Module gatenlp.processing.client.textrazor

TextRazor client.

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TextRazor client.
import logging
import time
import requests

from gatenlp.processing.annotator import Annotator
from gatenlp.utils import init_logger

class TextRazorTextAnnotator(Annotator):
    An annotator that sends document text to the TextRazor Annotation service (
    and uses the result to annotate the document.

    NOTE: this annotator and how it can get parametrized will still change!

    def __init__(
        url=None,  # use default
        lang=None,  # if None/not specified, TextRazor auto-detects
        Create a TextRazorTextAnnotator.

            lang: if specified, override the auto-detected language of the text
            auth_token: the authentication token needed to use the service
            url: the annotation service endpoint, is None, the default endpoint is used
            extractors: a list of extractor names or a string with comma-separated extractor names to add to the
               minimum extractors (words, sentences). If None uses words, sentences, entities.
               NOTE: currently only words, sentences, entities is supported.!
            outset_name: the annotationset to put the new annotations in
            min_delay_ms: minimum time in ms to wait between requests to the server
        if url is None:
            url = ""
        self.url = url
        self.lang = lang
        self.outset_name = outset_name
        self.auth_token = auth_token
        self.min_delay_s = min_delay_ms / 1000.0
        self.logger = init_logger()
        # self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
        self._last_call_time = 0
        if extractors is not None:
            if isinstance(extractors, str):
                extractors = extractors.split(",")
            if isinstance(extractors, list):
                allextrs = set()
                allextrs.update(["words", "sentences"])
                self.extractors = ",".join(list(allextrs))
                raise Exception("Odd extractors, must be list of strings or string")
            self.extractors = "words,sentences,entities"

    def __call__(self, doc, **kwargs):
        delay = time.time() - self._last_call_time
        if delay < self.min_delay_s:
            time.sleep(self.min_delay_s - delay)
        text = doc.text
        hdrs = {
            # 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
            # 'Accept-encoding': 'gzip'  # TODO: to enable compressed responses
            # 'Content-encoding': 'gzip'  # TODO: to enable compressed requests
            "X-TextRazor-Key": self.auth_token
        data = {"text": text.encode("UTF-8")}
        if self.extractors:
            data["extractors"] = self.extractors
        if self.lang:
            data["languageOverride"] = self.lang
        self.logger.debug(f"Sending request to {self.url}, data={data}, headers={hdrs}")
        response =
            # params=params,
        scode = response.status_code
        if scode != 200:
            raise Exception(f"Something went wrong, received status code {scode}")
        json = response.json()
        ok = json.get("ok", False)
        if not ok:
            raise Exception(f"Something went wrong, did not get OK, json: {json}")
        self.logger.debug(f"Response JSON: {json}")
        resp = json.get("response", {})
        entities = resp.get("entities", [])
        sentences = resp.get("sentences", [])
        categories = resp.get("categories", [])
        topics = resp.get("topics", [])
        entailments = resp.get("entailments", [])
        relations = resp.get("relations", [])
        properties = resp.get("properties", [])
        nounphrases = resp.get("nounPhrases", [])
        language = resp.get("language")
        languageIsReliable = resp.get("languageIsReliable")
        tok2off = {}  # maps token idxs to tuples (start,end)
        annset = doc.annset(self.outset_name)
        for s in sentences:
            sentstart = None
            sentend = None
            words = s.get("words", [])
            end = None
            for word in words:
                start = word["startingPos"]
                end = word["endingPos"]
                if sentstart is None:
                    sentstart = start
                tokidx = word["position"]
                feats = {}
                feats["partOfSpeech"] = word["partOfSpeech"]
                feats["lemma"] = word["lemma"]
                if word.get("stem"):
                    feats["stem"] = word["stem"]
                annset.add(start, end, "Token", features=feats)
                tok2off[tokidx] = (start, end)
            if end is not None:
                sentend = end
            if sentstart is not None and sentend is not None:
                annset.add(sentstart, sentend, "Sentence")
        for ent in entities:
            feats = {}
            for fname in [
                if fname in ent:
                    feats[fname] = ent[fname]
            annset.add(ent["startingPos"], ent["endingPos"], "Entity", feats)
        return doc


class TextRazorTextAnnotator (url=None, auth_token=None, lang=None, extractors=None, outset_name='', min_delay_ms=501)

An annotator that sends document text to the TextRazor Annotation service ( and uses the result to annotate the document.

NOTE: this annotator and how it can get parametrized will still change!

Create a TextRazorTextAnnotator.


if specified, override the auto-detected language of the text
the authentication token needed to use the service
the annotation service endpoint, is None, the default endpoint is used
a list of extractor names or a string with comma-separated extractor names to add to the minimum extractors (words, sentences). If None uses words, sentences, entities. NOTE: currently only words, sentences, entities is supported.!
the annotationset to put the new annotations in
minimum time in ms to wait between requests to the server
Expand source code
class TextRazorTextAnnotator(Annotator):
    An annotator that sends document text to the TextRazor Annotation service (
    and uses the result to annotate the document.

    NOTE: this annotator and how it can get parametrized will still change!

    def __init__(
        url=None,  # use default
        lang=None,  # if None/not specified, TextRazor auto-detects
        Create a TextRazorTextAnnotator.

            lang: if specified, override the auto-detected language of the text
            auth_token: the authentication token needed to use the service
            url: the annotation service endpoint, is None, the default endpoint is used
            extractors: a list of extractor names or a string with comma-separated extractor names to add to the
               minimum extractors (words, sentences). If None uses words, sentences, entities.
               NOTE: currently only words, sentences, entities is supported.!
            outset_name: the annotationset to put the new annotations in
            min_delay_ms: minimum time in ms to wait between requests to the server
        if url is None:
            url = ""
        self.url = url
        self.lang = lang
        self.outset_name = outset_name
        self.auth_token = auth_token
        self.min_delay_s = min_delay_ms / 1000.0
        self.logger = init_logger()
        # self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
        self._last_call_time = 0
        if extractors is not None:
            if isinstance(extractors, str):
                extractors = extractors.split(",")
            if isinstance(extractors, list):
                allextrs = set()
                allextrs.update(["words", "sentences"])
                self.extractors = ",".join(list(allextrs))
                raise Exception("Odd extractors, must be list of strings or string")
            self.extractors = "words,sentences,entities"

    def __call__(self, doc, **kwargs):
        delay = time.time() - self._last_call_time
        if delay < self.min_delay_s:
            time.sleep(self.min_delay_s - delay)
        text = doc.text
        hdrs = {
            # 'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
            # 'Accept-encoding': 'gzip'  # TODO: to enable compressed responses
            # 'Content-encoding': 'gzip'  # TODO: to enable compressed requests
            "X-TextRazor-Key": self.auth_token
        data = {"text": text.encode("UTF-8")}
        if self.extractors:
            data["extractors"] = self.extractors
        if self.lang:
            data["languageOverride"] = self.lang
        self.logger.debug(f"Sending request to {self.url}, data={data}, headers={hdrs}")
        response =
            # params=params,
        scode = response.status_code
        if scode != 200:
            raise Exception(f"Something went wrong, received status code {scode}")
        json = response.json()
        ok = json.get("ok", False)
        if not ok:
            raise Exception(f"Something went wrong, did not get OK, json: {json}")
        self.logger.debug(f"Response JSON: {json}")
        resp = json.get("response", {})
        entities = resp.get("entities", [])
        sentences = resp.get("sentences", [])
        categories = resp.get("categories", [])
        topics = resp.get("topics", [])
        entailments = resp.get("entailments", [])
        relations = resp.get("relations", [])
        properties = resp.get("properties", [])
        nounphrases = resp.get("nounPhrases", [])
        language = resp.get("language")
        languageIsReliable = resp.get("languageIsReliable")
        tok2off = {}  # maps token idxs to tuples (start,end)
        annset = doc.annset(self.outset_name)
        for s in sentences:
            sentstart = None
            sentend = None
            words = s.get("words", [])
            end = None
            for word in words:
                start = word["startingPos"]
                end = word["endingPos"]
                if sentstart is None:
                    sentstart = start
                tokidx = word["position"]
                feats = {}
                feats["partOfSpeech"] = word["partOfSpeech"]
                feats["lemma"] = word["lemma"]
                if word.get("stem"):
                    feats["stem"] = word["stem"]
                annset.add(start, end, "Token", features=feats)
                tok2off[tokidx] = (start, end)
            if end is not None:
                sentend = end
            if sentstart is not None and sentend is not None:
                annset.add(sentstart, sentend, "Sentence")
        for ent in entities:
            feats = {}
            for fname in [
                if fname in ent:
                    feats[fname] = ent[fname]
            annset.add(ent["startingPos"], ent["endingPos"], "Entity", feats)
        return doc


Inherited members