Module gatenlp.processing.client.elg
ELG client.
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ELG client.
import json
import time
import requests
import logging
from gatenlp.processing.annotator import Annotator
from gatenlp.utils import init_logger
from gatenlp import Span
class ElgTextAnnotator(Annotator):
# NOTE: maybe we should eventually always use the elg package and the elg Service class!
# however, currently their way how handling auth is done is too limiting see issues #8, #9
# NOTE: use template and return the URL from a method or use elg.utils
ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_OFFLINE = ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_PREFIX + "&scope=offline_access"
ELG_SC_DEV_URL_OFFLINE = ELG_SC_DEV_URL_PREFIX + "&scope=offline_access"
An annotator that sends text to one of the services registered with the European Language Grid
( and uses the result to create annotations.
def __init__(
Create an ElgTextAnnotator.
NOTE: initialization can fail with an exception if success_code is specified and retrieving the
authentification information fails.
url: the annotation service URL to use. If not specified, the service parameter must be specified.
sync_mode: if True call the service synchronously, otherwise asynchronously. Note that the
url must match the sync_mode. E.g. vs
servicenr: the ELG service number or a tuple (servicenumber, domain). This requires the elg package.
This may raise an exception. If successful, the url and service_meta attributes are set.
auth: a pre-initialized ELG Authentication object. Requires the elg package. If not specified, the
success_code or access_token parameter must be specified for authentication, or none of those
to use an ELG-like endpoint without required authentication.
auth_file: the path to an auth_file created in advance
timeout: timeout in seconds or None to leave unspecified
success_code: the success code returned from the ELG web page for one of the URLs to obtain
success codes. This will try to obtain the authentication information and store it in the
`auth` attribute. Requires the elg package.
To obtain a success code, go the the ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_OPENID or ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_OFFLINE url
and log in with your ELG user id, this will show the success code that can be copy-pasted.
access_token: the access token token for the ELG service. Only used if auth or success_code are not
specified. The access token is probably only valid for a limited amount of time. No refresh
will be done and once the access token is invalid, calling `__call__` will fail with an exception.
The access token can be obtained using the elg package or copied from the "Code samples" tab
on the web page for a service after logging in.
refresh_access: if True, will try to refresh the access token if auth or success_code was specified and
refreshing is possible. Ignored if only access_token was specified
outset_name: the name of the annotation set where to create the annotations (default: "")
min_delay_ms: the minimum delay time between requests in milliseconds (default: 501 ms)
anntypes_map: a map for renaming the annotation type names from the service to the ones to use in
the annotated document.
from elg import Authentication
from elg.utils import get_domain, get_metadatarecord
if [x is not None for x in [url, servicenr]].count(True) != 1:
raise Exception("Exactly one of service or url must be specified")
if [x is not None for x in [auth, success_code, access_token]].count(True) > 1:
raise Exception(
"None or exactly one of auth, success_code, or access_token must be specified"
self.access_token = access_token
self.success_code = success_code
self.auth = auth
self.url = url
self.servicenr = servicenr
self.service_meta = None
self.refresh_access = refresh_access
self.sync_mode = sync_mode
self.timeout = timeout
self.debug = debug
# first check if we need to import the elg package
if access_token:
self.refresh_access = False
if servicenr is not None:
if isinstance(servicenr, tuple):
service_id, domain = servicenr
service_id = servicenr
domain = get_domain("live")
self.service_meta = get_metadatarecord(service_id, domain, False, None, False)
if sync_mode:
self.url = self.service_meta["service_info"]["elg_execution_location_sync"]
self.url = self.service_meta["service_info"]["elg_execution_location"]
if success_code is not None:
self.auth = Authentication.from_success_code(success_code, domain="live")
if auth_file is not None:
self.auth = Authentication.from_json(auth_file)
if self.auth:
self.access_token = self.auth.access_token
self.min_delay_s = min_delay_ms / 1000.0
self.anntypes_map = anntypes_map
self.outset_name = outset_name
self.logger = init_logger(__name__)
self.response_json = None
if debug:
self._last_call_time = 0
def __call__(self, doc, **kwargs):
# if necessary and possible, refresh the access token
if self.refresh_access and self.auth:
delay = time.time() - self._last_call_time
if delay < self.min_delay_s:
time.sleep(self.min_delay_s - delay)
request_json = json.dumps(
{"type": "text", "content": doc.text, "mimeType": "text/plain"}
hdrs = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"}
if self.access_token:
hdrs["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {self.access_token}"
if self.sync_mode:
response = self._call_sync(request_json, hdrs)
response = self._call_async(request_json, hdrs)
assert response.encoding.lower() == "utf-8"
assert response.status_code == 200
response_json = response.json()
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug(f"Response JSON: {response_json}")
self.response_data = response_json
ents = response_json.get("response", {}).get("annotations", {})
annset = doc.annset(self.outset_name)
for ret_anntype, ret_anns in ents.items():
if self.anntypes_map:
anntype = self.anntypes_map.get(ret_anntype, ret_anntype)
anntype = ret_anntype
for ret_ann in ret_anns:
start = ret_ann["start"]
end = ret_ann["end"]
feats = ret_ann.get("features", {})
# start, end = om.convert_to_python([start, end])
annset.add(start, end, anntype, features=feats)
return doc
def _call_sync(self, request_json, hdrs):
response =, data=request_json, headers=hdrs, timeout=self.timeout)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(
f"Something went wrong, received status code/text {response.status_code} / {response.text}"
return response
def _call_async(self, request_json, hdrs):
# see
response =
headers=hdrs, timeout=self.timeout)
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise Exception(
f"Something went wrong, received status code/text {response.status_code} / {response.text}"
response = response.json()["response"]
assert response["type"] == "stored"
uri = response["uri"]
response = requests.get(uri, headers=hdrs)
jresp = response.json()
waiting_time = time.time()
while response.ok and "progress" in response.json().keys():
percent = jresp["progress"]["percent"]
response = requests.get(uri, headers=hdrs, timeout=self.timeout)
jresp = response.json()
if time.time() - waiting_time > (self.timeout if self.timeout is not None else float("inf")):
raise Exception("No async result returned within timeout")
return response
def udptoken2tokens(udptoken_set, udpsentence_set, outset, token_type="Token", mwt_type="MWT"):
for sent in udpsentence_set:
udptokens4sent = udptoken_set.within(sent)
anns4sent = []
for utoken in udptokens4sent:
words = utoken.features["words"]
if len(words) == 1:
ann = outset.add(utoken.start, utoken.end, token_type, features=words[0])
spans = Span.squeeze(utoken.start, utoken.end, len(words))
assert len(words) == len(spans)
annids = []
for word, span in zip(words, spans):
ann = outset.add(span.start, span.end, token_type, features=word)
outset.add(utoken.start, utoken.end, mwt_type, features=dict(word_ids=annids))
# now patch up the head ids: replace id 0 with the annotation id of the containing sentence,
# and replace all other ids with the annotation id of the corresponding token
# also replace the "feats" feature with individual features for its contents
for ann in anns4sent:
if ann.features["head"] == 0:
ann.features["head"] =
ann.features["head"] = anns4sent[ann.features["head"]-1].id
feats = ann.features.get("feats")
if feats is not None:
assignments = feats.split("|")
for assignment in assignments:
name, value = assignment.split("=")
ann.features[name] = value
def udptoken2tokens(udptoken_set, udpsentence_set, outset, token_type='Token', mwt_type='MWT')
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def udptoken2tokens(udptoken_set, udpsentence_set, outset, token_type="Token", mwt_type="MWT"): for sent in udpsentence_set: udptokens4sent = udptoken_set.within(sent) anns4sent = [] for utoken in udptokens4sent: words = utoken.features["words"] if len(words) == 1: ann = outset.add(utoken.start, utoken.end, token_type, features=words[0]) anns4sent.append(ann) else: spans = Span.squeeze(utoken.start, utoken.end, len(words)) assert len(words) == len(spans) annids = [] for word, span in zip(words, spans): ann = outset.add(span.start, span.end, token_type, features=word) annids.append( anns4sent.append(ann) outset.add(utoken.start, utoken.end, mwt_type, features=dict(word_ids=annids)) # now patch up the head ids: replace id 0 with the annotation id of the containing sentence, # and replace all other ids with the annotation id of the corresponding token # also replace the "feats" feature with individual features for its contents for ann in anns4sent: if ann.features["head"] == 0: ann.features["head"] = else: ann.features["head"] = anns4sent[ann.features["head"]-1].id feats = ann.features.get("feats") if feats is not None: assignments = feats.split("|") for assignment in assignments: name, value = assignment.split("=") ann.features[name] = value ann.features.pop("feats")
class ElgTextAnnotator (url=None, sync_mode=True, servicenr=None, auth=None, auth_file=None, timeout=None, success_code=None, access_token=None, refresh_access=False, outset_name='', min_delay_ms=501, anntypes_map=None, debug=False)
Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.
Create an ElgTextAnnotator.
NOTE: initialization can fail with an exception if success_code is specified and retrieving the authentification information fails.
- the annotation service URL to use. If not specified, the service parameter must be specified.
- if True call the service synchronously, otherwise asynchronously. Note that the url must match the sync_mode. E.g. vs
- the ELG service number or a tuple (servicenumber, domain). This requires the elg package. This may raise an exception. If successful, the url and service_meta attributes are set.
- a pre-initialized ELG Authentication object. Requires the elg package. If not specified, the success_code or access_token parameter must be specified for authentication, or none of those to use an ELG-like endpoint without required authentication.
- the path to an auth_file created in advance
- timeout in seconds or None to leave unspecified
- the success code returned from the ELG web page for one of the URLs to obtain
success codes. This will try to obtain the authentication information and store it in the
attribute. Requires the elg package. To obtain a success code, go the the ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_OPENID or ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_OFFLINE url and log in with your ELG user id, this will show the success code that can be copy-pasted. access_token
- the access token token for the ELG service. Only used if auth or success_code are not
specified. The access token is probably only valid for a limited amount of time. No refresh
will be done and once the access token is invalid, calling
will fail with an exception. The access token can be obtained using the elg package or copied from the "Code samples" tab on the web page for a service after logging in. refresh_access
- if True, will try to refresh the access token if auth or success_code was specified and refreshing is possible. Ignored if only access_token was specified
- the name of the annotation set where to create the annotations (default: "")
- the minimum delay time between requests in milliseconds (default: 501 ms)
- a map for renaming the annotation type names from the service to the ones to use in the annotated document.
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class ElgTextAnnotator(Annotator): # NOTE: maybe we should eventually always use the elg package and the elg Service class! # however, currently their way how handling auth is done is too limiting see issues #8, #9 # NOTE: use template and return the URL from a method or use elg.utils ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_PREFIX = "" ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_PREFIX += ( "client_id=python-sdk&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&response_type=code" ) ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_OFFLINE = ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_PREFIX + "&scope=offline_access" ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_OPENID = ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_PREFIX + "&scope=openid" ELG_SC_DEV_URL_PREFIX = "" ELG_SC_DEV_URL_PREFIX += ( "client_id=python-sdk&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&response_type=code" ) ELG_SC_DEV_URL_OFFLINE = ELG_SC_DEV_URL_PREFIX + "&scope=offline_access" ELG_SC_DEV_URL_OPENID = ELG_SC_DEV_URL_PREFIX + "&scope=openid" """ An annotator that sends text to one of the services registered with the European Language Grid ( and uses the result to create annotations. """ def __init__( self, url=None, sync_mode=True, servicenr=None, auth=None, auth_file=None, timeout=None, success_code=None, access_token=None, refresh_access=False, outset_name="", min_delay_ms=501, anntypes_map=None, debug=False, ): """ Create an ElgTextAnnotator. NOTE: initialization can fail with an exception if success_code is specified and retrieving the authentification information fails. Args: url: the annotation service URL to use. If not specified, the service parameter must be specified. sync_mode: if True call the service synchronously, otherwise asynchronously. Note that the url must match the sync_mode. E.g. vs servicenr: the ELG service number or a tuple (servicenumber, domain). This requires the elg package. This may raise an exception. If successful, the url and service_meta attributes are set. auth: a pre-initialized ELG Authentication object. Requires the elg package. If not specified, the success_code or access_token parameter must be specified for authentication, or none of those to use an ELG-like endpoint without required authentication. auth_file: the path to an auth_file created in advance timeout: timeout in seconds or None to leave unspecified success_code: the success code returned from the ELG web page for one of the URLs to obtain success codes. This will try to obtain the authentication information and store it in the `auth` attribute. Requires the elg package. To obtain a success code, go the the ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_OPENID or ELG_SC_LIVE_URL_OFFLINE url and log in with your ELG user id, this will show the success code that can be copy-pasted. access_token: the access token token for the ELG service. Only used if auth or success_code are not specified. The access token is probably only valid for a limited amount of time. No refresh will be done and once the access token is invalid, calling `__call__` will fail with an exception. The access token can be obtained using the elg package or copied from the "Code samples" tab on the web page for a service after logging in. refresh_access: if True, will try to refresh the access token if auth or success_code was specified and refreshing is possible. Ignored if only access_token was specified outset_name: the name of the annotation set where to create the annotations (default: "") min_delay_ms: the minimum delay time between requests in milliseconds (default: 501 ms) anntypes_map: a map for renaming the annotation type names from the service to the ones to use in the annotated document. """ from elg import Authentication from elg.utils import get_domain, get_metadatarecord if [x is not None for x in [url, servicenr]].count(True) != 1: raise Exception("Exactly one of service or url must be specified") if [x is not None for x in [auth, success_code, access_token]].count(True) > 1: raise Exception( "None or exactly one of auth, success_code, or access_token must be specified" ) self.access_token = access_token self.success_code = success_code self.auth = auth self.url = url self.servicenr = servicenr self.service_meta = None self.refresh_access = refresh_access self.sync_mode = sync_mode self.timeout = timeout self.debug = debug # first check if we need to import the elg package if access_token: self.refresh_access = False if servicenr is not None: if isinstance(servicenr, tuple): service_id, domain = servicenr else: service_id = servicenr domain = get_domain("live") self.service_meta = get_metadatarecord(service_id, domain, False, None, False) if sync_mode: self.url = self.service_meta["service_info"]["elg_execution_location_sync"] else: self.url = self.service_meta["service_info"]["elg_execution_location"] if success_code is not None: self.auth = Authentication.from_success_code(success_code, domain="live") if auth_file is not None: self.auth = Authentication.from_json(auth_file) if self.auth: self.access_token = self.auth.access_token self.min_delay_s = min_delay_ms / 1000.0 self.anntypes_map = anntypes_map self.outset_name = outset_name self.logger = init_logger(__name__) self.response_json = None if debug: self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self._last_call_time = 0 def __call__(self, doc, **kwargs): # if necessary and possible, refresh the access token if self.refresh_access and self.auth: self.auth.refresh_if_needed() delay = time.time() - self._last_call_time if delay < self.min_delay_s: time.sleep(self.min_delay_s - delay) request_json = json.dumps( {"type": "text", "content": doc.text, "mimeType": "text/plain"} ) hdrs = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"} if self.access_token: hdrs["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {self.access_token}" if self.sync_mode: response = self._call_sync(request_json, hdrs) else: response = self._call_async(request_json, hdrs) assert response.encoding.lower() == "utf-8" assert response.status_code == 200 response_json = response.json() if self.debug: self.logger.debug(f"Response JSON: {response_json}") self.response_data = response_json ents = response_json.get("response", {}).get("annotations", {}) annset = doc.annset(self.outset_name) for ret_anntype, ret_anns in ents.items(): if self.anntypes_map: anntype = self.anntypes_map.get(ret_anntype, ret_anntype) else: anntype = ret_anntype for ret_ann in ret_anns: start = ret_ann["start"] end = ret_ann["end"] feats = ret_ann.get("features", {}) # start, end = om.convert_to_python([start, end]) annset.add(start, end, anntype, features=feats) return doc def _call_sync(self, request_json, hdrs): response =, data=request_json, headers=hdrs, timeout=self.timeout) if response.status_code != 200: raise Exception( f"Something went wrong, received status code/text {response.status_code} / {response.text}" ) return response def _call_async(self, request_json, hdrs): # see response = self.url, data=request_json, headers=hdrs, timeout=self.timeout) if response.status_code >= 400: raise Exception( f"Something went wrong, received status code/text {response.status_code} / {response.text}" ) response = response.json()["response"] assert response["type"] == "stored" hdrs.pop("Content-Type") uri = response["uri"] response = requests.get(uri, headers=hdrs) jresp = response.json() waiting_time = time.time() while response.ok and "progress" in response.json().keys(): percent = jresp["progress"]["percent"] time.sleep(1) response = requests.get(uri, headers=hdrs, timeout=self.timeout) jresp = response.json() if time.time() - waiting_time > (self.timeout if self.timeout is not None else float("inf")): raise Exception("No async result returned within timeout") return response
- Annotator
- abc.ABC
Class variables
An annotator that sends text to one of the services registered with the European Language Grid ( and uses the result to create annotations.
Inherited members