Module gatenlp.processing.runners.runner_dir2dir
Module that implements runners which can be used from the command line to run pipelines.
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Module that implements runners which can be used from the command line to run pipelines.
import argparse
import importlib.util
import os
import signal
from import Iterable
import ray
from gatenlp.corpora import DirFilesCorpus, DirFilesSource, DirFilesDestination, NullDestination
from gatenlp.processing.pipeline import Pipeline
from gatenlp.utils import init_logger
# TODO: refactor get_pipeline_resultprocessor into separate functions to get the module, to
# get the pipeline and to get the result processor from the module (passing the module)
# Then add a function to also update the argparser if there is a "get_args()" method in the module.
# That way we can use arbitrary additional arguments to configure further processing
# This will come in handy for gatenlp-run where we also make the source/dest/corpus configurable
# TODO: refactor so that all processing that requires Ray is done in a different module which is only imported
# when ray is actually used
# TODO: add native Python multiprocessing: use ray only if any of the ray-related options or "--ray" is present
GLOBALS = dict(mod=None)
class LoggedException(Exception):
"""Exception that gets logged and causes aborting the process"""
def load_module(args):
Load a module according to the setting in the ArgumentParser namespace args.
args: an ArgumentParser namespace which must contain the "modulefile" attribute.
the module
if GLOBALS["mod"] is not None:
return GLOBALS["mod"]
if args.modulefile is None:
import gatenlp.processing.runners.module_noop
mod = gatenlp.processing.runners.module_noop
GLOBALS["mod"] = mod
return mod
if not os.path.exists(args.modulefile):
raise Exception(f"Module file {args.modulefile} does not exist")
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("gatenlp.tmprunner", args.modulefile)
mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
GLOBALS["mod"] = mod
return mod
def get_add_args(args):
Return the "add_args" definition from the loaded module or None.
args: an ArgumentParser namespace that contains the "modulefile" attribute.
the definition of "add_args" or None if the loaded module does not have it.
mod = load_module(args)
if hasattr(mod, "add_args"):
return getattr(mod, "add_args")
return None
def get_pipeline_resultprocessor(args, nworkers=1, workernr=0):
Get the instatiated pipeline and the process_result function from the module specified in
the argparse args as option --modulefile.
args: ArgumentParser namespace
nworkers: total number of workers
workernr: the worker number (0-based)
A list with the pipeline as the first and the process_result function as the second element.
mod = load_module(args)
if not hasattr(mod, args.make_pipeline):
raise Exception(f"Module {args.modulefile} does not define function {args.make_pipeline}(args=None, nworkers=1, workernr=0)")
pipeline_maker = getattr(mod, args.make_pipeline)
# if not isinstance(pipeline_maker, Callable): # NOTE: pylint chokes on this!
if not callable(pipeline_maker):
raise Exception(f"Module {args.modulefile} must contain a callable {args.make_pipeline}(args=None, nworkers=1, workernr=0)")
pipeline = pipeline_maker(args=args, workernr=workernr, nworkers=nworkers)
if not isinstance(pipeline, Pipeline):
raise Exception("make_pipeline must return a gatenlp.processing.pipeline.Pipeline")
result_processor = None
if args.process_result is not None:
if not hasattr(mod, args.result_processor):
raise Exception(f"Module does not define {args.process_result}")
process_result = getattr(mod, args.process_result)
if not callable(process_result):
raise Exception(f"Result processor {args.process_result} is not Callable")
return pipeline, result_processor
class Dir2DirExecutor:
Executor class.
def __init__(self, args=None, workernr=0, nworkers=1):
Initialize the executor.
args: argparse namespace
workernr: 0-based index of the worker
nworkers: total number of workers
self.args = args
self.workernr = workernr
self.nworkers = nworkers
self.n_in = 0
self.n_out = 0
self.n_none = 0
self.logger = None
self.logger = init_logger(name="Dir2DirExecutor")
self.result_processor = None
self.error = False
def get_inout(self):
Return a list with either the corpus or the source and destination to use for processing
args = self.args
if not os.path.exists(args.dir) or not os.path.isdir(args.dir):
raise Exception(f"Does not exist or not a directory: {args.dir}")
if args.outdir or args.outnone:
if args.outnone:
dest =NullDestination()
if not os.path.exists(args.outdir) or not os.path.isdir(args.outdir):
raise Exception(f"Output directory must exist: {args.outdir}")
outfmt = args.outfmt
if outfmt is None:
outfmt = args.fmt
outext = args.outext
if outext is None:
outext = args.ext
dest = DirFilesDestination(
args.outdir, "relpath", fmt=outfmt, ext=outext
src = DirFilesSource(
args.dir, exts=args.ext, fmt=args.fmt, recursive=args.recursive, sort=True,
nparts=args.nworkers, partnr=self.workernr
return [src, dest]
corpus = DirFilesCorpus(
args.dir, ext=args.ext, fmt=args.fmt, recursive=args.recursive, sort=True,
nparts=args.nworkers, partnr=self.workernr
return [corpus]
def run_pipe(self, pipeline, inout):
Run the given pipeline on the given input/output configuration.
pipeline: processing pipeline
inout: list with input/output configuration
flags = dict(interrupted = False)
logpref = f"Worker {self.workernr+1} of {self.nworkers}: "
def siginthandler(sig, frame):
self.error = True
flags["interrupted"] = True
self.logger.warning("%s received SIGINT signal", logpref)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, siginthandler)
if len(inout) == 2: # src -> dest
for ret in pipeline.pipe(inout[0]):
if flags["interrupted"]:
self.logger.warning("%s interrupted by SIGINT", logpref)
if ret is not None:
if isinstance(ret, Iterable):
for doc in ret:
self.n_none += 1
self.n_in = inout[0].n
self.n_out = inout[1].n
if self.n_out % self.args.log_every == 0:"%s %i read, %i were None, %i returned",
logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out)
self.n_in = inout[0].n
self.n_out = inout[1].n
self.n_in = 0
for ret in pipeline.pipe(inout[0]):
if flags["interrupted"]:
self.logger.warning("%s interrupted by SIGINT", logpref)
if ret is not None:
if isinstance(ret, list):
if len(ret) > 1:
raise Exception(f"%s Pipeline %s returned %i documents for corpus index %i",
logpref, pipeline, len(ret), self.n_in)
for doc in ret:
self.n_out += 1
self.n_out += 1
self.n_none += 1
self.n_in += 1
if self.n_out % self.args.log_every == 0:"%s %i read, %i were None, %i returned",
logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out)
def run(self):
Run processing with the pipeline.
The result returned by the pipeline finish() method
logpref = f"Worker {self.workernr+1} of {self.nworkers}: "
pipeline, self.result_processor = get_pipeline_resultprocessor(self.args)"%s got pipeline %s", logpref, pipeline)
inout = self.get_inout()"%s got In/Out %s", logpref, inout)
have_error = False
except Exception as ex:
self.logger.error(f"Pipeline start aborted", exc_info=ex)
self.error = True
raise LoggedException()"%s pipeline start() completed", logpref)"%s running pipeline", logpref)
self.run_pipe(pipeline, inout)
f"%s pipeline running completed: %s read, %s were None, %s returned",
logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out
except Exception as ex:
self.logger.error("%s pipeline running aborted, %s read, %s were None, %s returned",
logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out,
# we continue to calculate any incomplete result, but remember that we had an error
self.error = True
ret = pipeline.finish()"%s pipeline finish() completed", logpref)
# only return the result value if we have a result processor defined!
if self.args.process_result:
return ret
except Exception as ex:
self.logger.error("%s pipeline finish aborted", logpref, exc_info=ex)
self.error = True
raise LoggedException()
def ray_executor(args=None, workernr=0, nworkers=1):
executor = Dir2DirExecutor(args, workernr=workernr, nworkers=nworkers)
ret =
return dict(result=ret, error=executor.error, n_in=executor.n_in, n_out=executor.n_out, n_none=executor.n_none)
def build_argparser():
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Run gatenlp pipeline on directory of documents",
epilog="The module should define make_pipeline(args=None, nworkers=1, workernr=0) and result_processor(result=None)" +
" and can optionally define add_args(argparser) to inject additional arguments into the argparser." +
" If only one directory is specify, only format bdocjs is currently supported."
argparser.add_argument("dir", type=str,
help="Directory to process or input directory if --outdir is also specified"
argparser.add_argument("--outdir", type=str,
help="If specified, read from dir, store result in outdir")
argparser.add_argument("--outnone", action="store_true",
help="If specified, --outdir is ignored, if present and the output of the pipeline is ignored")
argparser.add_argument("--fmt", choices=["bdocjs", "gatexml", "bdocym", "bdocmp"], default=None,
help="Format of documents in dir (none: determine from file extension)")
argparser.add_argument("--outfmt", choices=["bdocjs", "text", "bdocym", "bdocmp"],
help="Format of documents in outdir (only used if --outdir is specified)")
argparser.add_argument("--ext", choices=["bdocjs", "xml", "txt", "bdocym", "bdocmp", "html"], default="bdocjs",
help="File extension of documents in dir (bdocjs)")
argparser.add_argument("--outext", choices=["bdocjs"],
help="File extension of documents in outdir (only used if --outdir is specified)")
argparser.add_argument("--recursive", action="store_true",
help="If specified, process all documents in all subdirectories as well")
help="Module file that contains the make_pipeline(args=None, workernr=0) definition.")
argparser.add_argument("--nworkers", default=1, type=int,
help="Number of workers to run (1)")
argparser.add_argument("--ray_address", type=str, default=None,
help="If specified, connect to ray cluster with that redis address, otherwise start own local cluster")
argparser.add_argument("--log_every", default=1000, type=int,
help="Log progress message every n read documents (1000)")
argparser.add_argument("--make_pipeline", type=str, default="make_pipeline",
help="Name of the pipeline factory function (make_pipeline)")
argparser.add_argument("--process_result", type=str, default=None,
help="Name of result processing function, if None, results are ignored (None)")
argparser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true",
help="Show DEBUG logging messages")
return argparser
def run_dir2dir():
argparser = build_argparser()
args, extra = argparser.parse_known_args()
if args.outdir is None:
if args.dir is not None and args.fmt is not None and args.fmt != "bdocjs":
raise Exception("If no outdir specified, only supported format is bdocjs")
if args.dir is not None and args.fmt is None:
args.fmt = "bdocjs"
# if we detect extra args, try to find the add_args function in the module:
add_args_fn = get_add_args(args)
if add_args_fn is not None:
argparser = build_argparser()
args = argparser.parse_args()
elif len(extra) > 0:
raise Exception(f"Unknown args, but no add_args function in module: {extra}")
logger = init_logger(name="run_dir2dir", debug=args.debug)
if args.nworkers == 1:"Running SerialExecutor")
executor = Dir2DirExecutor(args=args)
result =
if args.process_result:"Processing result")
if executor.error:
logger.error(f"Processing ended with ERROR!!!")
else:"Processing ended normally")
except LoggedException:
logger.error(f"Processing ended with ERROR!!!")
except Exception as ex:
logger.error(f"Processing ended with ERROR!!!", exc_info=ex)
else:"Running RayExecutor")
assert args.nworkers > 1
if args.ray_address is None:"Starting Ray, using %s workers", args.nworkers)
rayinfo = ray.init()
rayinfo = ray.init(address=args.ray_address)"Connected to Ray cluster at %s using %s", args.ray_address, args.nworkers)"Ray available: %s", rayinfo)
workers = []
for k in range(args.nworkers):
worker = ray_executor.remote(args, workernr=k, nworkers=args.nworkers)
workers.append(worker)"Started worker %s: %s", k, worker)
remaining = workers
def siginthandler(sig, frame):
for worker in workers:
logger.warning("KILLING worker %s", worker)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, siginthandler)
while True:
finished, remaining = ray.wait(remaining, num_returns=1, timeout=10.0)
if len(finished) > 0:"Finished: %s (%s so far, %s remaining)",
finished, len(finished), len(remaining))
if len(remaining) == 0:"All workers finished, processing results")
results_list = ray.get(workers)
pipeline_results = [r["result"] for r in results_list]
have_error = False
total_in = 0
total_none = 0
total_out = 0
for worker, ret in zip(workers, results_list):
if ret["error"]:
logger.error("Worker %s ABORTED, %s read, %s were None, %s returned",
worker, ret["n_in"], ret["n_none"], ret["n_out"])
have_error = True
else:"Worker %s finished, %s read, %s were None, %s returned",
worker, ret["n_in"], ret["n_none"], ret["n_out"])
total_in += ret["n_in"]
total_none += ret["n_none"]
total_out += ret["n_out"]"Total processed: %s read, %s were None, %s returned",
total_in, total_none, total_out)
if args.process_result:"Processing any results")"Creating pipeline for workernr -1")
pipeline, resultprocessor = get_pipeline_resultprocessor(args, workernr=-1, nworkers=1)"Combining results")
result = pipeline.reduce(results_list)"Processing results")
except Exception as ex:
logger.error("Result processor error", exc_info=ex)
have_error = True"Shutting down Ray ...")
if have_error:
logger.error("Processing ended with ERROR!!!")
else:"Processing ended normally")
def build_argparser()
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def build_argparser(): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run gatenlp pipeline on directory of documents", epilog="The module should define make_pipeline(args=None, nworkers=1, workernr=0) and result_processor(result=None)" + " and can optionally define add_args(argparser) to inject additional arguments into the argparser." + " If only one directory is specify, only format bdocjs is currently supported." ) argparser.add_argument("dir", type=str, help="Directory to process or input directory if --outdir is also specified" ) argparser.add_argument("--outdir", type=str, help="If specified, read from dir, store result in outdir") argparser.add_argument("--outnone", action="store_true", help="If specified, --outdir is ignored, if present and the output of the pipeline is ignored") argparser.add_argument("--fmt", choices=["bdocjs", "gatexml", "bdocym", "bdocmp"], default=None, help="Format of documents in dir (none: determine from file extension)") argparser.add_argument("--outfmt", choices=["bdocjs", "text", "bdocym", "bdocmp"], help="Format of documents in outdir (only used if --outdir is specified)") argparser.add_argument("--ext", choices=["bdocjs", "xml", "txt", "bdocym", "bdocmp", "html"], default="bdocjs", help="File extension of documents in dir (bdocjs)") argparser.add_argument("--outext", choices=["bdocjs"], help="File extension of documents in outdir (only used if --outdir is specified)") argparser.add_argument("--recursive", action="store_true", help="If specified, process all documents in all subdirectories as well") argparser.add_argument("--modulefile", help="Module file that contains the make_pipeline(args=None, workernr=0) definition.") argparser.add_argument("--nworkers", default=1, type=int, help="Number of workers to run (1)") argparser.add_argument("--ray_address", type=str, default=None, help="If specified, connect to ray cluster with that redis address, otherwise start own local cluster") argparser.add_argument("--log_every", default=1000, type=int, help="Log progress message every n read documents (1000)") argparser.add_argument("--make_pipeline", type=str, default="make_pipeline", help="Name of the pipeline factory function (make_pipeline)") argparser.add_argument("--process_result", type=str, default=None, help="Name of result processing function, if None, results are ignored (None)") argparser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Show DEBUG logging messages") return argparser
def get_add_args(args)
Return the "add_args" definition from the loaded module or None.
- an ArgumentParser namespace that contains the "modulefile" attribute.
the definition of "add_args" or None if the loaded module does not have it.
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def get_add_args(args): """ Return the "add_args" definition from the loaded module or None. Args: args: an ArgumentParser namespace that contains the "modulefile" attribute. Returns: the definition of "add_args" or None if the loaded module does not have it. """ mod = load_module(args) if hasattr(mod, "add_args"): return getattr(mod, "add_args") else: return None
def get_pipeline_resultprocessor(args, nworkers=1, workernr=0)
Get the instatiated pipeline and the process_result function from the module specified in the argparse args as option –modulefile.
- ArgumentParser namespace
- total number of workers
- the worker number (0-based)
A list with the pipeline as the first and the process_result function as the second element.
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def get_pipeline_resultprocessor(args, nworkers=1, workernr=0): """ Get the instatiated pipeline and the process_result function from the module specified in the argparse args as option --modulefile. Args: args: ArgumentParser namespace nworkers: total number of workers workernr: the worker number (0-based) Returns: A list with the pipeline as the first and the process_result function as the second element. """ mod = load_module(args) if not hasattr(mod, args.make_pipeline): raise Exception(f"Module {args.modulefile} does not define function {args.make_pipeline}(args=None, nworkers=1, workernr=0)") pipeline_maker = getattr(mod, args.make_pipeline) # if not isinstance(pipeline_maker, Callable): # NOTE: pylint chokes on this! if not callable(pipeline_maker): raise Exception(f"Module {args.modulefile} must contain a callable {args.make_pipeline}(args=None, nworkers=1, workernr=0)") pipeline = pipeline_maker(args=args, workernr=workernr, nworkers=nworkers) if not isinstance(pipeline, Pipeline): raise Exception("make_pipeline must return a gatenlp.processing.pipeline.Pipeline") result_processor = None if args.process_result is not None: if not hasattr(mod, args.result_processor): raise Exception(f"Module does not define {args.process_result}") else: process_result = getattr(mod, args.process_result) if not callable(process_result): raise Exception(f"Result processor {args.process_result} is not Callable") return pipeline, result_processor
def load_module(args)
Load a module according to the setting in the ArgumentParser namespace args.
- an ArgumentParser namespace which must contain the "modulefile" attribute.
the module
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def load_module(args): """ Load a module according to the setting in the ArgumentParser namespace args. Args: args: an ArgumentParser namespace which must contain the "modulefile" attribute. Returns: the module """ if GLOBALS["mod"] is not None: return GLOBALS["mod"] if args.modulefile is None: import gatenlp.processing.runners.module_noop mod = gatenlp.processing.runners.module_noop GLOBALS["mod"] = mod return mod if not os.path.exists(args.modulefile): raise Exception(f"Module file {args.modulefile} does not exist") spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("gatenlp.tmprunner", args.modulefile) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) GLOBALS["mod"] = mod return mod
def run_dir2dir()
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def run_dir2dir(): argparser = build_argparser() args, extra = argparser.parse_known_args() if args.outdir is None: if args.dir is not None and args.fmt is not None and args.fmt != "bdocjs": raise Exception("If no outdir specified, only supported format is bdocjs") if args.dir is not None and args.fmt is None: args.fmt = "bdocjs" # if we detect extra args, try to find the add_args function in the module: add_args_fn = get_add_args(args) if add_args_fn is not None: argparser = build_argparser() add_args_fn(argparser) args = argparser.parse_args() elif len(extra) > 0: raise Exception(f"Unknown args, but no add_args function in module: {extra}") logger = init_logger(name="run_dir2dir", debug=args.debug) if args.nworkers == 1:"Running SerialExecutor") executor = Dir2DirExecutor(args=args) try: result = if args.process_result:"Processing result") executor.result_processor(result=result) if executor.error: logger.error(f"Processing ended with ERROR!!!") else:"Processing ended normally") except LoggedException: logger.error(f"Processing ended with ERROR!!!") except Exception as ex: logger.error(f"Processing ended with ERROR!!!", exc_info=ex) else:"Running RayExecutor") assert args.nworkers > 1 if args.ray_address is None:"Starting Ray, using %s workers", args.nworkers) rayinfo = ray.init() else: rayinfo = ray.init(address=args.ray_address)"Connected to Ray cluster at %s using %s", args.ray_address, args.nworkers)"Ray available: %s", rayinfo) workers = [] for k in range(args.nworkers): worker = ray_executor.remote(args, workernr=k, nworkers=args.nworkers) workers.append(worker)"Started worker %s: %s", k, worker) remaining = workers def siginthandler(sig, frame): for worker in workers: logger.warning("KILLING worker %s", worker) ray.cancel(worker) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, siginthandler) while True: finished, remaining = ray.wait(remaining, num_returns=1, timeout=10.0) if len(finished) > 0:"Finished: %s (%s so far, %s remaining)", finished, len(finished), len(remaining)) if len(remaining) == 0:"All workers finished, processing results") break results_list = ray.get(workers) pipeline_results = [r["result"] for r in results_list] have_error = False total_in = 0 total_none = 0 total_out = 0 for worker, ret in zip(workers, results_list): if ret["error"]: logger.error("Worker %s ABORTED, %s read, %s were None, %s returned", worker, ret["n_in"], ret["n_none"], ret["n_out"]) have_error = True else:"Worker %s finished, %s read, %s were None, %s returned", worker, ret["n_in"], ret["n_none"], ret["n_out"]) total_in += ret["n_in"] total_none += ret["n_none"] total_out += ret["n_out"]"Total processed: %s read, %s were None, %s returned", total_in, total_none, total_out) if args.process_result:"Processing any results")"Creating pipeline for workernr -1") pipeline, resultprocessor = get_pipeline_resultprocessor(args, workernr=-1, nworkers=1)"Combining results") result = pipeline.reduce(results_list)"Processing results") try: resultprocessor(result=result) except Exception as ex: logger.error("Result processor error", exc_info=ex) have_error = True"Shutting down Ray ...") ray.shutdown() if have_error: logger.error("Processing ended with ERROR!!!") else:"Processing ended normally")
class Dir2DirExecutor (args=None, workernr=0, nworkers=1)
Executor class.
Initialize the executor.
- argparse namespace
- 0-based index of the worker
- total number of workers
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class Dir2DirExecutor: """ Executor class. """ def __init__(self, args=None, workernr=0, nworkers=1): """ Initialize the executor. Args: args: argparse namespace workernr: 0-based index of the worker nworkers: total number of workers """ self.args = args self.workernr = workernr self.nworkers = nworkers self.n_in = 0 self.n_out = 0 self.n_none = 0 self.logger = None self.logger = init_logger(name="Dir2DirExecutor") self.result_processor = None self.error = False def get_inout(self): """ Return a list with either the corpus or the source and destination to use for processing """ args = self.args if not os.path.exists(args.dir) or not os.path.isdir(args.dir): raise Exception(f"Does not exist or not a directory: {args.dir}") if args.outdir or args.outnone: if args.outnone: dest =NullDestination() else: if not os.path.exists(args.outdir) or not os.path.isdir(args.outdir): raise Exception(f"Output directory must exist: {args.outdir}") outfmt = args.outfmt if outfmt is None: outfmt = args.fmt outext = args.outext if outext is None: outext = args.ext dest = DirFilesDestination( args.outdir, "relpath", fmt=outfmt, ext=outext ) src = DirFilesSource( args.dir, exts=args.ext, fmt=args.fmt, recursive=args.recursive, sort=True, nparts=args.nworkers, partnr=self.workernr ) return [src, dest] else: corpus = DirFilesCorpus( args.dir, ext=args.ext, fmt=args.fmt, recursive=args.recursive, sort=True, nparts=args.nworkers, partnr=self.workernr ) return [corpus] def run_pipe(self, pipeline, inout): """ Run the given pipeline on the given input/output configuration. Args: pipeline: processing pipeline inout: list with input/output configuration Returns: """ flags = dict(interrupted = False) logpref = f"Worker {self.workernr+1} of {self.nworkers}: " def siginthandler(sig, frame): self.error = True flags["interrupted"] = True self.logger.warning("%s received SIGINT signal", logpref) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, siginthandler) if len(inout) == 2: # src -> dest for ret in pipeline.pipe(inout[0]): if flags["interrupted"]: self.logger.warning("%s interrupted by SIGINT", logpref) break if ret is not None: if isinstance(ret, Iterable): for doc in ret: inout[1].append(doc) else: inout[1].append(ret) else: self.n_none += 1 self.n_in = inout[0].n self.n_out = inout[1].n if self.n_out % self.args.log_every == 0:"%s %i read, %i were None, %i returned", logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out) self.n_in = inout[0].n self.n_out = inout[1].n else: self.n_in = 0 for ret in pipeline.pipe(inout[0]): if flags["interrupted"]: self.logger.warning("%s interrupted by SIGINT", logpref) break if ret is not None: if isinstance(ret, list): if len(ret) > 1: raise Exception(f"%s Pipeline %s returned %i documents for corpus index %i", logpref, pipeline, len(ret), self.n_in) for doc in ret: inout[0].store(doc) self.n_out += 1 else: inout[0].store(ret) self.n_out += 1 else: self.n_none += 1 self.n_in += 1 if self.n_out % self.args.log_every == 0:"%s %i read, %i were None, %i returned", logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out) def run(self): """ Run processing with the pipeline. Returns: The result returned by the pipeline finish() method """ logpref = f"Worker {self.workernr+1} of {self.nworkers}: " pipeline, self.result_processor = get_pipeline_resultprocessor(self.args)"%s got pipeline %s", logpref, pipeline) inout = self.get_inout()"%s got In/Out %s", logpref, inout) have_error = False try: pipeline.start() except Exception as ex: self.logger.error(f"Pipeline start aborted", exc_info=ex) self.error = True raise LoggedException()"%s pipeline start() completed", logpref)"%s running pipeline", logpref) try: self.run_pipe(pipeline, inout) f"%s pipeline running completed: %s read, %s were None, %s returned", logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out ) except Exception as ex: self.logger.error("%s pipeline running aborted, %s read, %s were None, %s returned", logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out, exc_info=ex) # we continue to calculate any incomplete result, but remember that we had an error self.error = True try: ret = pipeline.finish()"%s pipeline finish() completed", logpref) # only return the result value if we have a result processor defined! if self.args.process_result: return ret else: return except Exception as ex: self.logger.error("%s pipeline finish aborted", logpref, exc_info=ex) self.error = True raise LoggedException()
def get_inout(self)
Return a list with either the corpus or the source and destination to use for processing
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def get_inout(self): """ Return a list with either the corpus or the source and destination to use for processing """ args = self.args if not os.path.exists(args.dir) or not os.path.isdir(args.dir): raise Exception(f"Does not exist or not a directory: {args.dir}") if args.outdir or args.outnone: if args.outnone: dest =NullDestination() else: if not os.path.exists(args.outdir) or not os.path.isdir(args.outdir): raise Exception(f"Output directory must exist: {args.outdir}") outfmt = args.outfmt if outfmt is None: outfmt = args.fmt outext = args.outext if outext is None: outext = args.ext dest = DirFilesDestination( args.outdir, "relpath", fmt=outfmt, ext=outext ) src = DirFilesSource( args.dir, exts=args.ext, fmt=args.fmt, recursive=args.recursive, sort=True, nparts=args.nworkers, partnr=self.workernr ) return [src, dest] else: corpus = DirFilesCorpus( args.dir, ext=args.ext, fmt=args.fmt, recursive=args.recursive, sort=True, nparts=args.nworkers, partnr=self.workernr ) return [corpus]
def run(self)
Run processing with the pipeline.
The result returned by the pipeline finish() method
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def run(self): """ Run processing with the pipeline. Returns: The result returned by the pipeline finish() method """ logpref = f"Worker {self.workernr+1} of {self.nworkers}: " pipeline, self.result_processor = get_pipeline_resultprocessor(self.args)"%s got pipeline %s", logpref, pipeline) inout = self.get_inout()"%s got In/Out %s", logpref, inout) have_error = False try: pipeline.start() except Exception as ex: self.logger.error(f"Pipeline start aborted", exc_info=ex) self.error = True raise LoggedException()"%s pipeline start() completed", logpref)"%s running pipeline", logpref) try: self.run_pipe(pipeline, inout) f"%s pipeline running completed: %s read, %s were None, %s returned", logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out ) except Exception as ex: self.logger.error("%s pipeline running aborted, %s read, %s were None, %s returned", logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out, exc_info=ex) # we continue to calculate any incomplete result, but remember that we had an error self.error = True try: ret = pipeline.finish()"%s pipeline finish() completed", logpref) # only return the result value if we have a result processor defined! if self.args.process_result: return ret else: return except Exception as ex: self.logger.error("%s pipeline finish aborted", logpref, exc_info=ex) self.error = True raise LoggedException()
def run_pipe(self, pipeline, inout)
Run the given pipeline on the given input/output configuration.
- processing pipeline
- list with input/output configuration
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def run_pipe(self, pipeline, inout): """ Run the given pipeline on the given input/output configuration. Args: pipeline: processing pipeline inout: list with input/output configuration Returns: """ flags = dict(interrupted = False) logpref = f"Worker {self.workernr+1} of {self.nworkers}: " def siginthandler(sig, frame): self.error = True flags["interrupted"] = True self.logger.warning("%s received SIGINT signal", logpref) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, siginthandler) if len(inout) == 2: # src -> dest for ret in pipeline.pipe(inout[0]): if flags["interrupted"]: self.logger.warning("%s interrupted by SIGINT", logpref) break if ret is not None: if isinstance(ret, Iterable): for doc in ret: inout[1].append(doc) else: inout[1].append(ret) else: self.n_none += 1 self.n_in = inout[0].n self.n_out = inout[1].n if self.n_out % self.args.log_every == 0:"%s %i read, %i were None, %i returned", logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out) self.n_in = inout[0].n self.n_out = inout[1].n else: self.n_in = 0 for ret in pipeline.pipe(inout[0]): if flags["interrupted"]: self.logger.warning("%s interrupted by SIGINT", logpref) break if ret is not None: if isinstance(ret, list): if len(ret) > 1: raise Exception(f"%s Pipeline %s returned %i documents for corpus index %i", logpref, pipeline, len(ret), self.n_in) for doc in ret: inout[0].store(doc) self.n_out += 1 else: inout[0].store(ret) self.n_out += 1 else: self.n_none += 1 self.n_in += 1 if self.n_out % self.args.log_every == 0:"%s %i read, %i were None, %i returned", logpref, self.n_in, self.n_none, self.n_out)
class LoggedException (*args, **kwargs)
Exception that gets logged and causes aborting the process
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class LoggedException(Exception): """Exception that gets logged and causes aborting the process""" pass
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException