Module gatenlp.pam.pampac.pampac_parsers
Module for PAMPAC (Pattern Matching wit PArser Combinators) parsers.
This module allows to create parsers that can match patterns in annotations and text and carry out actions if a match occurs.
NOTE: this implementation has been inspired by
Expand source code
Module for PAMPAC (Pattern Matching wit PArser Combinators) parsers.
This module allows to create parsers that can match
patterns in annotations and text and carry out actions if a match occurs.
NOTE: this implementation has been inspired by
# pylint: disable=C0302,R0911,R0912,R0915
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import functools
from gatenlp.pam.matcher import AnnMatcher, CLASS_REGEX_PATTERN, CLASS_RE_PATTERN
from import Location, Context, Result, Success, Failure
from gatenlp.utils import support_annotation_or_set
from gatenlp import Span
__pdoc__ = {
"PampacParser.__or__": True,
"PampacParser.__xor__": True,
"PampacParser.__rshift__": True,
"PampacParser.__and__": True,
"PampacParser.__mul__": True,
"_AnnBase": True,
class PampacParser(ABC):
A Pampac parser, something that takes a context and returns a result.
This can be used to decorate a function that should be used as the parser,
or for subclassing specific parsers.
When subclassing, the method `parse(location, context)` must be overriden!
All parsers are callables where the `__call__` method has the same signature as the
`match` method. So `SomeParser(...)(doc, anns)` is the same as `SomeParser(...).match(doc, anns)`
def parse(self, location, context):
The parsing method that needs to get overridden by each parser implementation.
location: current location for where to continue parsing
context: the context instance
success or failure instance
def match(self, doc, anns=None, start=None, end=None, location=None):
Runs the matcher/parser on the given document and the given annotations.
Annotations may be empty in which case only matching on text makes sense.
doc: the document to run matching on.
anns: (default: None) a set or Iterable of annotations. If this is a list or Iterable, the annotations
will get matched in the order given. If it is a set the "natural" order of annotations used
by the annotation set iterator will be used.
start: the minimum text offset of a range where to look for matches. No annotations that start before
that offset are included.
end: the maximum text offset of a range where to look for matches. No annotation that ends after that
offset and not text that ends after that offset should get included in the result.
Success or Failure
if anns is None:
anns = []
anns = list(anns)
ctx = Context(doc, anns, start=start, end=end)
if location is None:
location = Location(ctx.start, 0)
return self.parse(location, ctx)
__call__ = match
def call(self, func, onfailure=None):
Returns a parser that is equivalent to this parser, but also calls the given function if there is success.
func: the function to call on the success. Should take the success object and arbitrary kwargs.
context and location are kwargs that get passed.
onfailure: the function to call on failure. Should take the failure object and arbitrary kwargs.
context and location are kwargs that get passed.
return Call(self, func, onfailure=onfailure)
def __or__(self, other):
Binary Or via the `|` operator.
This allows to write `Parser1(..) | Parser2(..)` instead of `Or(Parser1(..), Parser2(...))`
other: the other parser
A parser that succeeds if either this or the other parser succeeds.
return Or(self, other)
def __rshift__(self, other):
Binary Seq via the `>>` operator.
This allows to write `Parser1(..) >> Parser2(..)` instead of `Seq(Parser1(..), Parser2(...))`
other: the other parser
A parser that succeeds if this parser succeeds and then the other parser succeeds
after it.
return Seq(self, other)
def __and__(self, other):
Binary And via the `&` operator.
This allows to write `Parser1(..) & Parser2(..)` instead of `And(Parser1(..), Parser2(...))`
other: the other parser
A parser that succeeds if this parser and the other parser both succeed at the same location.
return And(self, other)
def __xor__(self, other):
Binary All via the `^` operator.
This allows to write `Parser1(...) ^ Parser2(...)` instead of `All(Parser1(...), Parser2(...))`
NOTE: `a ^ b ^ c` is NOT the same as All(a,b,c) as the first will fail if b fails but the second will
still return `a ^ c`
other: the other parser
Returns if this and the other parser succeeds at the current location and returns the
union of all results.
return All(self, other)
def where(self, predicate, take_if=True):
Return a parser that only succeeds if the predicate is true on at least one result of
a success of this parser.
predicate: the predicate to call on each result which should accept the result and arbitrary
keyword arguments. The kwargs `context` and `location` are also passed. The predicate
should return true if a result should get accepted.
take_if: if False the result is accepted if the predicate function returns False for it
Success with all the results that have been accepted or Failure if no result was accepted
return Filter(self, predicate, take_if=take_if)
def repeat(self, min=1, max=1): # pylint: disable=W0622
Return a parser where the current parser is successful at least `min` and at most `max` times.
`Parser1(...).repeat(min=a, max=b)` is the same as `N(Parser1(...), min=a, max=b)`
NOTE: this is also the same as `Parser1(...) * (a, b)`
min: minimum number of times the parser must be successful in sequence
max: maximum number of times the parser may be successfull in sequence
Parser to match this parser min to max times.
return N(self, min=min, max=max)
def __mul__(self, n): # pylint: disable=C0103
Return a parser where the current parser is successful n times.
If n is a tuple (a,b)
return a parser where the current parser is successful a minimum of a and a maximum of b times.
`Parser1(...) * (a,b)` is the same as `N(Parser1(...), min=a, max=b)`
n: either an integer used for min and max, or a tuple (min, max)
Parser to match this parser min to max times.
if isinstance(n, int):
return N(self, min=n, max=n)
elif isinstance(n, tuple) and len(n) == 2:
return N(self, min=n[0], max=n[1])
elif isinstance(n, list) and len(n) == 2:
return N(self, min=n[0], max=n[1])
raise Exception("Not an integer or tuple or list of two integers")
def _make_constraint_predicate(self, matcher, constraint, annset=None):
Create predicate that can be used to filter results according to one of the
annotation-based constraints like .within, .coextensive.
matcher: the annotation matcher
constraint: the constraint to use on the annotation set
annset: if not None, use that set instead of the one from the context
predicate function
def _predicate(result, context=None, **_kwargs):
anns = set()
for mtch_ in result.matches:
ann = mtch_.get("ann")
if ann:
if annset is None:
useset = context.annset
useset = annset
tocall = getattr(useset, constraint)
annstocheck = tocall(result.span)
for anntocheck in annstocheck:
if matcher(anntocheck, context.doc):
if anntocheck in anns:
return True
return False
return _predicate
def _make_notconstraint_predicate(self, matcher, constraint, annset=None):
Create predicate that can be used to filter results according to one of the
annotation-based negated constraints like .notwithin, .notcoextensive.
matcher: the annotation matcher
constraint: the constraint to use on the annotation set
annset: if not None, use that set instead of the one from the context
predicate function
def _predicate(result, context=None, **_kwargs):
anns = set()
for mtch_ in result.matches:
ann = mtch_.get("ann")
if ann:
if annset is None:
useset = context.annset
useset = annset
tocall = getattr(useset, constraint)
annstocheck = tocall(result.span)
matched = False
for anntocheck in annstocheck:
if matcher(anntocheck, context.doc):
if anntocheck in anns:
matched = True
return not matched
return _predicate
def within(
self, type=None,
features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first"
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is within any annotation
that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from
the candidates for checking this constraint!
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match within a matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "covering", annset=annset)
return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def notwithin(
self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first"
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not within any annotation
that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from
the candidates for checking this constraint!
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not within a matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "covering", annset=annset)
return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def coextensive(
self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first"
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is coextensive with
any annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from
the candidates for checking this constraint!
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match when coextensive with a matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "coextensive", annset=annset)
return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def notcoextensive(
self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first"
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not coextensive
with any annotation
that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from
the candidates for checking this constraint!
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not coextensive with a matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "coextensive", annset=annset)
return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def overlapping(
self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first"
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is overlapping with
any annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from
the candidates for checking this constraint!
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match overlapping with a matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "overlapping", annset=annset)
return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def notoverlapping(
self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first"
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not overlapping
within any annotation
that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from
the candidates for checking this constraint!
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not overlapping with a matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "overlapping", annset=annset)
return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def covering(
self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first"
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is covering any annotation
that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from
the candidates for checking this constraint!
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if there is a covering matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "within", annset=annset)
return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def notcovering(
self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first"
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not covering
any annotation
that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from
the candidates for checking this constraint!
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not covering a matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "within", annset=annset)
return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def at(
self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first"
): # pylint: disable=W0622,C0103
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is starting
at the same offset as an annotation
that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from
the candidates for checking this constraint!
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if starting with a matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "startingat", annset=annset)
return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def notat(
self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first"
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not starting
with any annotation
that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from
the candidates for checking this constraint!
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not starting with a matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "startingat", annset=annset)
return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def before(
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is before any annotation
that matches the given properties.
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
immediately: limit checking to annotations that start right after the end of the current match
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match (immediately) before a matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
# predicate for this needs to check if there are matching annotations that start at or after
# the END of the result
def _predicate(result, context=None, **kwargs):
anns = set(result.anns4matches())
if annset is None:
useset = context.annset
useset = annset
if immediately:
annstocheck = useset.startingat(result.span.end)
annstocheck = useset.startin_ge(result.span.end)
for anntocheck in annstocheck:
if matcher(anntocheck, context.doc):
if anntocheck in anns:
return True
return False
return Filter(self, _predicate, matchtype=matchtype)
def notbefore(
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not before any annotation
that matches the given properties.
type: as for AnnMatcher
annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
features: as for AnnMatcher
features_eq: as for AnnMatcher
text: as for AnnMatcher
immediately: limit checking to annotations that start right after the end of the current match
matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not (immediately) before a matching annotation
matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
def _predicate(result, context=None, **kwargs):
anns = set(result.anns4matches())
if annset is None:
useset = context.annset
useset = annset
if immediately:
annstocheck = useset.startingat(result.span.end)
annstocheck = useset.start_ge(result.span.end)
matched = False
for anntocheck in annstocheck:
if matcher(anntocheck, context.doc):
if anntocheck in anns:
matched = True
return not matched
return Filter(self, _predicate, matchtype=matchtype)
def lookahead(self, other):
Return a parser that only matches the current parser if the given parser can be matched
The match of the given parser is not part of the success and does not increment the
next parsing location.
other: a parser that must match after this parser but the match is discarded.
a parser that mast be followed by a match of the other parser
return Lookahead(self, other)
class Function(PampacParser):
Parser that wraps a function.
def __init__(self, parser_function):
Create a parser from the given function.
parser_function: the function to wrap into a parser.
""" = None
self._parser_function = parser_function = parser_function.__name__
functools.update_wrapper(self, parser_function)
def parse(self, location, context):
Invoking the parser function. This invokes the wrapped function for the root PampacParser
class and should be overriden/implemented for PampacParser subclasses.
location: where to start parsing
context: the parsing context
Success or Failure
return self._parser_function(location, context)
class Lookahead(PampacParser):
A parser that succeeds for a parser A only if another parser B succeeds right after it.
However the success of parser B is discarded and does not influence the success nor the
next parse location.
If there is more than one result for the success of the parser A, then the result is only
included in the success if the lookahead parser matches and there is only overall success
if at least one result remains. This also depends on the matchtype.
def __init__(self, parser, laparser, matchtype="first"):
Create a Lookahead parser.
parser: the parser for which to return a success or failure
laparser: the parser that must match after the first parser, but it's success is discarded.
matchtype: which matches to include in the result, one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all".
self.parser = parser
self.laparser = laparser
self.matchtype = matchtype
def parse(self, location, context):
ret = self.parser.parse(location, context).issuccess()
if ret.issuccess():
res = ret.result(self.matchtype)
if isinstance(res, list):
# we need to check each of the results
allres = []
for mtch_ in res:
newlocation = mtch_.location
laret = self.laparser.parse(newlocation, context)
if laret.issuccess():
allres = []
if len(allres) > 0:
return Success(results=allres, context=context)
return Failure(
message="Lookahead failed for all results",
newlocation = res.location
laret = self.laparser.parse(newlocation, context)
if laret.issuccess():
return ret
return Failure(
context=context, message="Lookahead failed", location=location
return ret
class Filter(PampacParser):
Select only some of the results returned by a parser success, call the predicate function on each to check.
This can also be used to check a single result and decide if it should be a success or failure.
def __init__(self, parser, predicate, take_if=True, matchtype="first"):
Invoke predicate with each result of a successful parse of parser and return success with the remaining
list. If the remaining list is empty, return Failure.
parser: the parser to use
predicate: the function to call for each result of the parser success. Should have signature
result, context=, location=
take_if: if True takes if predicate returns True, otherwise if predicate returns false
matchtype: how to choose among all the selected results
self.parser = parser
self.predicate = predicate
self.take_if = take_if
self.matchtype = matchtype
def parse(self, location, context):
ret = self.parser.parse(location, context)
if ret.issuccess():
res = []
for res_ in ret:
if (
self.predicate(res_, context=context, location=location)
== self.take_if
if len(res) == 0:
return Failure(
message="No result satisfies predicate",
return Success(res, context=context)
return ret
class Call(PampacParser):
A parser that calls a function on success (and optionally on failure).
This parser is identical to the original parser but calls the given function
on success. The function must accept the success instance and arbitrary keyword arguments.
The kwargs `context`, `location`, `name` and `parser` are passed on.
If the `onfailure` parameter is not none, this is a function that is called on Failure with the
Failure instance and the same kwargs.
The parsing result of this parser is the same as the parsing result of the original parser.
def __init__(self, parser, func, onfailure=None):
Create a Call parser.
parser: the original parser to use
func: the function to call if the original parser returns success
onfailure: the function to call if the original parser returns failure
self.parser = parser
self.func = func
self.onfailure = onfailure
def parse(self, location, context):
ret = self.parser.parse(location, context)
if ret.issuccess():
if self.onfailure:
return ret
class _AnnBase(PampacParser):
Common base class with common methods for both Ann and AnnAt.
def gap(self, min=0, max=0): # pylint: disable=W0622
Return a parser which only matches self if the next annotation offset starts at this distance
from the current next text offset.
min: minimum gap size (default: 0)
max: maximum gap size (default: 0)
parser that tries to match only if the next annotation is within the gap range
def _parse(location, context):
ann = context.get_ann(location.ann_location)
if ann is None:
return Failure(
context=context, location=location, message="No annotation left"
if (
ann.start >= location.text_location + min
and ann.start <= location.text_location + max
return self.parse(location, context)
return Failure(
message="Next ann not withing gap",
return Function(parser_function=_parse)
def findgap(self, min=0, max=0): # pylint: disable=W0622
Return a parser which matches at the next location where an annotation satisfies the gap constraint
with respect to the current text location.
min: minimum gap size (default 0)
max: maximum gap size (default 0)
parser that tries to match at the next annotation found within the gap range
def _parse(location, context):
idx = location.ann_location
while True:
ann = context.get_ann(idx)
if ann is None:
return Failure(
context=context, location=location, message="No annotation left"
if (
ann.start >= location.text_location + min
and ann.start <= location.text_location + max
return self.parse(location, context)
if ann.ann.start > location.text_location + max:
return Failure(
message="No annotation found withing gap",
idx += 1
return Function(parser_function=_parse)
class AnnAt(_AnnBase):
Parser for matching the first or all annotations at the offset for the next annotation in the list.
def __init__(
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Create an AnnAt parser.
type: the type to match, can be None, a string, a regular expression or a callable
features: the features that must be matched, a dictionary as the FeatureMatcher arguments
features_eq: the features that must be matched and no other features may exist, a dictionary as
the FeatureEqMatcher arguments.
text: the covered document text to match
matchtype: which matches to return in a success, one of "all", "first" (default), "longest", "shortest"
name: the name of the match. If specified, a dictionary describing the match is added to the result.
useoffset: if True, tries to match at the current text offset, not the start offset of the
next annotation to match.
self.type = type
self.features = features
self.features_eq = features_eq
self.text = text = name
self._matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
self.matchtype = matchtype
self.useoffset = useoffset
def parse(self, location, context):
if self.useoffset:
location = context.update_location_byoffset(location)
next_ann = context.get_ann(location)
if not next_ann:
return Failure(
message="No annotation left",
results = []
start = next_ann.start
matched = False
while True:
if self._matcher(next_ann):
matched = True
matchlocation = Location(
text_location=start, ann_location=location.ann_location
if is None:
matches = None
matches = dict(
span=Span(next_ann.start, next_ann.end),
# update location
result_location = context.inc_location(location, by_index=1)
result = Result(matches=matches, location=result_location, span=Span(next_ann.start, next_ann.end))
if self.matchtype == "first":
return Success(result, context)
# have we reached the last annotation?
if context.at_endofanns(location):
# point to the next annotation
location.ann_location += 1
next_ann = context.get_ann(location)
if not next_ann or next_ann.start != start:
if context.at_endofanns(location):
# point to the next annotation
location.ann_location += 1
next_ann = context.get_ann(location)
if not next_ann or next_ann.start != start:
if not matched:
return Failure(
message="No matching annotation",
res = Success.select_result(results, matchtype=self.matchtype)
return Success(res, context)
class Ann(_AnnBase):
Parser for matching the next annotation in the annotation list.
def __init__(
): # pylint: disable=W0622
type: (default: None): type to match, string, regexp or predicate function
features: (default: None): features to match, dictionary where each value is value, regexp or predicate function
Annotation can contain additional features.
features_eq: (default: None): features to match, annotation must not contain additional features
text: (default: None): document text to match, string or regexp
name: (default: None): if set to a non-empty string, saves the match info under this name
useoffset: if True, and a location is give where the next annotation starts before the text offset, skips
forward in the annotation list until an annotation is found at or after that offset.
If no such annotation found, fails. If False, always uses the next annotation in the list, no matter
the offset.
self.type = type
self.features = features
self.features_eq = features_eq
self.text = text = name
self.useoffset = useoffset
self._matcher = AnnMatcher(
type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text
def parse(self, location, context):
if self.useoffset:
location = context.update_location_byoffset(location)
next_ann = context.get_ann(location)
if not next_ann:
return Failure(
message="No annotation left",
# try to match it
if self._matcher(next_ann, doc=context.doc):
newlocation = context.inc_location(location, by_index=1)
if is not None:
matches = dict(
matches = None
span = Span(next_ann.start, next_ann.end)
return Success(Result(matches=matches, location=newlocation, span=span), context)
return Failure(
location=location, context=context, parser=self.__class__.__name__
class Find(PampacParser):
A parser that tries another parser at successive offsets or annotations until it matches
the end of the document / parsing range is reached.
def __init__(self, parser, by_anns=True):
parser: the parser to use for finding the match
by_anns: if True, tries at each annotation index and the corresponding text offset, otherwise tries
at each text offset and the corresponding ann index.
self.parser = parser
self.by_anns = by_anns
def parse(self, location, context):
while True:
ret = self.parser.parse(location, context)
if ret.issuccess():
return ret
if self.by_anns:
location = context.inc_location(location, by_index=1)
if context.at_endofanns(location):
return Failure(
message="Not found via anns",
location = context.inc_location(location, by_offset=1)
if context.at_endoftext(location):
return Failure(
message="Not found via text",
class Text(PampacParser):
A parser that matches some text or regular expression.
def __init__(self, text, name=None, matchcase=True):
text: either text or a compiled regular expression
name: if not None saves the match information under that name
matchcase: if text is actual text, whether the match should be case sensitive or not
self.text = text
if isinstance(self.text, str) and not matchcase:
self.text = self.text.upper() = name
self.matchcase = matchcase
def parse(self, location, context):
# TODO: why did we update by index here before trying to match? Are there edge cases where this
# is needed? In general it is bad because it will set the text offset to the end of the NEXT
# annotation which we do not want. So maybe there are cases when either the current text offset
# does not coincide with the current annotation index or where the annotation index was not
# updated.
# print(f" DEBUG BEFORE: {location}")
# location = context.update_location_byindex(location)
# print(f"DEBUG AFTER: {location}")
txt = context.doc.text[location.text_location:]
if isinstance(self.text, (CLASS_RE_PATTERN, CLASS_REGEX_PATTERN)):
mtch_ = self.text.match(txt)
if mtch_:
lengrp = len(
newlocation = context.inc_location(location, by_offset=lengrp)
matches = dict(
location.text_location + len(,
matches = None
span = Span(
location.text_location, location.text_location + len(
return Success(
Result(matches=matches, location=newlocation, span=span), context
return Failure(context=context)
if not self.matchcase:
txt = txt.upper()
if txt.startswith(self.text):
matches = dict(
location.text_location + len(self.text),
matches = None
newlocation = context.inc_location(location, by_offset=len(self.text))
span = Span(
location.text_location, location.text_location + len(self.text)
return Success(
Result(matches=matches, location=newlocation, span=span), context
return Failure(context=context)
class Or(PampacParser):
Create a parser that accepts the first seccessful one of all the parsers specified.
def __init__(self, *parsers, matchtype="all"):
Creates a parser that tries each of the given parsers in order and uses the first
one that finds a successful match.
*parsers: two or more parsers to each try in sequence
matchtype: which of the results from the successful parser to return.
assert len(parsers) > 1
self.parsers = parsers
self.matchtype = matchtype
def parse(self, location, context):
for parser_ in self.parsers:
ret = parser_.parse(location, context)
if ret.issuccess():
if self.matchtype == "all":
return ret
result = ret.result(self.matchtype)
newloc = result.location
return Success(
Result(result.matches, location=newloc, span=result.span), context
return Failure(
context=context, location=location, message="None of the choices match"
class And(PampacParser):
Return a parser that is successful if all the parsers match at some location, and
fails otherwise. Success always contains all results from all parsers.
def __init__(self, *parsers):
Create an And parser.
*parsers: a list of two or more parsers.
assert len(parsers) > 1
self.parsers = parsers
def parse(self, location, context):
results = []
for parser_ in self.parsers:
ret = parser_.parse(location, context)
if ret.issuccess():
for res_ in ret:
return Failure(
message="Not all parsers succeed",
return Success(results, context=context)
class All(PampacParser):
Return a parser that succeeds if one or more parsers succeed at some location.
If success, all results from all succeeding parsers are included.
def __init__(self, *parsers):
Create an All parser.
*parsers: list of two ore more parsers.
assert len(parsers) > 1
self.parsers = parsers
def parse(self, location, context):
results = []
for parser_ in self.parsers:
ret = parser_.parse(location, context)
if ret.issuccess():
for res_ in ret:
if len(results) > 0:
return Success(results, context=context)
return Failure(
message="None of the parsers succeeded",
class Seq(PampacParser):
A parser that represents a sequence of matching parsers. Each result of this parser combines
all the match information from the sequence element parsers. For matchtype all and select all, all paths
through all the possible ways to match the sequence get combined into separate results of
a successful parse.
def __init__(self, *parsers, matchtype="first", select="first", name=None):
*parsers: two or more parsers
matchtype: (default "first") one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all": which match to return.
Note that even if a matchtype for a single match is specified, the parser may still need to
generate an exponential number of combinations for all the results to select from.
select: (default "first") one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all": which match to choose from each
of the parsers. Only if "all" is used will more than one result be generated.
name: if not None, a separate matching info element is added to the result with that name and
a span that represents the span of the result.
assert len(parsers) > 1
self.parsers = parsers
if matchtype is None:
matchtype = "first"
assert matchtype in ["first", "longest", "shortest", "all"] = select
self.matchtype = matchtype = name
def parse(self, location, context):
if != "all":
allmatches = []
first = True
start = None
end = None
for parser in self.parsers:
ret = parser.parse(location, context)
if ret.issuccess():
result = ret.result(
for mtch in result.matches:
location = result.location
if first:
first = False
start = result.span.start
end = result.span.end
return Failure(
context=context, location=location, message="Mismatch in Seq"
dict(span=Span(start, end),, location=location)
return Success(
Result(matches=allmatches, location=location, span=Span(start, end)), context
# This does a depth-first enumeration of all matches: each successive parser gets tried
# for each result of the previous one.
def depthfirst(lvl, result, start):
parser = self.parsers[lvl]
ret = parser.parse(result.location, context)
if ret.issuccess():
for res in ret:
if start == -1:
start = res.span.start
tmpmatches = result.matches.copy()
for dmtch in res.matches:
loc = res.location
span = Span(start, res.span.end)
if lvl == len(self.parsers) - 1:
newresult = Result(tmpmatches, location=loc, span=span)
yield newresult
newresult = Result(tmpmatches, location=loc, span=span)
yield from depthfirst(lvl + 1, newresult, start)
gen = depthfirst(0, Result(matches=[], location=location, span=Span(0, 0)), -1)
all_ = []
best = None
for idx, result in enumerate(gen):
if self.matchtype == "first" and idx == 0:
return Success(result, context)
if self.matchtype == "all":
elif self.matchtype == "longest":
if best is None:
best = result
elif result.span.end > best.span.end:
best = result
elif self.matchtype == "shortest":
if best is None:
best = result
elif result.span.end < best.span.end:
best = result
if self.matchtype == "all":
if len(all_) > 0:
return Success(all_, context)
return Failure(context=context, location=location)
if best is not None:
return Success(best, context)
return Failure(context=context, location=location)
class N(PampacParser): # pylint: disable=C0103
A parser that represents a sequence of k to l matching parsers.
If no until parser is given, the parser matches greedily as many times as possible.
The until parser can be used to make the matching stop as soon as the until parser succeeds.
def __init__(
): # pylint: disable=W0622
Return a parser that matches min to max matches of parser in sequence. If until is specified, that
parser is tried to match before each iteration and as soon as it matched, the parser succeeds.
If after ming to max matches of the parser, until does not match, the parser fails.
parser: the parser that should match min to max times
min: minimum number of times to match for a success
max: maximum number of times to match for a success
matchtype: which results to include in a successful match, one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all"
select: (default "first") one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all": which match to choose from each
of the parsers. Only if "all" is used will more than one result be generated.
until: parser that terminates the repetition
name: if not None, adds an additional match info element to the result which contains the
and span of the whole sequence.
self.parser = parser
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.matchtype = matchtype
self.until = until = select = name
assert min == int(min)
assert max == int(max)
assert self.min >= 0
assert self.max >= 1
assert self.min <= self.max
def parse(self, location, context):
start = location.text_location
end = start
if != "all":
allmatches = []
i = 0
first = True
# location is the location where we try to match
while True:
if self.until and i >= self.min:
ret = self.until.parse(location, context)
if ret.issuccess():
res = ret.result(
for matches_ in res.matches:
loc = res.location
end = res.span.end
span=Span(start, end), location=loc,
return Success(
Result(allmatches, location=loc, span=Span(start, end)), context
ret = self.parser.parse(location, context)
if not ret.issuccess():
if i < self.min:
return Failure(
message=f"Not at least {self.min} matches",
span=Span(start, end),
# print(f"DEBUG N: return success 1 {start}, {end} / {i}")
return Success(
Result(matches=allmatches, location=location, span=Span(start, end)),
result = ret.result(
if first:
first = False
start = result.span.start
end = result.span.end
for matches_ in result.matches:
location = result.location
i += 1
# print(f"DEBUG N, i now {i}")
if i == self.max:
# print(f"DEBUG N: breaking as max = {self.max}")
# end while
if self.until:
ret = self.until.parse(location, context)
if ret.issuccess():
res = ret.result(
loc = res.location
end = res.span.end
for matches_ in res.matches:
dict(span=Span(start, end), location=loc,
return Success(
Result(allmatches, location=loc, span=Span(start, end)), context
return Failure(
message="Until parser not successful",
dict(span=Span(start, end), location=location,
# print(f"DEBUG N: return success 2 {start}, {end} / {i}")
return Success(
Result(matches=allmatches, location=location, span=Span(start, end)), context
else: # select="all"
# This does a depth-first enumeration of all matches: each successive parser gets tried
# for each result of the previous one.
# TODO: figure out how to properly add named matches!
def depthfirst(lvl, result, start):
# if we already have min matches and we can terminate early, do it
if self.until and lvl >= self.min:
ret = self.until.parse(result.location, context)
if ret.issuccess():
for res in ret:
tmpmatches = result.matches.copy()
for mtmp in res.matches:
loc = res.location
end = res.span.end
span=Span(start, end),
tmpres = Result(tmpmatches, location=loc, span=Span(start, end))
# print(f"DEBUG: YIELD4 {tmpres}")
yield tmpres
# if we got here after the max number of matches, and self.until is set, then
# the parse we did above did not succeed, so we end without a result
if self.until and lvl > self.max:
# if we got here after the max number of matches and self.util is not set, we
# can yield the current result as we found max matches
if lvl >= self.max:
# print(f"DEBUG: YIELD2 {result}")
yield result
# lvl is still smaller than max, so we try to match more
ret = self.parser.parse(result.location, context)
# print(f"DEBUG: got success={ret}, start={start}")
if ret.issuccess():
# for each of the results, try to continue matching
for res in ret:
# print(f"DEBUG: processing result {res}")
tmpmatches = result.matches.copy()
for matches_ in res.matches:
loc = res.location
if start == -1:
start = res.span.start
# print(f"!!!!!!!!! DEBUG SETTING Start to {start}")
span = Span(start, res.span.end)
# WAS: span = Span(location.text_location, res.location.text_location)
newresult = Result(tmpmatches, location=loc, span=span)
# print(f"DEBUG: YIELD FROM {newresult}")
yield from depthfirst(lvl + 1, newresult, start)
else: # if ret.issuccess()
if lvl < self.min:
# we already have at least min matches: if we have no until, we can yield the result
if not self.until:
tmpmatches = result.matches
end = result.span.end
span=Span(start, end),
# print(f"DEBUG: YIELD1 {result}")
yield result
# if we have until, then the until above did not match so neither the normal parser
# nor the until did match so we do not have a success
gen = depthfirst(0, Result(matches=[], location=location, span=Span(-1, -1)), -1)
all_ = []
best = None
for idx, result in enumerate(gen):
# if we get a result, and we have a name, add it to the list of named matches
dict(span=Span(result.span), location=result.location,
# print(f"DEBUG: GENERATED RESULT {result}")
if self.matchtype == "first" and idx == 0:
return Success(result, context)
if self.matchtype == "all":
# print(f"DEBUG: APPENDING")
elif self.matchtype == "longest":
if best is None:
best = result
elif result.span.end > best.span.end:
best = result
elif self.matchtype == "shortest":
if best is None:
best = result
elif result.span.end < best.span.end:
best = result
if self.matchtype == "all":
if len(all_) > 0:
tmpret = Success(all_, context)
# print(f"DEBUG RETURNING OVERAL OF LENGTH {len(all_)}: {tmpret}")
return tmpret
return Failure(context=context, location=location)
if best is not None:
return Success(best, context)
return Failure(context=context, location=location)
class All (*parsers)
Return a parser that succeeds if one or more parsers succeed at some location. If success, all results from all succeeding parsers are included.
Create an All parser.
- list of two ore more parsers.
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class All(PampacParser): """ Return a parser that succeeds if one or more parsers succeed at some location. If success, all results from all succeeding parsers are included. """ def __init__(self, *parsers): """ Create an All parser. Args: *parsers: list of two ore more parsers. """ assert len(parsers) > 1 self.parsers = parsers def parse(self, location, context): results = [] for parser_ in self.parsers: ret = parser_.parse(location, context) if ret.issuccess(): for res_ in ret: results.append(res_) if len(results) > 0: return Success(results, context=context) else: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="None of the parsers succeeded", )
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class And (*parsers)
Return a parser that is successful if all the parsers match at some location, and fails otherwise. Success always contains all results from all parsers.
Create an And parser.
- a list of two or more parsers.
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class And(PampacParser): """ Return a parser that is successful if all the parsers match at some location, and fails otherwise. Success always contains all results from all parsers. """ def __init__(self, *parsers): """ Create an And parser. Args: *parsers: a list of two or more parsers. """ assert len(parsers) > 1 self.parsers = parsers def parse(self, location, context): results = [] for parser_ in self.parsers: ret = parser_.parse(location, context) if ret.issuccess(): for res_ in ret: results.append(res_) else: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="Not all parsers succeed", ) return Success(results, context=context)
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Ann (type=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, name=None, useoffset=True)
Parser for matching the next annotation in the annotation list.
- (default: None): type to match, string, regexp or predicate function
- (default: None): features to match, dictionary where each value is value, regexp or predicate function Annotation can contain additional features.
- (default: None): features to match, annotation must not contain additional features
- (default: None): document text to match, string or regexp
- (default: None): if set to a non-empty string, saves the match info under this name
- if True, and a location is give where the next annotation starts before the text offset, skips forward in the annotation list until an annotation is found at or after that offset. If no such annotation found, fails. If False, always uses the next annotation in the list, no matter the offset.
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class Ann(_AnnBase): """ Parser for matching the next annotation in the annotation list. """ def __init__( self, type=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, name=None, useoffset=True, ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Args: type: (default: None): type to match, string, regexp or predicate function features: (default: None): features to match, dictionary where each value is value, regexp or predicate function Annotation can contain additional features. features_eq: (default: None): features to match, annotation must not contain additional features text: (default: None): document text to match, string or regexp name: (default: None): if set to a non-empty string, saves the match info under this name useoffset: if True, and a location is give where the next annotation starts before the text offset, skips forward in the annotation list until an annotation is found at or after that offset. If no such annotation found, fails. If False, always uses the next annotation in the list, no matter the offset. """ self.type = type self.features = features self.features_eq = features_eq self.text = text = name self.useoffset = useoffset self._matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) def parse(self, location, context): if self.useoffset: location = context.update_location_byoffset(location) next_ann = context.get_ann(location) if not next_ann: return Failure( context=context, parser=self.__class__.__name__, location=location, message="No annotation left", ) # try to match it if self._matcher(next_ann, doc=context.doc): newlocation = context.inc_location(location, by_index=1) if is not None: matches = dict( span=Span(next_ann), location=location, ann=next_ann,, ) else: matches = None span = Span(next_ann.start, next_ann.end) return Success(Result(matches=matches, location=newlocation, span=span), context) else: return Failure( location=location, context=context, parser=self.__class__.__name__ )
- _AnnBase
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class AnnAt (type=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype='first', name=None, useoffset=True)
Parser for matching the first or all annotations at the offset for the next annotation in the list.
Create an AnnAt parser.
- the type to match, can be None, a string, a regular expression or a callable
- the features that must be matched, a dictionary as the FeatureMatcher arguments
- the features that must be matched and no other features may exist, a dictionary as the FeatureEqMatcher arguments.
- the covered document text to match
- which matches to return in a success, one of "all", "first" (default), "longest", "shortest"
- the name of the match. If specified, a dictionary describing the match is added to the result.
- if True, tries to match at the current text offset, not the start offset of the next annotation to match.
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class AnnAt(_AnnBase): """ Parser for matching the first or all annotations at the offset for the next annotation in the list. """ def __init__( self, type=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first", name=None, useoffset=True, ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Create an AnnAt parser. Args: type: the type to match, can be None, a string, a regular expression or a callable features: the features that must be matched, a dictionary as the FeatureMatcher arguments features_eq: the features that must be matched and no other features may exist, a dictionary as the FeatureEqMatcher arguments. text: the covered document text to match matchtype: which matches to return in a success, one of "all", "first" (default), "longest", "shortest" name: the name of the match. If specified, a dictionary describing the match is added to the result. useoffset: if True, tries to match at the current text offset, not the start offset of the next annotation to match. """ self.type = type self.features = features self.features_eq = features_eq self.text = text = name self._matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) self.matchtype = matchtype self.useoffset = useoffset def parse(self, location, context): if self.useoffset: location = context.update_location_byoffset(location) next_ann = context.get_ann(location) if not next_ann: return Failure( context=context, location=location, parser=self.__class__.__name__, message="No annotation left", ) results = [] start = next_ann.start matched = False while True: if self._matcher(next_ann): matched = True matchlocation = Location( text_location=start, ann_location=location.ann_location ) if is None: matches = None else: matches = dict( span=Span(next_ann.start, next_ann.end), location=matchlocation, ann=next_ann,, ) # update location result_location = context.inc_location(location, by_index=1) result = Result(matches=matches, location=result_location, span=Span(next_ann.start, next_ann.end)) if self.matchtype == "first": return Success(result, context) results.append(result) # have we reached the last annotation? if context.at_endofanns(location): break # point to the next annotation location.ann_location += 1 next_ann = context.get_ann(location) if not next_ann or next_ann.start != start: break else: if context.at_endofanns(location): break # point to the next annotation location.ann_location += 1 next_ann = context.get_ann(location) if not next_ann or next_ann.start != start: break if not matched: return Failure( context=context, parser=self.__class__.__name__, location=location, message="No matching annotation", ) else: res = Success.select_result(results, matchtype=self.matchtype) return Success(res, context)
- _AnnBase
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Call (parser, func, onfailure=None)
A parser that calls a function on success (and optionally on failure).
This parser is identical to the original parser but calls the given function on success. The function must accept the success instance and arbitrary keyword arguments. The kwargs
are passed on.If the
parameter is not none, this is a function that is called on Failure with the Failure instance and the same kwargs.The parsing result of this parser is the same as the parsing result of the original parser.
Create a Call parser.
- the original parser to use
- the function to call if the original parser returns success
- the function to call if the original parser returns failure
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class Call(PampacParser): """ A parser that calls a function on success (and optionally on failure). This parser is identical to the original parser but calls the given function on success. The function must accept the success instance and arbitrary keyword arguments. The kwargs `context`, `location`, `name` and `parser` are passed on. If the `onfailure` parameter is not none, this is a function that is called on Failure with the Failure instance and the same kwargs. The parsing result of this parser is the same as the parsing result of the original parser. """ def __init__(self, parser, func, onfailure=None): """ Create a Call parser. Args: parser: the original parser to use func: the function to call if the original parser returns success onfailure: the function to call if the original parser returns failure """ self.parser = parser self.func = func self.onfailure = onfailure def parse(self, location, context): ret = self.parser.parse(location, context) if ret.issuccess(): self.func( ret, context=context, location=location,, parser=self.parser.__class__.__name__, ) else: if self.onfailure: self.onfailure( ret, context=context, location=location,, parser=self.parser.__class__.__name__, ) return ret
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Filter (parser, predicate, take_if=True, matchtype='first')
Select only some of the results returned by a parser success, call the predicate function on each to check. This can also be used to check a single result and decide if it should be a success or failure.
Invoke predicate with each result of a successful parse of parser and return success with the remaining list. If the remaining list is empty, return Failure.
- the parser to use
- the function to call for each result of the parser success. Should have signature result, context=, location=
- if True takes if predicate returns True, otherwise if predicate returns false
- how to choose among all the selected results
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class Filter(PampacParser): """ Select only some of the results returned by a parser success, call the predicate function on each to check. This can also be used to check a single result and decide if it should be a success or failure. """ def __init__(self, parser, predicate, take_if=True, matchtype="first"): """ Invoke predicate with each result of a successful parse of parser and return success with the remaining list. If the remaining list is empty, return Failure. Args: parser: the parser to use predicate: the function to call for each result of the parser success. Should have signature result, context=, location= take_if: if True takes if predicate returns True, otherwise if predicate returns false matchtype: how to choose among all the selected results """ self.parser = parser self.predicate = predicate self.take_if = take_if self.matchtype = matchtype def parse(self, location, context): ret = self.parser.parse(location, context) if ret.issuccess(): res = [] for res_ in ret: if ( self.predicate(res_, context=context, location=location) == self.take_if ): res.append(res_) if len(res) == 0: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="No result satisfies predicate", ) else: return Success(res, context=context) else: return ret
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Find (parser, by_anns=True)
A parser that tries another parser at successive offsets or annotations until it matches the end of the document / parsing range is reached.
- the parser to use for finding the match
- if True, tries at each annotation index and the corresponding text offset, otherwise tries at each text offset and the corresponding ann index.
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class Find(PampacParser): """ A parser that tries another parser at successive offsets or annotations until it matches the end of the document / parsing range is reached. """ def __init__(self, parser, by_anns=True): """ Args: parser: the parser to use for finding the match by_anns: if True, tries at each annotation index and the corresponding text offset, otherwise tries at each text offset and the corresponding ann index. """ self.parser = parser self.by_anns = by_anns def parse(self, location, context): while True: ret = self.parser.parse(location, context) if ret.issuccess(): return ret else: if self.by_anns: location = context.inc_location(location, by_index=1) if context.at_endofanns(location): return Failure( context=context, message="Not found via anns", location=location, ) else: location = context.inc_location(location, by_offset=1) if context.at_endoftext(location): return Failure( context=context, message="Not found via text", location=location, )
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Function (parser_function)
Parser that wraps a function.
Create a parser from the given function.
- the function to wrap into a parser.
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class Function(PampacParser): """ Parser that wraps a function. """ def __init__(self, parser_function): """ Create a parser from the given function. Args: parser_function: the function to wrap into a parser. """ = None self._parser_function = parser_function = parser_function.__name__ functools.update_wrapper(self, parser_function) def parse(self, location, context): """ Invoking the parser function. This invokes the wrapped function for the root PampacParser class and should be overriden/implemented for PampacParser subclasses. Args: location: where to start parsing context: the parsing context Returns: Success or Failure """ return self._parser_function(location, context)
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
def parse(self, location, context)
Invoking the parser function. This invokes the wrapped function for the root PampacParser class and should be overriden/implemented for PampacParser subclasses.
- where to start parsing
- the parsing context
Success or Failure
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def parse(self, location, context): """ Invoking the parser function. This invokes the wrapped function for the root PampacParser class and should be overriden/implemented for PampacParser subclasses. Args: location: where to start parsing context: the parsing context Returns: Success or Failure """ return self._parser_function(location, context)
Inherited members
class Lookahead (parser, laparser, matchtype='first')
A parser that succeeds for a parser A only if another parser B succeeds right after it. However the success of parser B is discarded and does not influence the success nor the next parse location.
If there is more than one result for the success of the parser A, then the result is only included in the success if the lookahead parser matches and there is only overall success if at least one result remains. This also depends on the matchtype.
Create a Lookahead parser.
- the parser for which to return a success or failure
- the parser that must match after the first parser, but it's success is discarded.
- which matches to include in the result, one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all".
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class Lookahead(PampacParser): """ A parser that succeeds for a parser A only if another parser B succeeds right after it. However the success of parser B is discarded and does not influence the success nor the next parse location. If there is more than one result for the success of the parser A, then the result is only included in the success if the lookahead parser matches and there is only overall success if at least one result remains. This also depends on the matchtype. """ def __init__(self, parser, laparser, matchtype="first"): """ Create a Lookahead parser. Args: parser: the parser for which to return a success or failure laparser: the parser that must match after the first parser, but it's success is discarded. matchtype: which matches to include in the result, one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all". """ self.parser = parser self.laparser = laparser self.matchtype = matchtype def parse(self, location, context): ret = self.parser.parse(location, context).issuccess() if ret.issuccess(): res = ret.result(self.matchtype) if isinstance(res, list): # we need to check each of the results allres = [] for mtch_ in res: newlocation = mtch_.location laret = self.laparser.parse(newlocation, context) if laret.issuccess(): allres = [] if len(allres) > 0: return Success(results=allres, context=context) else: return Failure( context=context, message="Lookahead failed for all results", location=location, ) else: newlocation = res.location laret = self.laparser.parse(newlocation, context) if laret.issuccess(): return ret else: return Failure( context=context, message="Lookahead failed", location=location ) else: return ret
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class N (parser, min=1, max=1, matchtype='first', select='first', until=None, name=None)
A parser that represents a sequence of k to l matching parsers.
If no until parser is given, the parser matches greedily as many times as possible. The until parser can be used to make the matching stop as soon as the until parser succeeds.
Return a parser that matches min to max matches of parser in sequence. If until is specified, that parser is tried to match before each iteration and as soon as it matched, the parser succeeds. If after ming to max matches of the parser, until does not match, the parser fails.
- the parser that should match min to max times
- minimum number of times to match for a success
- maximum number of times to match for a success
- which results to include in a successful match, one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all"
- (default "first") one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all": which match to choose from each of the parsers. Only if "all" is used will more than one result be generated.
- parser that terminates the repetition
- if not None, adds an additional match info element to the result which contains the and span of the whole sequence.
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class N(PampacParser): # pylint: disable=C0103 """ A parser that represents a sequence of k to l matching parsers. If no until parser is given, the parser matches greedily as many times as possible. The until parser can be used to make the matching stop as soon as the until parser succeeds. """ def __init__( self, parser, min=1, max=1, matchtype="first", select="first", until=None, name=None, ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Return a parser that matches min to max matches of parser in sequence. If until is specified, that parser is tried to match before each iteration and as soon as it matched, the parser succeeds. If after ming to max matches of the parser, until does not match, the parser fails. Args: parser: the parser that should match min to max times min: minimum number of times to match for a success max: maximum number of times to match for a success matchtype: which results to include in a successful match, one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all" select: (default "first") one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all": which match to choose from each of the parsers. Only if "all" is used will more than one result be generated. until: parser that terminates the repetition name: if not None, adds an additional match info element to the result which contains the and span of the whole sequence. """ self.parser = parser self.min = min self.max = max self.matchtype = matchtype self.until = until = select = name assert min == int(min) assert max == int(max) assert self.min >= 0 assert self.max >= 1 assert self.min <= self.max def parse(self, location, context): start = location.text_location end = start if != "all": allmatches = [] i = 0 first = True # location is the location where we try to match while True: if self.until and i >= self.min: ret = self.until.parse(location, context) if ret.issuccess(): res = ret.result( for matches_ in res.matches: allmatches.append(matches_) loc = res.location end = res.span.end if allmatches.append( dict( span=Span(start, end), location=loc, ) ) return Success( Result(allmatches, location=loc, span=Span(start, end)), context ) ret = self.parser.parse(location, context) if not ret.issuccess(): if i < self.min: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message=f"Not at least {self.min} matches", ) else: if allmatches.append( dict( span=Span(start, end), location=location,, ) ) # print(f"DEBUG N: return success 1 {start}, {end} / {i}") return Success( Result(matches=allmatches, location=location, span=Span(start, end)), context, ) else: result = ret.result( if first: first = False start = result.span.start end = result.span.end for matches_ in result.matches: allmatches.append(matches_) location = result.location i += 1 # print(f"DEBUG N, i now {i}") if i == self.max: # print(f"DEBUG N: breaking as max = {self.max}") break # end while if self.until: ret = self.until.parse(location, context) if ret.issuccess(): res = ret.result( loc = res.location end = res.span.end for matches_ in res.matches: allmatches.append(matches_) if allmatches.append( dict(span=Span(start, end), location=loc, ) return Success( Result(allmatches, location=loc, span=Span(start, end)), context ) else: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="Until parser not successful", ) if allmatches.append( dict(span=Span(start, end), location=location, ) # print(f"DEBUG N: return success 2 {start}, {end} / {i}") return Success( Result(matches=allmatches, location=location, span=Span(start, end)), context ) else: # select="all" # This does a depth-first enumeration of all matches: each successive parser gets tried # for each result of the previous one. # TODO: figure out how to properly add named matches! def depthfirst(lvl, result, start): # if we already have min matches and we can terminate early, do it if self.until and lvl >= self.min: ret = self.until.parse(result.location, context) if ret.issuccess(): for res in ret: tmpmatches = result.matches.copy() for mtmp in res.matches: tmpmatches.append(mtmp) loc = res.location end = res.span.end if tmpmatches.append( dict( span=Span(start, end), location=location,, ) ) tmpres = Result(tmpmatches, location=loc, span=Span(start, end)) # print(f"DEBUG: YIELD4 {tmpres}") yield tmpres return # if we got here after the max number of matches, and self.until is set, then # the parse we did above did not succeed, so we end without a result if self.until and lvl > self.max: return # if we got here after the max number of matches and self.util is not set, we # can yield the current result as we found max matches if lvl >= self.max: # print(f"DEBUG: YIELD2 {result}") yield result return # lvl is still smaller than max, so we try to match more ret = self.parser.parse(result.location, context) # print(f"DEBUG: got success={ret}, start={start}") if ret.issuccess(): # for each of the results, try to continue matching for res in ret: # print(f"DEBUG: processing result {res}") tmpmatches = result.matches.copy() for matches_ in res.matches: tmpmatches.append(matches_) loc = res.location if start == -1: start = res.span.start # print(f"!!!!!!!!! DEBUG SETTING Start to {start}") span = Span(start, res.span.end) # WAS: span = Span(location.text_location, res.location.text_location) newresult = Result(tmpmatches, location=loc, span=span) # print(f"DEBUG: YIELD FROM {newresult}") yield from depthfirst(lvl + 1, newresult, start) else: # if ret.issuccess() if lvl < self.min: return else: # we already have at least min matches: if we have no until, we can yield the result if not self.until: tmpmatches = result.matches end = result.span.end if tmpmatches.append( dict( span=Span(start, end), location=result.location,, ) ) # print(f"DEBUG: YIELD1 {result}") yield result else: # if we have until, then the until above did not match so neither the normal parser # nor the until did match so we do not have a success return gen = depthfirst(0, Result(matches=[], location=location, span=Span(-1, -1)), -1) all_ = [] best = None for idx, result in enumerate(gen): # if we get a result, and we have a name, add it to the list of named matches if result.matches.append( dict(span=Span(result.span), location=result.location, ) # print(f"DEBUG: GENERATED RESULT {result}") if self.matchtype == "first" and idx == 0: return Success(result, context) if self.matchtype == "all": # print(f"DEBUG: APPENDING") all_.append(result) elif self.matchtype == "longest": if best is None: best = result elif result.span.end > best.span.end: best = result elif self.matchtype == "shortest": if best is None: best = result elif result.span.end < best.span.end: best = result if self.matchtype == "all": if len(all_) > 0: tmpret = Success(all_, context) # print(f"DEBUG RETURNING OVERAL OF LENGTH {len(all_)}: {tmpret}") return tmpret else: return Failure(context=context, location=location) else: if best is not None: return Success(best, context) else: return Failure(context=context, location=location)
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Or (*parsers, matchtype='all')
Create a parser that accepts the first seccessful one of all the parsers specified.
Creates a parser that tries each of the given parsers in order and uses the first one that finds a successful match.
- two or more parsers to each try in sequence
- which of the results from the successful parser to return.
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class Or(PampacParser): """ Create a parser that accepts the first seccessful one of all the parsers specified. """ def __init__(self, *parsers, matchtype="all"): """ Creates a parser that tries each of the given parsers in order and uses the first one that finds a successful match. Args: *parsers: two or more parsers to each try in sequence matchtype: which of the results from the successful parser to return. """ assert len(parsers) > 1 self.parsers = parsers self.matchtype = matchtype def parse(self, location, context): for parser_ in self.parsers: ret = parser_.parse(location, context) if ret.issuccess(): if self.matchtype == "all": return ret result = ret.result(self.matchtype) newloc = result.location return Success( Result(result.matches, location=newloc, span=result.span), context ) return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="None of the choices match" )
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class PampacParser
A Pampac parser, something that takes a context and returns a result. This can be used to decorate a function that should be used as the parser, or for subclassing specific parsers.
When subclassing, the method
parse(location, context)
must be overriden!All parsers are callables where the
method has the same signature as thematch
method. SoSomeParser(…)(doc, anns)
is the same asSomeParser(…).match(doc, anns)
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class PampacParser(ABC): """ A Pampac parser, something that takes a context and returns a result. This can be used to decorate a function that should be used as the parser, or for subclassing specific parsers. When subclassing, the method `parse(location, context)` must be overriden! All parsers are callables where the `__call__` method has the same signature as the `match` method. So `SomeParser(...)(doc, anns)` is the same as `SomeParser(...).match(doc, anns)` """ @abstractmethod def parse(self, location, context): """ The parsing method that needs to get overridden by each parser implementation. Args: location: current location for where to continue parsing context: the context instance Returns: success or failure instance """ def match(self, doc, anns=None, start=None, end=None, location=None): """ Runs the matcher/parser on the given document and the given annotations. Annotations may be empty in which case only matching on text makes sense. Args: doc: the document to run matching on. anns: (default: None) a set or Iterable of annotations. If this is a list or Iterable, the annotations will get matched in the order given. If it is a set the "natural" order of annotations used by the annotation set iterator will be used. start: the minimum text offset of a range where to look for matches. No annotations that start before that offset are included. end: the maximum text offset of a range where to look for matches. No annotation that ends after that offset and not text that ends after that offset should get included in the result. Returns: Success or Failure """ if anns is None: anns = [] else: anns = list(anns) ctx = Context(doc, anns, start=start, end=end) if location is None: location = Location(ctx.start, 0) return self.parse(location, ctx) __call__ = match def call(self, func, onfailure=None): """ Returns a parser that is equivalent to this parser, but also calls the given function if there is success. Args: func: the function to call on the success. Should take the success object and arbitrary kwargs. context and location are kwargs that get passed. onfailure: the function to call on failure. Should take the failure object and arbitrary kwargs. context and location are kwargs that get passed. Returns: """ return Call(self, func, onfailure=onfailure) def __or__(self, other): """ Binary Or via the `|` operator. This allows to write `Parser1(..) | Parser2(..)` instead of `Or(Parser1(..), Parser2(...))` Args: other: the other parser Returns: A parser that succeeds if either this or the other parser succeeds. """ return Or(self, other) def __rshift__(self, other): """ Binary Seq via the `>>` operator. This allows to write `Parser1(..) >> Parser2(..)` instead of `Seq(Parser1(..), Parser2(...))` Args: other: the other parser Returns: A parser that succeeds if this parser succeeds and then the other parser succeeds after it. """ return Seq(self, other) def __and__(self, other): """ Binary And via the `&` operator. This allows to write `Parser1(..) & Parser2(..)` instead of `And(Parser1(..), Parser2(...))` Args: other: the other parser Returns: A parser that succeeds if this parser and the other parser both succeed at the same location. """ return And(self, other) def __xor__(self, other): """ Binary All via the `^` operator. This allows to write `Parser1(...) ^ Parser2(...)` instead of `All(Parser1(...), Parser2(...))` NOTE: `a ^ b ^ c` is NOT the same as All(a,b,c) as the first will fail if b fails but the second will still return `a ^ c` Args: other: the other parser Returns: Returns if this and the other parser succeeds at the current location and returns the union of all results. """ return All(self, other) def where(self, predicate, take_if=True): """ Return a parser that only succeeds if the predicate is true on at least one result of a success of this parser. Args: predicate: the predicate to call on each result which should accept the result and arbitrary keyword arguments. The kwargs `context` and `location` are also passed. The predicate should return true if a result should get accepted. take_if: if False the result is accepted if the predicate function returns False for it Returns: Success with all the results that have been accepted or Failure if no result was accepted """ return Filter(self, predicate, take_if=take_if) def repeat(self, min=1, max=1): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Return a parser where the current parser is successful at least `min` and at most `max` times. `Parser1(...).repeat(min=a, max=b)` is the same as `N(Parser1(...), min=a, max=b)` NOTE: this is also the same as `Parser1(...) * (a, b)` Args: min: minimum number of times the parser must be successful in sequence max: maximum number of times the parser may be successfull in sequence Returns: Parser to match this parser min to max times. """ return N(self, min=min, max=max) def __mul__(self, n): # pylint: disable=C0103 """ Return a parser where the current parser is successful n times. If n is a tuple (a,b) return a parser where the current parser is successful a minimum of a and a maximum of b times. `Parser1(...) * (a,b)` is the same as `N(Parser1(...), min=a, max=b)` Args: n: either an integer used for min and max, or a tuple (min, max) Returns: Parser to match this parser min to max times. """ if isinstance(n, int): return N(self, min=n, max=n) elif isinstance(n, tuple) and len(n) == 2: return N(self, min=n[0], max=n[1]) elif isinstance(n, list) and len(n) == 2: return N(self, min=n[0], max=n[1]) else: raise Exception("Not an integer or tuple or list of two integers") def _make_constraint_predicate(self, matcher, constraint, annset=None): """ Create predicate that can be used to filter results according to one of the annotation-based constraints like .within, .coextensive. Args: matcher: the annotation matcher constraint: the constraint to use on the annotation set annset: if not None, use that set instead of the one from the context Returns: predicate function """ def _predicate(result, context=None, **_kwargs): anns = set() for mtch_ in result.matches: ann = mtch_.get("ann") if ann: anns.add(ann) if annset is None: useset = context.annset else: useset = annset tocall = getattr(useset, constraint) annstocheck = tocall(result.span) for anntocheck in annstocheck: if matcher(anntocheck, context.doc): if anntocheck in anns: continue return True return False return _predicate def _make_notconstraint_predicate(self, matcher, constraint, annset=None): """ Create predicate that can be used to filter results according to one of the annotation-based negated constraints like .notwithin, .notcoextensive. Args: matcher: the annotation matcher constraint: the constraint to use on the annotation set annset: if not None, use that set instead of the one from the context Returns: predicate function """ def _predicate(result, context=None, **_kwargs): anns = set() for mtch_ in result.matches: ann = mtch_.get("ann") if ann: anns.add(ann) if annset is None: useset = context.annset else: useset = annset tocall = getattr(useset, constraint) annstocheck = tocall(result.span) matched = False for anntocheck in annstocheck: if matcher(anntocheck, context.doc): if anntocheck in anns: continue matched = True return not matched return _predicate def within( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is within any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match within a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "covering", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype) def notwithin( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not within any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not within a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "covering", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype) def coextensive( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is coextensive with any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match when coextensive with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "coextensive", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype) def notcoextensive( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not coextensive with any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not coextensive with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "coextensive", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype) def overlapping( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is overlapping with any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match overlapping with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "overlapping", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype) def notoverlapping( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not overlapping within any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not overlapping with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "overlapping", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype) def covering( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is covering any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if there is a covering matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "within", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype) def notcovering( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not covering any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not covering a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "within", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype) def at( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622,C0103 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is starting at the same offset as an annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if starting with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "startingat", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype) def notat( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not starting with any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not starting with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "startingat", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype) def before( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, immediately=False, matchtype="first", ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is before any annotation that matches the given properties. Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher immediately: limit checking to annotations that start right after the end of the current match matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match (immediately) before a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) # predicate for this needs to check if there are matching annotations that start at or after # the END of the result def _predicate(result, context=None, **kwargs): anns = set(result.anns4matches()) if annset is None: useset = context.annset else: useset = annset if immediately: annstocheck = useset.startingat(result.span.end) else: annstocheck = useset.startin_ge(result.span.end) for anntocheck in annstocheck: if matcher(anntocheck, context.doc): if anntocheck in anns: continue return True return False return Filter(self, _predicate, matchtype=matchtype) @support_annotation_or_set def notbefore( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, immediately=False, matchtype="first", ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not before any annotation that matches the given properties. Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher immediately: limit checking to annotations that start right after the end of the current match matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not (immediately) before a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) def _predicate(result, context=None, **kwargs): anns = set(result.anns4matches()) if annset is None: useset = context.annset else: useset = annset if immediately: annstocheck = useset.startingat(result.span.end) else: annstocheck = useset.start_ge(result.span.end) matched = False for anntocheck in annstocheck: if matcher(anntocheck, context.doc): if anntocheck in anns: continue matched = True return not matched return Filter(self, _predicate, matchtype=matchtype) def lookahead(self, other): """ Return a parser that only matches the current parser if the given parser can be matched afterwards. The match of the given parser is not part of the success and does not increment the next parsing location. Args: other: a parser that must match after this parser but the match is discarded. Returns: a parser that mast be followed by a match of the other parser """ return Lookahead(self, other)
- abc.ABC
def __and__(self, other)
Binary And via the
operator.This allows to write
Parser1(..) & Parser2(..)
instead ofAnd(Parser1(..), Parser2(…))
- the other parser
A parser that succeeds if this parser and the other parser both succeed at the same location.
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def __and__(self, other): """ Binary And via the `&` operator. This allows to write `Parser1(..) & Parser2(..)` instead of `And(Parser1(..), Parser2(...))` Args: other: the other parser Returns: A parser that succeeds if this parser and the other parser both succeed at the same location. """ return And(self, other)
def __mul__(self, n)
Return a parser where the current parser is successful n times.
If n is a tuple (a,b) return a parser where the current parser is successful a minimum of a and a maximum of b times.
Parser1(...) * (a,b)
is the same asN(Parser1(...), min=a, max=b)
- either an integer used for min and max, or a tuple (min, max)
Parser to match this parser min to max times.
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def __mul__(self, n): # pylint: disable=C0103 """ Return a parser where the current parser is successful n times. If n is a tuple (a,b) return a parser where the current parser is successful a minimum of a and a maximum of b times. `Parser1(...) * (a,b)` is the same as `N(Parser1(...), min=a, max=b)` Args: n: either an integer used for min and max, or a tuple (min, max) Returns: Parser to match this parser min to max times. """ if isinstance(n, int): return N(self, min=n, max=n) elif isinstance(n, tuple) and len(n) == 2: return N(self, min=n[0], max=n[1]) elif isinstance(n, list) and len(n) == 2: return N(self, min=n[0], max=n[1]) else: raise Exception("Not an integer or tuple or list of two integers")
def __or__(self, other)
Binary Or via the
operator.This allows to write
Parser1(..) | Parser2(..)
instead ofOr(Parser1(..), Parser2(…))
- the other parser
A parser that succeeds if either this or the other parser succeeds.
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def __or__(self, other): """ Binary Or via the `|` operator. This allows to write `Parser1(..) | Parser2(..)` instead of `Or(Parser1(..), Parser2(...))` Args: other: the other parser Returns: A parser that succeeds if either this or the other parser succeeds. """ return Or(self, other)
def __rshift__(self, other)
Binary Seq via the
operator.This allows to write
Parser1(..) >> Parser2(..)
instead ofSeq(Parser1(..), Parser2(…))
- the other parser
A parser that succeeds if this parser succeeds and then the other parser succeeds after it.
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def __rshift__(self, other): """ Binary Seq via the `>>` operator. This allows to write `Parser1(..) >> Parser2(..)` instead of `Seq(Parser1(..), Parser2(...))` Args: other: the other parser Returns: A parser that succeeds if this parser succeeds and then the other parser succeeds after it. """ return Seq(self, other)
def __xor__(self, other)
Binary All via the
operator.This allows to write
Parser1(...) ^ Parser2(...)
instead ofAll(Parser1(…), Parser2(…))
a ^ b ^ c
is NOT the same as All(a,b,c) as the first will fail if b fails but the second will still returna ^ c
- the other parser
Returns if this and the other parser succeeds at the current location and returns the union of all results.
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def __xor__(self, other): """ Binary All via the `^` operator. This allows to write `Parser1(...) ^ Parser2(...)` instead of `All(Parser1(...), Parser2(...))` NOTE: `a ^ b ^ c` is NOT the same as All(a,b,c) as the first will fail if b fails but the second will still return `a ^ c` Args: other: the other parser Returns: Returns if this and the other parser succeeds at the current location and returns the union of all results. """ return All(self, other)
def at(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is starting at the same offset as an annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint!
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if starting with a matching annotation
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def at( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622,C0103 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is starting at the same offset as an annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if starting with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "startingat", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def before(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, immediately=False, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is before any annotation that matches the given properties.
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- limit checking to annotations that start right after the end of the current match
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match (immediately) before a matching annotation
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def before( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, immediately=False, matchtype="first", ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is before any annotation that matches the given properties. Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher immediately: limit checking to annotations that start right after the end of the current match matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match (immediately) before a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) # predicate for this needs to check if there are matching annotations that start at or after # the END of the result def _predicate(result, context=None, **kwargs): anns = set(result.anns4matches()) if annset is None: useset = context.annset else: useset = annset if immediately: annstocheck = useset.startingat(result.span.end) else: annstocheck = useset.startin_ge(result.span.end) for anntocheck in annstocheck: if matcher(anntocheck, context.doc): if anntocheck in anns: continue return True return False return Filter(self, _predicate, matchtype=matchtype)
def call(self, func, onfailure=None)
Returns a parser that is equivalent to this parser, but also calls the given function if there is success.
- the function to call on the success. Should take the success object and arbitrary kwargs. context and location are kwargs that get passed.
- the function to call on failure. Should take the failure object and arbitrary kwargs. context and location are kwargs that get passed.
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def call(self, func, onfailure=None): """ Returns a parser that is equivalent to this parser, but also calls the given function if there is success. Args: func: the function to call on the success. Should take the success object and arbitrary kwargs. context and location are kwargs that get passed. onfailure: the function to call on failure. Should take the failure object and arbitrary kwargs. context and location are kwargs that get passed. Returns: """ return Call(self, func, onfailure=onfailure)
def coextensive(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is coextensive with any annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint!
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match when coextensive with a matching annotation
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def coextensive( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is coextensive with any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match when coextensive with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "coextensive", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def covering(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is covering any annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint!
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if there is a covering matching annotation
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def covering( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is covering any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if there is a covering matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "within", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def lookahead(self, other)
Return a parser that only matches the current parser if the given parser can be matched afterwards.
The match of the given parser is not part of the success and does not increment the next parsing location.
- a parser that must match after this parser but the match is discarded.
a parser that mast be followed by a match of the other parser
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def lookahead(self, other): """ Return a parser that only matches the current parser if the given parser can be matched afterwards. The match of the given parser is not part of the success and does not increment the next parsing location. Args: other: a parser that must match after this parser but the match is discarded. Returns: a parser that mast be followed by a match of the other parser """ return Lookahead(self, other)
def match(self, doc, anns=None, start=None, end=None, location=None)
Runs the matcher/parser on the given document and the given annotations.
Annotations may be empty in which case only matching on text makes sense.
- the document to run matching on.
- (default: None) a set or Iterable of annotations. If this is a list or Iterable, the annotations will get matched in the order given. If it is a set the "natural" order of annotations used by the annotation set iterator will be used.
- the minimum text offset of a range where to look for matches. No annotations that start before that offset are included.
- the maximum text offset of a range where to look for matches. No annotation that ends after that offset and not text that ends after that offset should get included in the result.
Success or Failure
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def match(self, doc, anns=None, start=None, end=None, location=None): """ Runs the matcher/parser on the given document and the given annotations. Annotations may be empty in which case only matching on text makes sense. Args: doc: the document to run matching on. anns: (default: None) a set or Iterable of annotations. If this is a list or Iterable, the annotations will get matched in the order given. If it is a set the "natural" order of annotations used by the annotation set iterator will be used. start: the minimum text offset of a range where to look for matches. No annotations that start before that offset are included. end: the maximum text offset of a range where to look for matches. No annotation that ends after that offset and not text that ends after that offset should get included in the result. Returns: Success or Failure """ if anns is None: anns = [] else: anns = list(anns) ctx = Context(doc, anns, start=start, end=end) if location is None: location = Location(ctx.start, 0) return self.parse(location, ctx)
def notat(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not starting with any annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint!
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not starting with a matching annotation
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def notat( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not starting with any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not starting with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "startingat", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def notbefore(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, immediately=False, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not before any annotation that matches the given properties.
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- limit checking to annotations that start right after the end of the current match
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not (immediately) before a matching annotation
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@support_annotation_or_set def notbefore( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, immediately=False, matchtype="first", ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not before any annotation that matches the given properties. Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher immediately: limit checking to annotations that start right after the end of the current match matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not (immediately) before a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) def _predicate(result, context=None, **kwargs): anns = set(result.anns4matches()) if annset is None: useset = context.annset else: useset = annset if immediately: annstocheck = useset.startingat(result.span.end) else: annstocheck = useset.start_ge(result.span.end) matched = False for anntocheck in annstocheck: if matcher(anntocheck, context.doc): if anntocheck in anns: continue matched = True return not matched return Filter(self, _predicate, matchtype=matchtype)
def notcoextensive(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not coextensive with any annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint!
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not coextensive with a matching annotation
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def notcoextensive( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not coextensive with any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not coextensive with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "coextensive", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def notcovering(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not covering any annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint!
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not covering a matching annotation
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def notcovering( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not covering any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not covering a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "within", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def notoverlapping(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not overlapping within any annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint!
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not overlapping with a matching annotation
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def notoverlapping( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not overlapping within any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not overlapping with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "overlapping", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def notwithin(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not within any annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint!
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match if not within a matching annotation
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def notwithin( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is not within any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match if not within a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_notconstraint_predicate(matcher, "covering", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def overlapping(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is overlapping with any annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint!
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match overlapping with a matching annotation
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def overlapping( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is overlapping with any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match overlapping with a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "overlapping", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
def parse(self, location, context)
The parsing method that needs to get overridden by each parser implementation.
- current location for where to continue parsing
- the context instance
success or failure instance
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@abstractmethod def parse(self, location, context): """ The parsing method that needs to get overridden by each parser implementation. Args: location: current location for where to continue parsing context: the context instance Returns: success or failure instance """
def repeat(self, min=1, max=1)
Return a parser where the current parser is successful at least
and at mostmax
times.Parser1(...).repeat(min=a, max=b)
is the same asN(Parser1(...), min=a, max=b)
NOTE: this is also the same as
Parser1(...) * (a, b)
- minimum number of times the parser must be successful in sequence
- maximum number of times the parser may be successfull in sequence
Parser to match this parser min to max times.
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def repeat(self, min=1, max=1): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Return a parser where the current parser is successful at least `min` and at most `max` times. `Parser1(...).repeat(min=a, max=b)` is the same as `N(Parser1(...), min=a, max=b)` NOTE: this is also the same as `Parser1(...) * (a, b)` Args: min: minimum number of times the parser must be successful in sequence max: maximum number of times the parser may be successfull in sequence Returns: Parser to match this parser min to max times. """ return N(self, min=min, max=max)
def where(self, predicate, take_if=True)
Return a parser that only succeeds if the predicate is true on at least one result of a success of this parser.
- the predicate to call on each result which should accept the result and arbitrary
keyword arguments. The kwargs
are also passed. The predicate should return true if a result should get accepted. take_if
- if False the result is accepted if the predicate function returns False for it
Success with all the results that have been accepted or Failure if no result was accepted
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def where(self, predicate, take_if=True): """ Return a parser that only succeeds if the predicate is true on at least one result of a success of this parser. Args: predicate: the predicate to call on each result which should accept the result and arbitrary keyword arguments. The kwargs `context` and `location` are also passed. The predicate should return true if a result should get accepted. take_if: if False the result is accepted if the predicate function returns False for it Returns: Success with all the results that have been accepted or Failure if no result was accepted """ return Filter(self, predicate, take_if=take_if)
def within(self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype='first')
Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is within any annotation that matches the given properties.
NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint!
- as for AnnMatcher
- if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- as for AnnMatcher
- matchtype to use for filtering
Parser modified to only match within a matching annotation
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def within( self, type=None, annset=None, features=None, features_eq=None, text=None, matchtype="first" ): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Parser that succeeds if there is a success for the current parser that is within any annotation that matches the given properties. NOTE: all the annotations matched in any of the results of this parser are excluded from the candidates for checking this constraint! Args: type: as for AnnMatcher annset: if not None, check for an annotation in that set instead of the default set used features: as for AnnMatcher features_eq: as for AnnMatcher text: as for AnnMatcher matchtype: matchtype to use for filtering Returns: Parser modified to only match within a matching annotation """ matcher = AnnMatcher( type=type, features=features, features_eq=features_eq, text=text ) pred = self._make_constraint_predicate(matcher, "covering", annset=annset) return Filter(self, pred, matchtype=matchtype)
Compiled regex object
Instance variables
var flags
The regex matching flags.
var groupindex
A dictionary mapping group names to group numbers.
var groups
The number of capturing groups in the pattern.
var named_lists
The named lists used by the regex.
var pattern
The pattern string from which the regex object was compiled.
def findall(string, pos=None, endpos=None, overlapped=False, concurrent=None, timeout=None)
findall(string, pos=None, endpos=None, overlapped=False, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> list. Return a list of all matches of pattern in string. The matches may be overlapped if overlapped is True.
def finditer(string, pos=None, endpos=None, overlapped=False, concurrent=None, timeout=None)
finditer(string, pos=None, endpos=None, overlapped=False, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> iterator. Return an iterator over all matches for the RE pattern in string. The matches may be overlapped if overlapped is True. For each match, the iterator returns a MatchObject.
def fullmatch(string, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None)
fullmatch(string, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> MatchObject or None. Match zero or more characters against all of the string.
def match(string, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None)
match(string, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> MatchObject or None. Match zero or more characters at the beginning of the string.
def scanner(string, pos=None, endpos=None, overlapped=False, concurrent=None, timeout=None)
scanner(string, pos=None, endpos=None, overlapped=False, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> scanner. Return an scanner for the RE pattern in string. The matches may be overlapped if overlapped is True.
def search(string, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None)
search(string, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> MatchObject or None. Search through string looking for a match, and return a corresponding match object instance. Return None if no match is found.
def split(string, maxsplit=0, concurrent=None, timeout=None)
split(string, maxsplit=0, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> list. Split string by the occurrences of pattern.
def splititer(string, maxsplit=0, concurrent=None, timeout=None)
splititer(string, maxsplit=0, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> iterator. Return an iterator yielding the parts of a split string.
def sub(repl, string, count=0, flags=0, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None)
sub(repl, string, count=0, flags=0, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> newstring Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost (or rightmost with a reverse pattern) non-overlapping occurrences of pattern in string by the replacement repl.
def subf(format, string, count=0, flags=0, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None)
subf(format, string, count=0, flags=0, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> newstring Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost (or rightmost with a reverse pattern) non-overlapping occurrences of pattern in string by the replacement format.
def subfn(...)
subfn(format, string, count=0, flags=0, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> (newstring, number of subs) Return the tuple (new_string, number_of_subs_made) found by replacing the leftmost (or rightmost with a reverse pattern) non-overlapping occurrences of pattern with the replacement format.
def subn(...)
subn(repl, string, count=0, flags=0, pos=None, endpos=None, concurrent=None, timeout=None) –> (newstring, number of subs) Return the tuple (new_string, number_of_subs_made) found by replacing the leftmost (or rightmost with a reverse pattern) non-overlapping occurrences of pattern with the replacement repl.
class Seq (*parsers, matchtype='first', select='first', name=None)
A parser that represents a sequence of matching parsers. Each result of this parser combines all the match information from the sequence element parsers. For matchtype all and select all, all paths through all the possible ways to match the sequence get combined into separate results of a successful parse.
- two or more parsers
- (default "first") one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all": which match to return. Note that even if a matchtype for a single match is specified, the parser may still need to generate an exponential number of combinations for all the results to select from.
- (default "first") one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all": which match to choose from each of the parsers. Only if "all" is used will more than one result be generated.
- if not None, a separate matching info element is added to the result with that name and a span that represents the span of the result.
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class Seq(PampacParser): """ A parser that represents a sequence of matching parsers. Each result of this parser combines all the match information from the sequence element parsers. For matchtype all and select all, all paths through all the possible ways to match the sequence get combined into separate results of a successful parse. """ def __init__(self, *parsers, matchtype="first", select="first", name=None): """ Args: *parsers: two or more parsers matchtype: (default "first") one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all": which match to return. Note that even if a matchtype for a single match is specified, the parser may still need to generate an exponential number of combinations for all the results to select from. select: (default "first") one of "first", "longest", "shortest", "all": which match to choose from each of the parsers. Only if "all" is used will more than one result be generated. name: if not None, a separate matching info element is added to the result with that name and a span that represents the span of the result. """ assert len(parsers) > 1 self.parsers = parsers if matchtype is None: matchtype = "first" assert matchtype in ["first", "longest", "shortest", "all"] = select self.matchtype = matchtype = name def parse(self, location, context): if != "all": allmatches = [] first = True start = None end = None for parser in self.parsers: ret = parser.parse(location, context) if ret.issuccess(): result = ret.result( for mtch in result.matches: allmatches.append(mtch) location = result.location if first: first = False start = result.span.start end = result.span.end else: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="Mismatch in Seq" ) if allmatches.append( dict(span=Span(start, end),, location=location) ) return Success( Result(matches=allmatches, location=location, span=Span(start, end)), context ) else: # This does a depth-first enumeration of all matches: each successive parser gets tried # for each result of the previous one. def depthfirst(lvl, result, start): parser = self.parsers[lvl] ret = parser.parse(result.location, context) if ret.issuccess(): for res in ret: if start == -1: start = res.span.start tmpmatches = result.matches.copy() for dmtch in res.matches: tmpmatches.append(dmtch) loc = res.location span = Span(start, res.span.end) if lvl == len(self.parsers) - 1: if tmpmatches.append( dict( span=span, location=loc,, ) ) newresult = Result(tmpmatches, location=loc, span=span) yield newresult else: newresult = Result(tmpmatches, location=loc, span=span) yield from depthfirst(lvl + 1, newresult, start) gen = depthfirst(0, Result(matches=[], location=location, span=Span(0, 0)), -1) all_ = [] best = None for idx, result in enumerate(gen): if self.matchtype == "first" and idx == 0: return Success(result, context) if self.matchtype == "all": all_.append(result) elif self.matchtype == "longest": if best is None: best = result elif result.span.end > best.span.end: best = result elif self.matchtype == "shortest": if best is None: best = result elif result.span.end < best.span.end: best = result if self.matchtype == "all": if len(all_) > 0: return Success(all_, context) else: return Failure(context=context, location=location) else: if best is not None: return Success(best, context) else: return Failure(context=context, location=location)
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class Text (text, name=None, matchcase=True)
A parser that matches some text or regular expression.
- either text or a compiled regular expression
- if not None saves the match information under that name
- if text is actual text, whether the match should be case sensitive or not
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class Text(PampacParser): """ A parser that matches some text or regular expression. """ def __init__(self, text, name=None, matchcase=True): """ Args: text: either text or a compiled regular expression name: if not None saves the match information under that name matchcase: if text is actual text, whether the match should be case sensitive or not """ self.text = text if isinstance(self.text, str) and not matchcase: self.text = self.text.upper() = name self.matchcase = matchcase def parse(self, location, context): # TODO: why did we update by index here before trying to match? Are there edge cases where this # is needed? In general it is bad because it will set the text offset to the end of the NEXT # annotation which we do not want. So maybe there are cases when either the current text offset # does not coincide with the current annotation index or where the annotation index was not # updated. # print(f" DEBUG BEFORE: {location}") # location = context.update_location_byindex(location) # print(f"DEBUG AFTER: {location}") txt = context.doc.text[location.text_location:] if isinstance(self.text, (CLASS_RE_PATTERN, CLASS_REGEX_PATTERN)): mtch_ = self.text.match(txt) if mtch_: lengrp = len( newlocation = context.inc_location(location, by_offset=lengrp) if matches = dict( location=location, span=Span( location.text_location, location.text_location + len(, ),, groups=mtch_.groups(),, ) else: matches = None span = Span( location.text_location, location.text_location + len( ) return Success( Result(matches=matches, location=newlocation, span=span), context ) else: return Failure(context=context) else: if not self.matchcase: txt = txt.upper() if txt.startswith(self.text): if matches = dict( span=Span( location.text_location, location.text_location + len(self.text), ), location=location, text=self.text,, ) else: matches = None newlocation = context.inc_location(location, by_offset=len(self.text)) span = Span( location.text_location, location.text_location + len(self.text) ) return Success( Result(matches=matches, location=newlocation, span=span), context ) else: return Failure(context=context)
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
Inherited members
class _AnnBase
Common base class with common methods for both Ann and AnnAt.
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class _AnnBase(PampacParser): """ Common base class with common methods for both Ann and AnnAt. """ def gap(self, min=0, max=0): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Return a parser which only matches self if the next annotation offset starts at this distance from the current next text offset. Args: min: minimum gap size (default: 0) max: maximum gap size (default: 0) Returns: parser that tries to match only if the next annotation is within the gap range """ def _parse(location, context): ann = context.get_ann(location.ann_location) if ann is None: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="No annotation left" ) if ( ann.start >= location.text_location + min and ann.start <= location.text_location + max ): return self.parse(location, context) else: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="Next ann not withing gap", ) return Function(parser_function=_parse) def findgap(self, min=0, max=0): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Return a parser which matches at the next location where an annotation satisfies the gap constraint with respect to the current text location. Args: min: minimum gap size (default 0) max: maximum gap size (default 0) Returns: parser that tries to match at the next annotation found within the gap range """ def _parse(location, context): idx = location.ann_location while True: ann = context.get_ann(idx) if ann is None: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="No annotation left" ) if ( ann.start >= location.text_location + min and ann.start <= location.text_location + max ): return self.parse(location, context) if ann.ann.start > location.text_location + max: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="No annotation found withing gap", ) idx += 1 return Function(parser_function=_parse)
- PampacParser
- abc.ABC
def findgap(self, min=0, max=0)
Return a parser which matches at the next location where an annotation satisfies the gap constraint with respect to the current text location.
- minimum gap size (default 0)
- maximum gap size (default 0)
parser that tries to match at the next annotation found within the gap range
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def findgap(self, min=0, max=0): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Return a parser which matches at the next location where an annotation satisfies the gap constraint with respect to the current text location. Args: min: minimum gap size (default 0) max: maximum gap size (default 0) Returns: parser that tries to match at the next annotation found within the gap range """ def _parse(location, context): idx = location.ann_location while True: ann = context.get_ann(idx) if ann is None: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="No annotation left" ) if ( ann.start >= location.text_location + min and ann.start <= location.text_location + max ): return self.parse(location, context) if ann.ann.start > location.text_location + max: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="No annotation found withing gap", ) idx += 1 return Function(parser_function=_parse)
def gap(self, min=0, max=0)
Return a parser which only matches self if the next annotation offset starts at this distance from the current next text offset.
- minimum gap size (default: 0)
- maximum gap size (default: 0)
parser that tries to match only if the next annotation is within the gap range
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def gap(self, min=0, max=0): # pylint: disable=W0622 """ Return a parser which only matches self if the next annotation offset starts at this distance from the current next text offset. Args: min: minimum gap size (default: 0) max: maximum gap size (default: 0) Returns: parser that tries to match only if the next annotation is within the gap range """ def _parse(location, context): ann = context.get_ann(location.ann_location) if ann is None: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="No annotation left" ) if ( ann.start >= location.text_location + min and ann.start <= location.text_location + max ): return self.parse(location, context) else: return Failure( context=context, location=location, message="Next ann not withing gap", ) return Function(parser_function=_parse)
Inherited members