if not fmt:
            raise Exception("Format required.")
        if isinstance(fmt, str):
            m = importlib.import_module(mod)
            saver = m.get_document_saver(None, fmt)
            return saver(Document, self, to_mem=True, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)
            fmt(Document, self, to_mem=True, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)

    def load(source, fmt=None, mod="gatenlp.serialization.default", **kwargs):
        Load or import a document from the given source. The source can be a file path or
        file name or a URL. If the type of the source is str, then if it starts with
        "http[s]://" it will get treated as a URL. In order to deliberatly use a file instead of
        a URL, create a pathlib Path, in order to deliberately use URL instead of a file parse
        the URL using urllib.

        Example: `Document.load(urllib.parse.urlparse(someurl), fmt=theformat)`

        Example: `Document.load(pathlib.Path(somepath), fmt=theformat)`

        NOTE: the offset type of the document is always converted to PYTHON when loading!

            source: the URL or file path to load from.
            fmt: the format of the source. By default the format is inferred by the file extension.
                The format can be a format memnonic like "json", "html", or a known mime type
                like "text/bdocjs".
          mod: the name of a module where the document loader is implemented.
              (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
          kwargs: additional format specific keyword arguments to pass to the loader

          the loaded document
        if fmt is None or isinstance(fmt, str):
            m = importlib.import_module(mod)
            loader = m.get_document_loader(source, fmt)
            doc = loader(Document, from_ext=source, **kwargs)
            doc = fmt(Document, from_ext=source, **kwargs)
        if doc.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA:
        return doc

    def load_mem(source, fmt="json", mod="gatenlp.serialization.default", **kwargs):
        Create a document from the in-memory serialization in source. Source can be a string or
        bytes, depending on the format.

        Note: the offset type is always converted to PYTHON when loading!

            source: the string/bytes to deserialize
            fmt: if string, the format identifier or mime type (Default value = "json"), otherwise
                assumed to be a callable that retrieves and returns the document
            mod: the name of the module where the loader is implemented
                (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
            kwargs: additional arguments to pass to the loader
        if not fmt:
            raise Exception("Format required.")
        if isinstance(fmt, str):
            m = importlib.import_module(mod)
            loader = m.get_document_loader(None, fmt)
            doc = loader(Document, from_mem=source, **kwargs)
            doc = fmt(Document, from_mem=source, **kwargs)
        if doc.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA:
        return doc

    def __copy__(self):
        Creates a shallow copy except the changelog which is set to None. The document feature map is
        a new instance, so features added in one copy will not show up in the other. However if
        feature values of copied features are objects, they are shared between the copies.
        Annotation sets are separate but the features of shared annotations are shared.

            shallow copy of the document
        doc = Document(self._text)
        doc._annotation_sets = dict()
        for name, aset in self._annotation_sets.items():
            doc._annotation_sets[name] = aset.copy()
            doc._annotation_sets[name]._owner_doc = doc
        doc.offset_type = self.offset_type
        doc._features = self._features.copy()
        return doc

    def copy(self, annspec=None):
        Creates a shallow copy except the changelog which is set to None. If annspec is specified,
        creates a shallow copy but also limits the annotations to the one specified.

          annspec: if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications: each element
              is either a string, the name of the annotation set to include, or a tuple where the
              first element is the annotation set name and the second element is either a
              type name or a list of type names. The same annotation set name should not be used
              in more than one specification.

            shallow copy of the document, optionally with some annotations removed
        if annspec is None:
            return self.__copy__()
        doc = Document(self._text)
        doc.offset_type = self.offset_type
        doc._features = self._features.copy()
        doc._annotation_sets = dict()
        for spec in annspec:
            if isinstance(spec, str):
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    doc._annotation_sets[spec] = self._annotation_sets[spec].copy()
                    doc._annotation_sets[spec]._owner_doc = doc
                setname, types = spec
                if isinstance(types, str):
                    types = [types]
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    annset = AnnotationSet(owner_doc=doc, name=setname)
                    anns = self.annset(setname).with_type(types)
                    for ann in anns:
                    doc._annotation_sets[setname] = annset
        return doc

    def deepcopy(self, annspec=None, memo=None):
        Creates a deep copy, except the changelog which is set to None. If annset is not None, the
        annotations in the copy are restricted to the given set.

            memo: the memoization dictionary to use.
            annspec: which annotation sets and types to include

            a deep copy of the document.
        if self._features is not None:
            fts = lib_copy.deepcopy(self._features.to_dict(), memo)
            fts = None
        doc = Document(self._text, features=fts)
        doc._changelog = None
        doc.offset_type = self.offset_type
        if annspec is None:
            doc._annotation_sets = lib_copy.deepcopy(self._annotation_sets, memo)
            doc._annotation_sets = dict()
            for spec in annspec:
                if isinstance(spec, str):
                    tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
                    if tmpset is not None:
                        doc._annotation_sets[spec] = lib_copy.deepcopy(tmpset, memo)
                        doc._annotation_sets[spec]._owner_doc = doc
                    setname, types = spec
                    if isinstance(types, str):
                        types = [types]
                    tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
                    if tmpset is not None:
                        annset = AnnotationSet(owner_doc=doc, name=setname)
                        anns = tmpset.with_type(types)
                        for ann in anns:
                            annset.add_ann(lib_copy.deepcopy(ann, memo))
                        doc._annotation_sets[setname] = annset
        return doc

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
        Creates a deep copy, except the changelog which is set to None.

            memo: the memoization dictionary to use.

            a deep copy of the document.
        return lib_copy.deepcopy(self, memo=memo)

    def _repr_html_(self):
        Render function for Jupyter notebooks. Returns the html-ann-viewer HTML.
        This renders the HTML for notebook, for offline mode, but does not add the JS
        but instead initializes the JS in the notebook unless gatenlp.init_notebook()
        has been called already.
        # import within this method to avoid dependencies needed for this in the whole Document module
        from gatenlp.serialization.default_htmlannviewer import show_colab, show_notebook
        if in_colab():
            return show_colab(self, display=False)
        elif in_notebook():
            return show_notebook(self, display=False)
            # things like may call _repr_html_ but still not satisfy either in colab or notebook
            return self.__repr__()

    def show(
        Show the document, possibly in a Jupyter notebook. This allows to assign a specific htmlid so
        the generated HTML can be directly styled afterwards.
        This directly sends the rendered document to the cell (no display/HTML necessary) if
        the destination is a notebook.

            to: if None, try to guess if this is called from within a notebook and if yes, which kind.
                Otherwise, explicitly specify where to show the document to, one of "console", "jupyter",
                "colab". If "console" is specified or automatically chosen, the parameters "annspec", "doc_style",
                "row1_style", and "row2_style" are irrelevant and ignored.
            htmlid: the HTML id prefix to use for classes and element ids.
            annspec: if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications.
                Each element is either the name of a set to fully include, or a tuple with the name of the set as
                the first element and with a single type name or a list of type names as the second element
            preselect: if not None, the set and type names to pre-select (show). This should have the same format
                as the annspec parameter.
            palette: if not None a list of colour codes (strings) usable in Javascript which will be used instead
                of the default palette.
            cols4types: if not None a dictionary mapping tuples (setname, typename) to a color. For the given
                setname and typename combinations, the colours from the palette (default or specified) will be
            doc_style: if not None, use this as the style for the document text box
            row1_style: if not None, use this for the first row of the HTML viewer, which contains the document text
                and annotation sets and types panes. Default is gatenlpconfig.doc_html_repr_row1style_nostretch
            row2_style: if not None, use this for the second row of the HTML viewer, which contains the document and
                annottion features pane. Default is gatenlpconfig.doc_html_repr_row2style_nostretch
        # import within this method to avoid dependencies needed for this in the whole Document module
        from gatenlp.serialization.default_htmlannviewer import show_colab, show_notebook
        if to == "colab":
            show_colab(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                       preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                       doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
        elif to == "jupyter":
            show_notebook(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                          preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                          doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
        elif to == "console":
            return self.__str__()
        elif to is not None:
            raise Exception(f"Not a valid value for parameter to: {to}. Use one of console, jupyter, colab")
        if in_notebook():
            if in_colab():
                show_colab(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                           preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                           doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
                show_notebook(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                              preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                              doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
            return self.__str__()

    def attach(self, annset, name, check=True):
        Attach a detached set to the document. This should get used with caution and is mainly
        intended for use inside the gatenlp library to allow for fast incremental creation of
        new documents and document sets. The set can only be added if a set with the given name
        does not yet exist at all.

            annset: the annotation set to attach
            name: the name for the annotation set
            check: if False, prevent any checking. WARNING: this may create an inconsistent/illegal document!
        if name in self._annotation_sets:
            raise Exception(f"Cannot attach set, a set with the name {name} already exists")
        if check:
            # check if the offsets are consistent with the document
            mylen = len(self)
            for ann in annset._annotations.values():
                if ann.end > mylen:
                    raise Exception(f"Cannot attach set, annotation beyond text end: {ann}")
        self._annotation_sets[name] = annset
        annset._owner_doc = self

    def _edit_text(oldtext, edits):
        Edit helper method: given some old text, applies the edit or edits and returns the changed text.

            oldtext: the text to edit
            edits: a single edit (start, end, replacementtext) or a list of such edits. The list must be sorted by
                starting offset.

        Returns: the new changed text
        # note: all the offsets in the edits refer to the current text, so we cannot simply apply one edit
        # after the other. Instead, we collect all the text snippets we need and create the final text from them
        snippets = []
        lastoff = 0
        for edit in edits:
            start, end, newtext = edit
            if end < start:
                raise Exception(f"Edit ({start}, {end}, {newtext}): end offset smaller than start offset")
            if start > lastoff:
            elif start < lastoff:
                raise Exception(f"Edits overlap or not sorted: ({start}, {end}, {newtext})")
            if len(newtext) > 0:
            lastoff = end
        if lastoff < len(oldtext):
        newtext = "".join(snippets)
        return newtext

    def edit(self, edits, affected_strategy="keepadapt"):
        Carry out one or more edits. If edits is a tuple of length 3 with the first element not being iterable,
        assume it is a single edit, Otherwise assume it is an iterable of edits.
        An edit is a tuple (start, end, newstr) giving the old offset range and the string which
        replaces that range. NOTE: no two edit offset ranges may
        overlap, if ranges do overlap, this method may raise an exception or silently perform unexpected
        and terrible changes. The method does not check for edit spans to not overlap!

        This method adapts the offsets of all annotations after the affected span, if an annotation begins or
        ends within an affected span, what happens depends on the affected_strategy:

        delete_all: remove any annotation where the start and/or end offset lies between the from/to offsets of
            the edit
        adapt: any start and/or end offset in between from/to is changed to the from or to offset
        keepadapt: any start and/or end offset in between is left unchanged if that offset still exists in the
            new span, otherwise adapted to from/to.

            edits: single edit or iterable of edits
            affected_strategy: one of the following strategies: delete, adapt, keepadapt
        assert affected_strategy in ["delete_all", "adapt", "keepadapt"]
        if isinstance(edits, tuple) and not isinstance(edits[0], Iterable):
            edits = [edits]
        edits.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
        self._text = Document._edit_text(self._text, edits)
        for annset in self._annotation_sets.values():
            annset._edit(edits, affected_strategy=affected_strategy)

    def clone(self):
        Create a clone of the current document, no data is shared between the clone and the original.

            A copy of the current document
        return Document.load_mem(self.save_mem())

# class MultiDocument(Document):
#     """
#     NOTE: This is just experimental for now, DO NOT USE!
#     A MultiDocument can store more than one document, each identified by their ids. One of those
#     documents is always the "active" one and the MultiDocument can be used just like a Document
#     with that content. In addition, there are methods to make each of the other documents active
#     and to create mappings between annotations of pairs of documents.
#     An AnnotationMapping is something that maps annotations to annotations, either for the same
#     document, from the same or different sets, of for different documents. Once an annotation
#     becomes part of a mapping, that annotation is becoming immutable. Even if the original
#     annotation in the document changes or gets removed, the mapping retains the original copy of
#     the annotation until the mapping is modified or removed.
#     """
#     # TODO: ALL necessary fields of the document must be references of mutable objects so that
#     # if something is changed for the active document the one stored in the documents map is
#     # really updated as well, or we must override the updating method to change both!
#     # A better way could be to override all methods to always directly change the document in the
#     # documents map, and simply pass on all calls to the activated document.
#     # In that case, to_dict and from_dict would actually generate the fields for normal document
#     # readers and ignore them on restore
#     def __init__(
#         self, text: str = None, features=None, changelog: ChangeLog = None, docid=0
#     ):
#         logger.warning("Experimental feature, DO NOT USE")
#         self.documents = {}  # map from document id to document
#         self._mappings = None  # TODO: we need to implement this
#         self._docid = None
#         doc = Document(text, features=features, changelog=changelog)
#         self.documents[docid] = doc
#         self.activate(docid)
#     @property
#     def docid(self):
#         return self._docid
#     def activate(self, docid=0):
#         if docid not in self.documents:
#             raise Exception(f"Cannot activate id {docid}, not in MultiDocument")
#         doc = self.documents[docid]
#         self._changelog = doc._changelog
#         self._features = doc._features
#         self._annotation_sets = doc._annotation_sets
#         self._text = doc._text
#         self.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
#         self._name = doc._name
#         self._docid = docid
#     def add_document(self, doc, docid=None, activate=False):
#         if docid is None:
#             docid = len(self.documents)
#         elif docid in self.documents:
#             raise Exception(
#                 f"Cannot add document to MultiDocument, id {docid} already exists"
#             )
#         self.documents[docid] = doc
#         if activate:
#             self.activate(docid)
#         return docid
#     def to_dict(self, offset_type=None, **kwargs):
#         # TODO: check what to do with the offset type parameter!
#         # The basic strategy is that we simply create the dictionary for the active document plus
#         # the entries for the documents map and the annotation mappings. That way, any reader of the
#         # dict representation which just ignored unknown fields can still read this in as a normal
#         # document from the active document.
#         # The drawback is that the active document is represented twice, but OK
#         thedict = {
#             "annotation_sets": {
#                 name: aset.to_dict() for name, aset in self._annotation_sets.items()
#             },
#             "text": self._text,
#             "features": self._features.to_dict(),
#             "offset_type": self.offset_type,
#             "name":,
#         }
#         thedict["documents"] = {
#             docid: doc.to_dict() for docid, doc in self.documents.items()
#         }
#         thedict["docid"] = self._docid
#         thedict["mappings"] = self._mappings
#         return thedict
#     @staticmethod
#     def from_dict(dictrepr, **kwargs):
#         """
#         Create a MultiDocument from the dictionary representation.
#         Args:
#             dictrepr: the dictionary representation
#             **kwargs: additional kwargs to pass on
#         Returns:
#         """
#         feats = dictrepr.get("features")
#         docid = dictrepr.get("docid")
#         doc = MultiDocument(dictrepr.get("text"), features=feats, docid=docid)
# = dictrepr.get("name")
#         doc.offset_type = dictrepr.get("offset_type")
#         if (
#             doc.offset_type != OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA
#             and doc.offset_type != OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
#         ):
#             raise Exception("Invalid offset type, cannot load: ", doc.offset_type)
#         annsets = {
#             name: AnnotationSet.from_dict(adict, owner_doc=doc)
#             for name, adict in dictrepr.get("annotation_sets").items()
#         }
#         doc._annotation_sets = annsets
#         doc.documents = {
#             did: Document.from_dict(d)
#             for did, d in dictrepr.get("documents", {}).items()
#         }
#         # TODO: get the mappings back!
#         return doc


class Document (text: str = None, features=None, changelog: ChangeLog = None)

Represent a GATE document. This is different from the original Java GATE representation in several ways:

  • the text is not mutable and can only be set at creation time, so there is no "edit" method

  • as a feature bearer, all the methods to set, get and manipulate features are part of this class, there is no separate "FeatureMap" to store them

  • does not support listener callbacks

  • there is no separate abstraction for "content", the only content possible is text which is a unicode string that can be acessed with the "text()" method
  • Spans of text can be directly accessed using doc[from:to]
  • Features may only have string keys and values which can be json-serialised
  • Annotation offsets by default are number of Unicde code points, this is different from Java where the offsets are UTF-16 Unicode code units
  • Offsets of all annotations can be changed from/to Java (from python index of unicode codepoint to Java index of UTF-16 code unit and back)
  • No part of the document has to be present, not even the text (this allows saving just the annotations separately from the text)
  • Once the text has been set, it is immutable (no support to edit text and change annotation offsets accordingly)


text: the text of the document. The text can be None to indicate that no initial text
should be set. Once the text has been set for a document, it is immutable and cannot
be changed.
the initial document features to set, a sequence of key/value tuples
a ChangeLog instance to use to log changes.
Expand source code
class Document:
    Represent a GATE document. This is different from the original Java GATE representation in
    several ways:

    * the text is not mutable and can only be set at creation time, so there is no "edit" method

    * as a feature bearer, all the methods to set, get and manipulate features are part of this
      class, there is
      no separate "FeatureMap" to store them

    * does not support listener callbacks
    * there is no separate abstraction for "content", the only content possible is text which
      is a unicode string that can be acessed with the "text()" method
    * Spans of text can be directly accessed using doc[from:to]
    * Features may only have string keys and values which can be json-serialised
    * Annotation offsets by default are number of Unicde code points, this is different from Java
      where the offsets are UTF-16 Unicode code units
    * Offsets of all annotations can be changed from/to Java (from python index of unicode
      codepoint to Java index of UTF-16 code unit and back)
    * No part of the document has to be present, not even the text (this allows saving just
      the annotations separately from the text)
    * Once the text has been set, it is immutable (no support to edit text and change annotation
      offsets accordingly)

        text: the text of the document. The text can be None to indicate that no initial text
          should be set. Once the text has been set for a document, it is immutable and cannot
          be changed.
      features: the initial document features to set, a sequence of key/value tuples
      changelog: a ChangeLog instance to use to log changes.

    def __init__(self, text: str = None, features=None, changelog: ChangeLog = None):
        if text is not None:
            assert isinstance(text, str)
        if changelog is not None:
            assert isinstance(changelog, ChangeLog)
        self._changelog = changelog
        self._features = Features(features, _change_logger=self._log_feature_change)
        self._annotation_sets = dict()
        self._text = text
        self.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
        self._name = ""

    def name(self):
        """ """
        return self._name

    def name(self, val):



        if val is None:
            val = ""
        if not isinstance(val, str):
            raise Exception("Name must be a string")
        self._name = val
        if self._changelog is not None:
            ch = {"command": "name:set"}
            ch["name"] = val

    def _ensure_type_python(self) -> None:
        """ """
        if self.offset_type != OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON:
            raise Exception(
                "Document cannot be used if it is not type PYTHON, "
                + "use to_type(OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON) first"

    def _fixup_annotations(self, method: Callable) -> None:

          method: Callable:


        annset_names = self._annotation_sets.keys()
        for annset_name in annset_names:
            annset = self._annotation_sets[annset_name]
            if annset._annotations is not None:
                for ann in annset._annotations.values():
                    ann._start = method(ann._start)
                    ann._end = method(ann._end)

    def to_offset_type(self, offsettype: str) -> Union[OffsetMapper, None]:
        """Convert all the offsets of all the annotations in this document to the
        required type, either OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA or OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON. If the offsets
        are already of that type, this does nothing.

        NOTE: if the document has a ChangeLog, it is NOT also converted!

        The method returns the offset mapper if anything actually was converted,
        otherwise None.

          offsettype: either OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA or OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
          offsettype: str:

          offset mapper or None

        if offsettype == self.offset_type:
            return None
        if offsettype == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA and self.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON:
            # convert from currently python to java
            om = OffsetMapper(self._text)
            self.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA
        elif offsettype == OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON and self.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA:
            # convert from currently java to python
            om = OffsetMapper(self._text)
            self.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
            raise Exception("Odd offset type")
        return om

    def apply_changes(self, changes, handle_existing_anns=ADDANN_ADD_WITH_NEW_ID):
        """Apply changes from a ChangeLog to this document. `changes` can be a ChangeLog instance,
        a sequence of change objects (dicts) as stored in a ChangeLog instance, or a single
        change object.

        The document is modified in-place.

          changes: one or more changes
          handle_existing_anns: what to do if the change from the changelog tries to
              add an annotation with an annotation id that already exists in the target set.
              (Default value = ADDANN_ADD_WITH_NEW_ID)

        if isinstance(changes, dict):
            changes = [changes]
        elif isinstance(changes, ChangeLog):
            changes = changes.changes
        for change in changes:
            cmd = change.get("command")
            fname = change.get("feature")
            fvalue = change.get("value")
            features = change.get("features")
            sname = change.get("set")
            annid = change.get("id")
            if cmd is None:
                raise Exception("Change without field 'command'")
            if cmd == ACTION_ADD_ANNSET:
                assert sname is not None
            elif cmd == ACTION_ADD_ANN:
                assert sname is not None
                assert annid is not None
                anns = self.annset(sname)
                ann = anns.get(annid)
                start = change.get("start")
                end = change.get("end")
                anntype = change.get("type")

                if ann is None:
                    anns.add(start, end, anntype, annid=annid, features=features)
                    if handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_IGNORE:
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_ADD_WITH_NEW_ID:
                        anns.add(start, end, anntype)
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_REPLACE_ANNOTATION:
                        anns.add(start, end, anntype, annid)
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_UPDATE_FEATURES:
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_REPLACE_FEATURES:
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_ADD_NEW_FEATURES:
                        fns = ann.features.names()
                        for f in features.keys():
                            if f not in fns:
                                ann.features[f] = features[f]
                    elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_IGNORE:

            elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_ANNS:
                assert sname is not None
                anns = self.annset(sname)
            elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_ANN_FEATURES:
                assert sname is not None
                assert annid is not None
                anns = self.annset(sname)
                ann = anns.get(annid)
                if ann is not None:
                    pass  # ignore, could happen with a detached annotation
            elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_DOC_FEATURES:
            elif cmd == ACTION_SET_ANN_FEATURE:
                assert fname is not None
                assert sname is not None
                assert annid is not None
                ann = self.annset(sname).get(annid)
                ann.features[fname] = fvalue
            elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_ANN_FEATURE:
                assert sname is not None
                assert annid is not None
                anns = self.annset(sname)
                ann = anns.get(annid)
                if ann is not None:
                    if fname is not None:
                        ann.features.pop(fname, None)
                    pass  # ignore, could happen with a detached annotation
            elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_DOC_FEATURE:
                assert fname is not None
                self.features.pop(fname, None)
            elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_ANN:
                assert sname is not None
                assert annid is not None
                anns = self.annset(sname)
            elif cmd == ACTION_SET_DOC_FEATURE:
                assert fname is not None
                self.features[fname] = fvalue
            elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_DOC_FEATURES:
            elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_DOC_FEATURE:
                assert fname is not None
                del self._features[fname]
                raise Exception("Unknown ChangeLog action: ", cmd)

    def features(self):
        """Accesses the features as a FeatureViewer instance. Changes made on this object are
        reflected in the document and recorded in the change log, if there is one.

        :return: A FeatureViewer view of the document features.



        return self._features

    def changelog(self):
        """Get the ChangeLog or None if no ChangeLog has been set.

        :return: the changelog



        return self._changelog

    def changelog(self, chlog):
        """Make the document use the given changelog to record all changes
        from this moment on.

          chlog: the new changelog to use or None to not use any

          the changelog used previously or None

        self._changelog = chlog

    def text(self) -> str:
        """Get the text of the document. For a partial document, the text may be None.

        :return: the text of the document



        return self._text

    def text(self, value: str) -> None:
        Set the text of the document. This is only possible as long as it has not been set
        yet, after that, the text is immutable.

        IMPORTANT: it is possible to add arbitrary annotations to a document which does not have any
        text. This is meant to allow handling of annotation-only representations.
        However, if the text is set after annotations have been added, annotation offsets are not
        checked and it is possible to thus create an invalid document where annotations refer to
        text ranges that do not exist!

          value: the text for the document
          value: str:


        if self._text is None:
            self._text = value
            raise NotImplementedError("Text cannot be modified")

    def _log_feature_change(
        self, command: str, feature: str = None, value=None
    ) -> None:

          command: str:
          feature: str:  (Default value = None)
          value:  (Default value = None)


        if self._changelog is None:
        command = "doc-" + command
        ch = {"command": command}
        if command == "doc-feature:set":
            ch["feature"] = feature
            ch["value"] = value

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        Return the length of the text.
        Note: this will convert the type of the document to python!

        :return: the length of the document text
        if self._text is None:
            return 0
            return len(self._text)

    def __getitem__(self, span) -> str:
        Get the text for the given span.

        :param span: a single number, an offset range of the form from:to or an annotation.
        If annotation, uses the annotation's offset span.
        :return: the text of the span
        if isinstance(span, Annotation):
            return self.text[span._start:span._end]
        if isinstance(span, AnnotationSet):
            return self.text[span.start():span.end()]
        if hasattr(span, "start") and hasattr(span, "end"):
            return self.text[span.start:span.end]
        return self.text[span]

    def annset(self, name: str = "") -> AnnotationSet:
        Get the named annotation set, if name is not given or the empty string,
        the default annotation set.
        If the annotation set does not already exist, it is created.

            name: the annotation set name, the empty string is used for the
                "default annotation set".
            name: str:  (Default value = "")

          the specified annotation set.

        if name not in self._annotation_sets:
            annset = AnnotationSet(owner_doc=self, name=name)
            self._annotation_sets[name] = annset
            if self._changelog:
                self._changelog.append({"command": "annotations:add", "set": name})
            return annset
            return self._annotation_sets[name]

    def annset_names(self) -> List[str]:


          :return: annotation set names

        return list(self._annotation_sets.keys())

    def remove_annset(self, name: str):
        """Completely remove the annotation set.

          name: name of the annotation set to remove
          name: str:


        if name not in self._annotation_sets:
            raise Exception(f"AnnotationSet with name {name} does not exist")
        del self._annotation_sets[name]
        if self._changelog:
            self._changelog.append({"command": "annotations:remove", "set": name})

    def anns(self, annspec):
        Return a detached annotation set with all annotations which match the annotation specification.
        Annotation ids are preserved if possible, but if annotations from different sets have duplicate
        ids, new ids are assigned instead.

            annspec: either a single string which is interpreted as an annotation set name, or a list where
                each element is either a string (annotation set name) or a tuple. If an element is a tuple, the
                first element of the tuple must be the annotation set name and the second element either a type
                name or a list of type names.

            a detached, immutable set with all the annotations matching the annotation specification
        return AnnotationSet.create_from(self.yield_anns(annspec))

    def yield_anns(self, annspec):
        Yield all annotations which match the annotation specification.
        The order of the annotations is unespecified.

            annspec: either a single string which is interpreted as an annotation set name, or a list where
                each element is either a string (annotation set name) or a tuple. If an element is a tuple, the
                first element of the tuple must be the annotation set name and the second element either a type
                name or a list of type names.

            all the annotations matching the annotation specification
        if isinstance(annspec, str):
            tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(annspec)
            if tmpset is not None:
                for ann in tmpset._annotations.values():
                    yield ann
        for spec in annspec:
            if isinstance(spec, str):
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    for ann in tmpset._annotations.values():
                        yield ann
                setname, types = spec
                if isinstance(types, str):
                    types = [types]
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    for ann in tmpset._annotations.values():
                        if ann.type in types:
                            yield ann

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        String representation of the document, showing all content.

        :return: string representation
        return "Document({},features={},anns={})".format(
            self.text, self._features, self._annotation_sets.__repr__()

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        asets = (
            + ",".join([f"'{k}':{len(v)}" for k, v in self._annotation_sets.items()])
            + "]"
        return "Document({},features={},anns={})".format(
            self.text, self._features, asets

    def to_dict(self, offset_type=None, annspec=None, **kwargs):
        """Convert this instance to a dictionary that can be used to re-create the instance with
        NOTE: if there is an active changelog, it is not included in the output as this
        field is considered a transient field!

          offset_type: convert to the given offset type on the fly (Default value = None)
          annspec if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications: each element
              is either a string, the name of the annotation set to include, or a tuple where the
              first element is the annotation set name and the second element is either a
              type name or a list of type names. The same annotation set name should not be used
              in more than one specification.
          **kwargs: get passed on to the to_dict methods of included objects.

          the dictionary representation of this instance

        # if the specified offset type is equal to what we have, do nothing, otherwise
        # create an offset mapper and pass it down to where we actually convert the annotations

        if offset_type is not None:
            assert offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA or offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
            if offset_type != self.offset_type:
                if self._text is not None:
                    om = OffsetMapper(self._text)
                    kwargs["offset_mapper"] = om
                    kwargs["offset_type"] = offset_type
            offset_type = self.offset_type

        # create the annotation sets map
        if annspec is not None:
            annsets_dict = {}
            for spec in annspec:
                if isinstance(spec, str):
                    tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
                    if tmpset is not None:
                        annsets_dict[spec] = tmpset.to_dict(**kwargs)
                    setname, types = spec
                    if isinstance(types, str):
                        types = [types]
                    tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
                    if tmpset is not None:
                        annsets_dict[setname] = self._annotation_sets[setname].to_dict(
                            anntypes=types, **kwargs
            annsets_dict = {
                name: aset.to_dict(**kwargs)
                for name, aset in self._annotation_sets.items()

        return {
            "annotation_sets": annsets_dict,
            "text": self._text,
            "features": self._features.to_dict(),
            "offset_type": offset_type,

    def from_dict(dictrepr, **_kwargs):
        """Return a Document instance as represented by the dictionary dictrepr.

          dictrepr: return: the initialized Document instance
          **_kwargs: not used, ignored

          the initialized Document instance

        feats = dictrepr.get("features", {})
        doc = Document(dictrepr.get("text"), features=feats) = dictrepr.get("name")
        doc.offset_type = dictrepr.get("offset_type")
        if doc.offset_type is None:
            doc.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
        if (
            doc.offset_type != OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA
            and doc.offset_type != OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
            raise Exception("Invalid offset type, cannot load: ", doc.offset_type)
        annsets = {
            name: AnnotationSet.from_dict(adict, owner_doc=doc)
            for name, adict in dictrepr.get("annotation_sets", {}).items()
        doc._annotation_sets = annsets
        return doc

    def save(
        """Save the document to the destination file.

            destination: either a file name or something that has a write(string) method.
            fmt: serialization format, by default the format is inferred from the file extension.
            offset_type: store using the given offset type or keep the current if None
                (Default value = None)
            mod: module where the document saver is implemented.
                (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
            annspec: if not None, a list of annotation set names or tuples of set name and a
                list of annotation types to include in the serialized document.
            kwargs: additional parameters for the document saver.
        if annspec is not None:
            kwargs["annspec"] = annspec
        if fmt is None or isinstance(fmt, str):
            m = importlib.import_module(mod)
            saver = m.get_document_saver(destination, fmt)
            saver(Document, self, to_ext=destination, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)
            # assume fmt is a callable to get used directly
            fmt(Document, self, to_ext=destination, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)

    def save_mem(
        """Serialize to a string or bytes in the given format.

            fmt: serialization format to use. (Default value = "json")
            offset_type: store using the given offset type or keep the current if None
                (Default value = None)
            mod: module where the document saver is implemented.
                (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
            kwargs: additional parameters for the format.
        if not fmt:
            raise Exception("Format required.")
        if isinstance(fmt, str):
            m = importlib.import_module(mod)
            saver = m.get_document_saver(None, fmt)
            return saver(Document, self, to_mem=True, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)
            fmt(Document, self, to_mem=True, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)

    def load(source, fmt=None, mod="gatenlp.serialization.default", **kwargs):
        Load or import a document from the given source. The source can be a file path or
        file name or a URL. If the type of the source is str, then if it starts with
        "http[s]://" it will get treated as a URL. In order to deliberatly use a file instead of
        a URL, create a pathlib Path, in order to deliberately use URL instead of a file parse
        the URL using urllib.

        Example: `Document.load(urllib.parse.urlparse(someurl), fmt=theformat)`

        Example: `Document.load(pathlib.Path(somepath), fmt=theformat)`

        NOTE: the offset type of the document is always converted to PYTHON when loading!

            source: the URL or file path to load from.
            fmt: the format of the source. By default the format is inferred by the file extension.
                The format can be a format memnonic like "json", "html", or a known mime type
                like "text/bdocjs".
          mod: the name of a module where the document loader is implemented.
              (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
          kwargs: additional format specific keyword arguments to pass to the loader

          the loaded document
        if fmt is None or isinstance(fmt, str):
            m = importlib.import_module(mod)
            loader = m.get_document_loader(source, fmt)
            doc = loader(Document, from_ext=source, **kwargs)
            doc = fmt(Document, from_ext=source, **kwargs)
        if doc.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA:
        return doc

    def load_mem(source, fmt="json", mod="gatenlp.serialization.default", **kwargs):
        Create a document from the in-memory serialization in source. Source can be a string or
        bytes, depending on the format.

        Note: the offset type is always converted to PYTHON when loading!

            source: the string/bytes to deserialize
            fmt: if string, the format identifier or mime type (Default value = "json"), otherwise
                assumed to be a callable that retrieves and returns the document
            mod: the name of the module where the loader is implemented
                (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
            kwargs: additional arguments to pass to the loader
        if not fmt:
            raise Exception("Format required.")
        if isinstance(fmt, str):
            m = importlib.import_module(mod)
            loader = m.get_document_loader(None, fmt)
            doc = loader(Document, from_mem=source, **kwargs)
            doc = fmt(Document, from_mem=source, **kwargs)
        if doc.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA:
        return doc

    def __copy__(self):
        Creates a shallow copy except the changelog which is set to None. The document feature map is
        a new instance, so features added in one copy will not show up in the other. However if
        feature values of copied features are objects, they are shared between the copies.
        Annotation sets are separate but the features of shared annotations are shared.

            shallow copy of the document
        doc = Document(self._text)
        doc._annotation_sets = dict()
        for name, aset in self._annotation_sets.items():
            doc._annotation_sets[name] = aset.copy()
            doc._annotation_sets[name]._owner_doc = doc
        doc.offset_type = self.offset_type
        doc._features = self._features.copy()
        return doc

    def copy(self, annspec=None):
        Creates a shallow copy except the changelog which is set to None. If annspec is specified,
        creates a shallow copy but also limits the annotations to the one specified.

          annspec: if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications: each element
              is either a string, the name of the annotation set to include, or a tuple where the
              first element is the annotation set name and the second element is either a
              type name or a list of type names. The same annotation set name should not be used
              in more than one specification.

            shallow copy of the document, optionally with some annotations removed
        if annspec is None:
            return self.__copy__()
        doc = Document(self._text)
        doc.offset_type = self.offset_type
        doc._features = self._features.copy()
        doc._annotation_sets = dict()
        for spec in annspec:
            if isinstance(spec, str):
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    doc._annotation_sets[spec] = self._annotation_sets[spec].copy()
                    doc._annotation_sets[spec]._owner_doc = doc
                setname, types = spec
                if isinstance(types, str):
                    types = [types]
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    annset = AnnotationSet(owner_doc=doc, name=setname)
                    anns = self.annset(setname).with_type(types)
                    for ann in anns:
                    doc._annotation_sets[setname] = annset
        return doc

    def deepcopy(self, annspec=None, memo=None):
        Creates a deep copy, except the changelog which is set to None. If annset is not None, the
        annotations in the copy are restricted to the given set.

            memo: the memoization dictionary to use.
            annspec: which annotation sets and types to include

            a deep copy of the document.
        if self._features is not None:
            fts = lib_copy.deepcopy(self._features.to_dict(), memo)
            fts = None
        doc = Document(self._text, features=fts)
        doc._changelog = None
        doc.offset_type = self.offset_type
        if annspec is None:
            doc._annotation_sets = lib_copy.deepcopy(self._annotation_sets, memo)
            doc._annotation_sets = dict()
            for spec in annspec:
                if isinstance(spec, str):
                    tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
                    if tmpset is not None:
                        doc._annotation_sets[spec] = lib_copy.deepcopy(tmpset, memo)
                        doc._annotation_sets[spec]._owner_doc = doc
                    setname, types = spec
                    if isinstance(types, str):
                        types = [types]
                    tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
                    if tmpset is not None:
                        annset = AnnotationSet(owner_doc=doc, name=setname)
                        anns = tmpset.with_type(types)
                        for ann in anns:
                            annset.add_ann(lib_copy.deepcopy(ann, memo))
                        doc._annotation_sets[setname] = annset
        return doc

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
        Creates a deep copy, except the changelog which is set to None.

            memo: the memoization dictionary to use.

            a deep copy of the document.
        return lib_copy.deepcopy(self, memo=memo)

    def _repr_html_(self):
        Render function for Jupyter notebooks. Returns the html-ann-viewer HTML.
        This renders the HTML for notebook, for offline mode, but does not add the JS
        but instead initializes the JS in the notebook unless gatenlp.init_notebook()
        has been called already.
        # import within this method to avoid dependencies needed for this in the whole Document module
        from gatenlp.serialization.default_htmlannviewer import show_colab, show_notebook
        if in_colab():
            return show_colab(self, display=False)
        elif in_notebook():
            return show_notebook(self, display=False)
            # things like may call _repr_html_ but still not satisfy either in colab or notebook
            return self.__repr__()

    def show(
        Show the document, possibly in a Jupyter notebook. This allows to assign a specific htmlid so
        the generated HTML can be directly styled afterwards.
        This directly sends the rendered document to the cell (no display/HTML necessary) if
        the destination is a notebook.

            to: if None, try to guess if this is called from within a notebook and if yes, which kind.
                Otherwise, explicitly specify where to show the document to, one of "console", "jupyter",
                "colab". If "console" is specified or automatically chosen, the parameters "annspec", "doc_style",
                "row1_style", and "row2_style" are irrelevant and ignored.
            htmlid: the HTML id prefix to use for classes and element ids.
            annspec: if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications.
                Each element is either the name of a set to fully include, or a tuple with the name of the set as
                the first element and with a single type name or a list of type names as the second element
            preselect: if not None, the set and type names to pre-select (show). This should have the same format
                as the annspec parameter.
            palette: if not None a list of colour codes (strings) usable in Javascript which will be used instead
                of the default palette.
            cols4types: if not None a dictionary mapping tuples (setname, typename) to a color. For the given
                setname and typename combinations, the colours from the palette (default or specified) will be
            doc_style: if not None, use this as the style for the document text box
            row1_style: if not None, use this for the first row of the HTML viewer, which contains the document text
                and annotation sets and types panes. Default is gatenlpconfig.doc_html_repr_row1style_nostretch
            row2_style: if not None, use this for the second row of the HTML viewer, which contains the document and
                annottion features pane. Default is gatenlpconfig.doc_html_repr_row2style_nostretch
        # import within this method to avoid dependencies needed for this in the whole Document module
        from gatenlp.serialization.default_htmlannviewer import show_colab, show_notebook
        if to == "colab":
            show_colab(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                       preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                       doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
        elif to == "jupyter":
            show_notebook(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                          preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                          doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
        elif to == "console":
            return self.__str__()
        elif to is not None:
            raise Exception(f"Not a valid value for parameter to: {to}. Use one of console, jupyter, colab")
        if in_notebook():
            if in_colab():
                show_colab(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                           preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                           doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
                show_notebook(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                              preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                              doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
            return self.__str__()

    def attach(self, annset, name, check=True):
        Attach a detached set to the document. This should get used with caution and is mainly
        intended for use inside the gatenlp library to allow for fast incremental creation of
        new documents and document sets. The set can only be added if a set with the given name
        does not yet exist at all.

            annset: the annotation set to attach
            name: the name for the annotation set
            check: if False, prevent any checking. WARNING: this may create an inconsistent/illegal document!
        if name in self._annotation_sets:
            raise Exception(f"Cannot attach set, a set with the name {name} already exists")
        if check:
            # check if the offsets are consistent with the document
            mylen = len(self)
            for ann in annset._annotations.values():
                if ann.end > mylen:
                    raise Exception(f"Cannot attach set, annotation beyond text end: {ann}")
        self._annotation_sets[name] = annset
        annset._owner_doc = self

    def _edit_text(oldtext, edits):
        Edit helper method: given some old text, applies the edit or edits and returns the changed text.

            oldtext: the text to edit
            edits: a single edit (start, end, replacementtext) or a list of such edits. The list must be sorted by
                starting offset.

        Returns: the new changed text
        # note: all the offsets in the edits refer to the current text, so we cannot simply apply one edit
        # after the other. Instead, we collect all the text snippets we need and create the final text from them
        snippets = []
        lastoff = 0
        for edit in edits:
            start, end, newtext = edit
            if end < start:
                raise Exception(f"Edit ({start}, {end}, {newtext}): end offset smaller than start offset")
            if start > lastoff:
            elif start < lastoff:
                raise Exception(f"Edits overlap or not sorted: ({start}, {end}, {newtext})")
            if len(newtext) > 0:
            lastoff = end
        if lastoff < len(oldtext):
        newtext = "".join(snippets)
        return newtext

    def edit(self, edits, affected_strategy="keepadapt"):
        Carry out one or more edits. If edits is a tuple of length 3 with the first element not being iterable,
        assume it is a single edit, Otherwise assume it is an iterable of edits.
        An edit is a tuple (start, end, newstr) giving the old offset range and the string which
        replaces that range. NOTE: no two edit offset ranges may
        overlap, if ranges do overlap, this method may raise an exception or silently perform unexpected
        and terrible changes. The method does not check for edit spans to not overlap!

        This method adapts the offsets of all annotations after the affected span, if an annotation begins or
        ends within an affected span, what happens depends on the affected_strategy:

        delete_all: remove any annotation where the start and/or end offset lies between the from/to offsets of
            the edit
        adapt: any start and/or end offset in between from/to is changed to the from or to offset
        keepadapt: any start and/or end offset in between is left unchanged if that offset still exists in the
            new span, otherwise adapted to from/to.

            edits: single edit or iterable of edits
            affected_strategy: one of the following strategies: delete, adapt, keepadapt
        assert affected_strategy in ["delete_all", "adapt", "keepadapt"]
        if isinstance(edits, tuple) and not isinstance(edits[0], Iterable):
            edits = [edits]
        edits.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
        self._text = Document._edit_text(self._text, edits)
        for annset in self._annotation_sets.values():
            annset._edit(edits, affected_strategy=affected_strategy)

    def clone(self):
        Create a clone of the current document, no data is shared between the clone and the original.

            A copy of the current document
        return Document.load_mem(self.save_mem())

Static methods

def from_dict(dictrepr, **_kwargs)

Return a Document instance as represented by the dictionary dictrepr.


return: the initialized Document instance
not used, ignored


the initialized Document instance

Expand source code
def from_dict(dictrepr, **_kwargs):
    """Return a Document instance as represented by the dictionary dictrepr.

      dictrepr: return: the initialized Document instance
      **_kwargs: not used, ignored

      the initialized Document instance

    feats = dictrepr.get("features", {})
    doc = Document(dictrepr.get("text"), features=feats) = dictrepr.get("name")
    doc.offset_type = dictrepr.get("offset_type")
    if doc.offset_type is None:
        doc.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
    if (
        doc.offset_type != OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA
        and doc.offset_type != OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
        raise Exception("Invalid offset type, cannot load: ", doc.offset_type)
    annsets = {
        name: AnnotationSet.from_dict(adict, owner_doc=doc)
        for name, adict in dictrepr.get("annotation_sets", {}).items()
    doc._annotation_sets = annsets
    return doc
def load(source, fmt=None, mod='gatenlp.serialization.default', **kwargs)

Load or import a document from the given source. The source can be a file path or file name or a URL. If the type of the source is str, then if it starts with "http[s]://" it will get treated as a URL. In order to deliberatly use a file instead of a URL, create a pathlib Path, in order to deliberately use URL instead of a file parse the URL using urllib.

Example: Document.load(urllib.parse.urlparse(someurl), fmt=theformat)

Example: Document.load(pathlib.Path(somepath), fmt=theformat)

NOTE: the offset type of the document is always converted to PYTHON when loading!


source: the URL or file path to load from.
fmt: the format of the source. By default the format is inferred by the file extension.
The format can be a format memnonic like "json", "html", or a known mime type
like "text/bdocjs".
the name of a module where the document loader is implemented. (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
additional format specific keyword arguments to pass to the loader


the loaded document

Expand source code
def load(source, fmt=None, mod="gatenlp.serialization.default", **kwargs):
    Load or import a document from the given source. The source can be a file path or
    file name or a URL. If the type of the source is str, then if it starts with
    "http[s]://" it will get treated as a URL. In order to deliberatly use a file instead of
    a URL, create a pathlib Path, in order to deliberately use URL instead of a file parse
    the URL using urllib.

    Example: `Document.load(urllib.parse.urlparse(someurl), fmt=theformat)`

    Example: `Document.load(pathlib.Path(somepath), fmt=theformat)`

    NOTE: the offset type of the document is always converted to PYTHON when loading!

        source: the URL or file path to load from.
        fmt: the format of the source. By default the format is inferred by the file extension.
            The format can be a format memnonic like "json", "html", or a known mime type
            like "text/bdocjs".
      mod: the name of a module where the document loader is implemented.
          (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
      kwargs: additional format specific keyword arguments to pass to the loader

      the loaded document
    if fmt is None or isinstance(fmt, str):
        m = importlib.import_module(mod)
        loader = m.get_document_loader(source, fmt)
        doc = loader(Document, from_ext=source, **kwargs)
        doc = fmt(Document, from_ext=source, **kwargs)
    if doc.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA:
    return doc
def load_mem(source, fmt='json', mod='gatenlp.serialization.default', **kwargs)

Create a document from the in-memory serialization in source. Source can be a string or bytes, depending on the format.

Note: the offset type is always converted to PYTHON when loading!


the string/bytes to deserialize
if string, the format identifier or mime type (Default value = "json"), otherwise assumed to be a callable that retrieves and returns the document
the name of the module where the loader is implemented (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
additional arguments to pass to the loader
Expand source code
def load_mem(source, fmt="json", mod="gatenlp.serialization.default", **kwargs):
    Create a document from the in-memory serialization in source. Source can be a string or
    bytes, depending on the format.

    Note: the offset type is always converted to PYTHON when loading!

        source: the string/bytes to deserialize
        fmt: if string, the format identifier or mime type (Default value = "json"), otherwise
            assumed to be a callable that retrieves and returns the document
        mod: the name of the module where the loader is implemented
            (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
        kwargs: additional arguments to pass to the loader
    if not fmt:
        raise Exception("Format required.")
    if isinstance(fmt, str):
        m = importlib.import_module(mod)
        loader = m.get_document_loader(None, fmt)
        doc = loader(Document, from_mem=source, **kwargs)
        doc = fmt(Document, from_mem=source, **kwargs)
    if doc.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA:
    return doc

Instance variables

var changelog

Get the ChangeLog or None if no ChangeLog has been set.

:return: the changelog



Expand source code
def changelog(self):
    """Get the ChangeLog or None if no ChangeLog has been set.

    :return: the changelog



    return self._changelog
var features

Accesses the features as a FeatureViewer instance. Changes made on this object are reflected in the document and recorded in the change log, if there is one.

:return: A FeatureViewer view of the document features.



Expand source code
def features(self):
    """Accesses the features as a FeatureViewer instance. Changes made on this object are
    reflected in the document and recorded in the change log, if there is one.

    :return: A FeatureViewer view of the document features.



    return self._features
var name
Expand source code
def name(self):
    """ """
    return self._name
var text : str

Get the text of the document. For a partial document, the text may be None.

:return: the text of the document



Expand source code
def text(self) -> str:
    """Get the text of the document. For a partial document, the text may be None.

    :return: the text of the document



    return self._text


def anns(self, annspec)

Return a detached annotation set with all annotations which match the annotation specification. Annotation ids are preserved if possible, but if annotations from different sets have duplicate ids, new ids are assigned instead.


either a single string which is interpreted as an annotation set name, or a list where each element is either a string (annotation set name) or a tuple. If an element is a tuple, the first element of the tuple must be the annotation set name and the second element either a type name or a list of type names.


a detached, immutable set with all the annotations matching the annotation specification

Expand source code
def anns(self, annspec):
    Return a detached annotation set with all annotations which match the annotation specification.
    Annotation ids are preserved if possible, but if annotations from different sets have duplicate
    ids, new ids are assigned instead.

        annspec: either a single string which is interpreted as an annotation set name, or a list where
            each element is either a string (annotation set name) or a tuple. If an element is a tuple, the
            first element of the tuple must be the annotation set name and the second element either a type
            name or a list of type names.

        a detached, immutable set with all the annotations matching the annotation specification
    return AnnotationSet.create_from(self.yield_anns(annspec))
def annset(self, name: str = '') ‑> AnnotationSet

Get the named annotation set, if name is not given or the empty string, the default annotation set. If the annotation set does not already exist, it is created.


the annotation set name, the empty string is used for the "default annotation set".
str: (Default value = "")


the specified annotation set.

Expand source code
def annset(self, name: str = "") -> AnnotationSet:
    Get the named annotation set, if name is not given or the empty string,
    the default annotation set.
    If the annotation set does not already exist, it is created.

        name: the annotation set name, the empty string is used for the
            "default annotation set".
        name: str:  (Default value = "")

      the specified annotation set.

    if name not in self._annotation_sets:
        annset = AnnotationSet(owner_doc=self, name=name)
        self._annotation_sets[name] = annset
        if self._changelog:
            self._changelog.append({"command": "annotations:add", "set": name})
        return annset
        return self._annotation_sets[name]
def annset_names(self) ‑> List[str]



:return: annotation set names

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def annset_names(self) -> List[str]:


      :return: annotation set names

    return list(self._annotation_sets.keys())
def apply_changes(self, changes, handle_existing_anns='add-with-new-id')

Apply changes from a ChangeLog to this document. changes can be a ChangeLog instance, a sequence of change objects (dicts) as stored in a ChangeLog instance, or a single change object.

The document is modified in-place.


one or more changes
what to do if the change from the changelog tries to add an annotation with an annotation id that already exists in the target set. (Default value = ADDANN_ADD_WITH_NEW_ID)
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def apply_changes(self, changes, handle_existing_anns=ADDANN_ADD_WITH_NEW_ID):
    """Apply changes from a ChangeLog to this document. `changes` can be a ChangeLog instance,
    a sequence of change objects (dicts) as stored in a ChangeLog instance, or a single
    change object.

    The document is modified in-place.

      changes: one or more changes
      handle_existing_anns: what to do if the change from the changelog tries to
          add an annotation with an annotation id that already exists in the target set.
          (Default value = ADDANN_ADD_WITH_NEW_ID)

    if isinstance(changes, dict):
        changes = [changes]
    elif isinstance(changes, ChangeLog):
        changes = changes.changes
    for change in changes:
        cmd = change.get("command")
        fname = change.get("feature")
        fvalue = change.get("value")
        features = change.get("features")
        sname = change.get("set")
        annid = change.get("id")
        if cmd is None:
            raise Exception("Change without field 'command'")
        if cmd == ACTION_ADD_ANNSET:
            assert sname is not None
        elif cmd == ACTION_ADD_ANN:
            assert sname is not None
            assert annid is not None
            anns = self.annset(sname)
            ann = anns.get(annid)
            start = change.get("start")
            end = change.get("end")
            anntype = change.get("type")

            if ann is None:
                anns.add(start, end, anntype, annid=annid, features=features)
                if handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_IGNORE:
                elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_ADD_WITH_NEW_ID:
                    anns.add(start, end, anntype)
                elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_REPLACE_ANNOTATION:
                    anns.add(start, end, anntype, annid)
                elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_UPDATE_FEATURES:
                elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_REPLACE_FEATURES:
                elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_ADD_NEW_FEATURES:
                    fns = ann.features.names()
                    for f in features.keys():
                        if f not in fns:
                            ann.features[f] = features[f]
                elif handle_existing_anns == ADDANN_IGNORE:

        elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_ANNS:
            assert sname is not None
            anns = self.annset(sname)
        elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_ANN_FEATURES:
            assert sname is not None
            assert annid is not None
            anns = self.annset(sname)
            ann = anns.get(annid)
            if ann is not None:
                pass  # ignore, could happen with a detached annotation
        elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_DOC_FEATURES:
        elif cmd == ACTION_SET_ANN_FEATURE:
            assert fname is not None
            assert sname is not None
            assert annid is not None
            ann = self.annset(sname).get(annid)
            ann.features[fname] = fvalue
        elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_ANN_FEATURE:
            assert sname is not None
            assert annid is not None
            anns = self.annset(sname)
            ann = anns.get(annid)
            if ann is not None:
                if fname is not None:
                    ann.features.pop(fname, None)
                pass  # ignore, could happen with a detached annotation
        elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_DOC_FEATURE:
            assert fname is not None
            self.features.pop(fname, None)
        elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_ANN:
            assert sname is not None
            assert annid is not None
            anns = self.annset(sname)
        elif cmd == ACTION_SET_DOC_FEATURE:
            assert fname is not None
            self.features[fname] = fvalue
        elif cmd == ACTION_CLEAR_DOC_FEATURES:
        elif cmd == ACTION_DEL_DOC_FEATURE:
            assert fname is not None
            del self._features[fname]
            raise Exception("Unknown ChangeLog action: ", cmd)
def attach(self, annset, name, check=True)

Attach a detached set to the document. This should get used with caution and is mainly intended for use inside the gatenlp library to allow for fast incremental creation of new documents and document sets. The set can only be added if a set with the given name does not yet exist at all.


the annotation set to attach
the name for the annotation set
if False, prevent any checking. WARNING: this may create an inconsistent/illegal document!
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def attach(self, annset, name, check=True):
    Attach a detached set to the document. This should get used with caution and is mainly
    intended for use inside the gatenlp library to allow for fast incremental creation of
    new documents and document sets. The set can only be added if a set with the given name
    does not yet exist at all.

        annset: the annotation set to attach
        name: the name for the annotation set
        check: if False, prevent any checking. WARNING: this may create an inconsistent/illegal document!
    if name in self._annotation_sets:
        raise Exception(f"Cannot attach set, a set with the name {name} already exists")
    if check:
        # check if the offsets are consistent with the document
        mylen = len(self)
        for ann in annset._annotations.values():
            if ann.end > mylen:
                raise Exception(f"Cannot attach set, annotation beyond text end: {ann}")
    self._annotation_sets[name] = annset
    annset._owner_doc = self
def clone(self)

Create a clone of the current document, no data is shared between the clone and the original.


A copy of the current document

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def clone(self):
    Create a clone of the current document, no data is shared between the clone and the original.

        A copy of the current document
    return Document.load_mem(self.save_mem())
def copy(self, annspec=None)

Creates a shallow copy except the changelog which is set to None. If annspec is specified, creates a shallow copy but also limits the annotations to the one specified.


if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications: each element is either a string, the name of the annotation set to include, or a tuple where the first element is the annotation set name and the second element is either a type name or a list of type names. The same annotation set name should not be used in more than one specification.


shallow copy of the document, optionally with some annotations removed

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def copy(self, annspec=None):
    Creates a shallow copy except the changelog which is set to None. If annspec is specified,
    creates a shallow copy but also limits the annotations to the one specified.

      annspec: if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications: each element
          is either a string, the name of the annotation set to include, or a tuple where the
          first element is the annotation set name and the second element is either a
          type name or a list of type names. The same annotation set name should not be used
          in more than one specification.

        shallow copy of the document, optionally with some annotations removed
    if annspec is None:
        return self.__copy__()
    doc = Document(self._text)
    doc.offset_type = self.offset_type
    doc._features = self._features.copy()
    doc._annotation_sets = dict()
    for spec in annspec:
        if isinstance(spec, str):
            tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
            if tmpset is not None:
                doc._annotation_sets[spec] = self._annotation_sets[spec].copy()
                doc._annotation_sets[spec]._owner_doc = doc
            setname, types = spec
            if isinstance(types, str):
                types = [types]
            tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
            if tmpset is not None:
                annset = AnnotationSet(owner_doc=doc, name=setname)
                anns = self.annset(setname).with_type(types)
                for ann in anns:
                doc._annotation_sets[setname] = annset
    return doc
def deepcopy(self, annspec=None, memo=None)

Creates a deep copy, except the changelog which is set to None. If annset is not None, the annotations in the copy are restricted to the given set.


the memoization dictionary to use.
which annotation sets and types to include


a deep copy of the document.

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def deepcopy(self, annspec=None, memo=None):
    Creates a deep copy, except the changelog which is set to None. If annset is not None, the
    annotations in the copy are restricted to the given set.

        memo: the memoization dictionary to use.
        annspec: which annotation sets and types to include

        a deep copy of the document.
    if self._features is not None:
        fts = lib_copy.deepcopy(self._features.to_dict(), memo)
        fts = None
    doc = Document(self._text, features=fts)
    doc._changelog = None
    doc.offset_type = self.offset_type
    if annspec is None:
        doc._annotation_sets = lib_copy.deepcopy(self._annotation_sets, memo)
        doc._annotation_sets = dict()
        for spec in annspec:
            if isinstance(spec, str):
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    doc._annotation_sets[spec] = lib_copy.deepcopy(tmpset, memo)
                    doc._annotation_sets[spec]._owner_doc = doc
                setname, types = spec
                if isinstance(types, str):
                    types = [types]
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    annset = AnnotationSet(owner_doc=doc, name=setname)
                    anns = tmpset.with_type(types)
                    for ann in anns:
                        annset.add_ann(lib_copy.deepcopy(ann, memo))
                    doc._annotation_sets[setname] = annset
    return doc
def edit(self, edits, affected_strategy='keepadapt')

Carry out one or more edits. If edits is a tuple of length 3 with the first element not being iterable, assume it is a single edit, Otherwise assume it is an iterable of edits. An edit is a tuple (start, end, newstr) giving the old offset range and the string which replaces that range. NOTE: no two edit offset ranges may overlap, if ranges do overlap, this method may raise an exception or silently perform unexpected and terrible changes. The method does not check for edit spans to not overlap!

This method adapts the offsets of all annotations after the affected span, if an annotation begins or ends within an affected span, what happens depends on the affected_strategy:

delete_all: remove any annotation where the start and/or end offset lies between the from/to offsets of the edit adapt: any start and/or end offset in between from/to is changed to the from or to offset keepadapt: any start and/or end offset in between is left unchanged if that offset still exists in the new span, otherwise adapted to from/to.


single edit or iterable of edits
one of the following strategies: delete, adapt, keepadapt
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def edit(self, edits, affected_strategy="keepadapt"):
    Carry out one or more edits. If edits is a tuple of length 3 with the first element not being iterable,
    assume it is a single edit, Otherwise assume it is an iterable of edits.
    An edit is a tuple (start, end, newstr) giving the old offset range and the string which
    replaces that range. NOTE: no two edit offset ranges may
    overlap, if ranges do overlap, this method may raise an exception or silently perform unexpected
    and terrible changes. The method does not check for edit spans to not overlap!

    This method adapts the offsets of all annotations after the affected span, if an annotation begins or
    ends within an affected span, what happens depends on the affected_strategy:

    delete_all: remove any annotation where the start and/or end offset lies between the from/to offsets of
        the edit
    adapt: any start and/or end offset in between from/to is changed to the from or to offset
    keepadapt: any start and/or end offset in between is left unchanged if that offset still exists in the
        new span, otherwise adapted to from/to.

        edits: single edit or iterable of edits
        affected_strategy: one of the following strategies: delete, adapt, keepadapt
    assert affected_strategy in ["delete_all", "adapt", "keepadapt"]
    if isinstance(edits, tuple) and not isinstance(edits[0], Iterable):
        edits = [edits]
    edits.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
    self._text = Document._edit_text(self._text, edits)
    for annset in self._annotation_sets.values():
        annset._edit(edits, affected_strategy=affected_strategy)
def remove_annset(self, name: str)

Completely remove the annotation set.


name of the annotation set to remove


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def remove_annset(self, name: str):
    """Completely remove the annotation set.

      name: name of the annotation set to remove
      name: str:


    if name not in self._annotation_sets:
        raise Exception(f"AnnotationSet with name {name} does not exist")
    del self._annotation_sets[name]
    if self._changelog:
        self._changelog.append({"command": "annotations:remove", "set": name})
def save(self, destination, fmt=None, offset_type=None, mod='gatenlp.serialization.default', annspec=None, **kwargs)

Save the document to the destination file.


either a file name or something that has a write(string) method.
serialization format, by default the format is inferred from the file extension.
store using the given offset type or keep the current if None (Default value = None)
module where the document saver is implemented. (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
if not None, a list of annotation set names or tuples of set name and a list of annotation types to include in the serialized document.
additional parameters for the document saver.
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def save(
    """Save the document to the destination file.

        destination: either a file name or something that has a write(string) method.
        fmt: serialization format, by default the format is inferred from the file extension.
        offset_type: store using the given offset type or keep the current if None
            (Default value = None)
        mod: module where the document saver is implemented.
            (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
        annspec: if not None, a list of annotation set names or tuples of set name and a
            list of annotation types to include in the serialized document.
        kwargs: additional parameters for the document saver.
    if annspec is not None:
        kwargs["annspec"] = annspec
    if fmt is None or isinstance(fmt, str):
        m = importlib.import_module(mod)
        saver = m.get_document_saver(destination, fmt)
        saver(Document, self, to_ext=destination, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)
        # assume fmt is a callable to get used directly
        fmt(Document, self, to_ext=destination, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)
def save_mem(self, fmt='json', offset_type=None, mod='gatenlp.serialization.default', **kwargs)

Serialize to a string or bytes in the given format.


serialization format to use. (Default value = "json")
store using the given offset type or keep the current if None (Default value = None)
module where the document saver is implemented. (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
additional parameters for the format.
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def save_mem(
    """Serialize to a string or bytes in the given format.

        fmt: serialization format to use. (Default value = "json")
        offset_type: store using the given offset type or keep the current if None
            (Default value = None)
        mod: module where the document saver is implemented.
            (Default value = "gatenlp.serialization.default")
        kwargs: additional parameters for the format.
    if not fmt:
        raise Exception("Format required.")
    if isinstance(fmt, str):
        m = importlib.import_module(mod)
        saver = m.get_document_saver(None, fmt)
        return saver(Document, self, to_mem=True, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)
        fmt(Document, self, to_mem=True, offset_type=offset_type, **kwargs)
def show(self, to=None, htmlid=None, annspec=None, preselect=None, palette=None, cols4types=None, doc_style=None, row1_style=None, row2_style=None)

Show the document, possibly in a Jupyter notebook. This allows to assign a specific htmlid so the generated HTML can be directly styled afterwards. This directly sends the rendered document to the cell (no display/HTML necessary) if the destination is a notebook.


if None, try to guess if this is called from within a notebook and if yes, which kind. Otherwise, explicitly specify where to show the document to, one of "console", "jupyter", "colab". If "console" is specified or automatically chosen, the parameters "annspec", "doc_style", "row1_style", and "row2_style" are irrelevant and ignored.
the HTML id prefix to use for classes and element ids.
if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications. Each element is either the name of a set to fully include, or a tuple with the name of the set as the first element and with a single type name or a list of type names as the second element
if not None, the set and type names to pre-select (show). This should have the same format as the annspec parameter.
if not None a list of colour codes (strings) usable in Javascript which will be used instead of the default palette.
if not None a dictionary mapping tuples (setname, typename) to a color. For the given setname and typename combinations, the colours from the palette (default or specified) will be overrriden.
if not None, use this as the style for the document text box
if not None, use this for the first row of the HTML viewer, which contains the document text and annotation sets and types panes. Default is gatenlpconfig.doc_html_repr_row1style_nostretch
if not None, use this for the second row of the HTML viewer, which contains the document and annottion features pane. Default is gatenlpconfig.doc_html_repr_row2style_nostretch
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def show(
    Show the document, possibly in a Jupyter notebook. This allows to assign a specific htmlid so
    the generated HTML can be directly styled afterwards.
    This directly sends the rendered document to the cell (no display/HTML necessary) if
    the destination is a notebook.

        to: if None, try to guess if this is called from within a notebook and if yes, which kind.
            Otherwise, explicitly specify where to show the document to, one of "console", "jupyter",
            "colab". If "console" is specified or automatically chosen, the parameters "annspec", "doc_style",
            "row1_style", and "row2_style" are irrelevant and ignored.
        htmlid: the HTML id prefix to use for classes and element ids.
        annspec: if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications.
            Each element is either the name of a set to fully include, or a tuple with the name of the set as
            the first element and with a single type name or a list of type names as the second element
        preselect: if not None, the set and type names to pre-select (show). This should have the same format
            as the annspec parameter.
        palette: if not None a list of colour codes (strings) usable in Javascript which will be used instead
            of the default palette.
        cols4types: if not None a dictionary mapping tuples (setname, typename) to a color. For the given
            setname and typename combinations, the colours from the palette (default or specified) will be
        doc_style: if not None, use this as the style for the document text box
        row1_style: if not None, use this for the first row of the HTML viewer, which contains the document text
            and annotation sets and types panes. Default is gatenlpconfig.doc_html_repr_row1style_nostretch
        row2_style: if not None, use this for the second row of the HTML viewer, which contains the document and
            annottion features pane. Default is gatenlpconfig.doc_html_repr_row2style_nostretch
    # import within this method to avoid dependencies needed for this in the whole Document module
    from gatenlp.serialization.default_htmlannviewer import show_colab, show_notebook
    if to == "colab":
        show_colab(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                   preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                   doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
    elif to == "jupyter":
        show_notebook(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                      preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                      doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
    elif to == "console":
        return self.__str__()
    elif to is not None:
        raise Exception(f"Not a valid value for parameter to: {to}. Use one of console, jupyter, colab")
    if in_notebook():
        if in_colab():
            show_colab(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                       preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                       doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
            show_notebook(self, htmlid=htmlid, display=True, annspec=annspec,
                          preselect=preselect, palette=palette, cols4types=cols4types,
                          doc_style=doc_style, row1_style=row1_style, row2_style=row2_style)
        return self.__str__()
def to_dict(self, offset_type=None, annspec=None, **kwargs)

Convert this instance to a dictionary that can be used to re-create the instance with from_dict. NOTE: if there is an active changelog, it is not included in the output as this field is considered a transient field!


convert to the given offset type on the fly (Default value = None)
annspec if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications: each element
is either a string, the name of the annotation set to include, or a tuple where the
first element is the annotation set name and the second element is either a
type name or a list of type names. The same annotation set name should not be used
in more than one specification.
get passed on to the to_dict methods of included objects.


the dictionary representation of this instance

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def to_dict(self, offset_type=None, annspec=None, **kwargs):
    """Convert this instance to a dictionary that can be used to re-create the instance with
    NOTE: if there is an active changelog, it is not included in the output as this
    field is considered a transient field!

      offset_type: convert to the given offset type on the fly (Default value = None)
      annspec if not None, a list of annotation set/type specifications: each element
          is either a string, the name of the annotation set to include, or a tuple where the
          first element is the annotation set name and the second element is either a
          type name or a list of type names. The same annotation set name should not be used
          in more than one specification.
      **kwargs: get passed on to the to_dict methods of included objects.

      the dictionary representation of this instance

    # if the specified offset type is equal to what we have, do nothing, otherwise
    # create an offset mapper and pass it down to where we actually convert the annotations

    if offset_type is not None:
        assert offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA or offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
        if offset_type != self.offset_type:
            if self._text is not None:
                om = OffsetMapper(self._text)
                kwargs["offset_mapper"] = om
                kwargs["offset_type"] = offset_type
        offset_type = self.offset_type

    # create the annotation sets map
    if annspec is not None:
        annsets_dict = {}
        for spec in annspec:
            if isinstance(spec, str):
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    annsets_dict[spec] = tmpset.to_dict(**kwargs)
                setname, types = spec
                if isinstance(types, str):
                    types = [types]
                tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
                if tmpset is not None:
                    annsets_dict[setname] = self._annotation_sets[setname].to_dict(
                        anntypes=types, **kwargs
        annsets_dict = {
            name: aset.to_dict(**kwargs)
            for name, aset in self._annotation_sets.items()

    return {
        "annotation_sets": annsets_dict,
        "text": self._text,
        "features": self._features.to_dict(),
        "offset_type": offset_type,
def to_offset_type(self, offsettype: str) ‑> Optional[OffsetMapper]

Convert all the offsets of all the annotations in this document to the required type, either OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA or OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON. If the offsets are already of that type, this does nothing.

NOTE: if the document has a ChangeLog, it is NOT also converted!

The method returns the offset mapper if anything actually was converted, otherwise None.




offset mapper or None

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def to_offset_type(self, offsettype: str) -> Union[OffsetMapper, None]:
    """Convert all the offsets of all the annotations in this document to the
    required type, either OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA or OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON. If the offsets
    are already of that type, this does nothing.

    NOTE: if the document has a ChangeLog, it is NOT also converted!

    The method returns the offset mapper if anything actually was converted,
    otherwise None.

      offsettype: either OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA or OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
      offsettype: str:

      offset mapper or None

    if offsettype == self.offset_type:
        return None
    if offsettype == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA and self.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON:
        # convert from currently python to java
        om = OffsetMapper(self._text)
        self.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA
    elif offsettype == OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON and self.offset_type == OFFSET_TYPE_JAVA:
        # convert from currently java to python
        om = OffsetMapper(self._text)
        self.offset_type = OFFSET_TYPE_PYTHON
        raise Exception("Odd offset type")
    return om
def yield_anns(self, annspec)

Yield all annotations which match the annotation specification. The order of the annotations is unespecified.


either a single string which is interpreted as an annotation set name, or a list where each element is either a string (annotation set name) or a tuple. If an element is a tuple, the first element of the tuple must be the annotation set name and the second element either a type name or a list of type names.


all the annotations matching the annotation specification

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def yield_anns(self, annspec):
    Yield all annotations which match the annotation specification.
    The order of the annotations is unespecified.

        annspec: either a single string which is interpreted as an annotation set name, or a list where
            each element is either a string (annotation set name) or a tuple. If an element is a tuple, the
            first element of the tuple must be the annotation set name and the second element either a type
            name or a list of type names.

        all the annotations matching the annotation specification
    if isinstance(annspec, str):
        tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(annspec)
        if tmpset is not None:
            for ann in tmpset._annotations.values():
                yield ann
    for spec in annspec:
        if isinstance(spec, str):
            tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(spec)
            if tmpset is not None:
                for ann in tmpset._annotations.values():
                    yield ann
            setname, types = spec
            if isinstance(types, str):
                types = [types]
            tmpset = self._annotation_sets.get(setname)
            if tmpset is not None:
                for ann in tmpset._annotations.values():
                    if ann.type in types:
                        yield ann