Module gatenlp.span

Module for Span class

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Module for Span class
from typing import List
from functools import total_ordering
from gatenlp.utils import support_annotation_or_set

# class Span(namedtuple("Span", ["start", "end"])):
# NOTE: we cannot use structlcass, since that does not work with wrapping the init method so
# we can create a span from an annotation.
# class Span(structclass("Span", ("start", "end"))):
# Instead, we simply use slots for now.
class Span:
    Class that represents an offset range.
    __slots__ = ["_start", "_end"]

    def __init__(self, start, end):
        Create a span of length end-start. The end offset must not be less than the start offset and both
        the start and end offset must be >= 0.

        To allow for a clear a simple definition of all span relations (overlapping and ordering between spans),
        we see a span as the interval of real numbers that include the start offset and everything else that is
        larger than the start offset but smaller than the end offset. This means for a zero length span
        Span(x,x), the number x is contained in the span, but no other number > x.

        Two spans overlap, if there is at least one integer that is included in both number sets. So
        Span(1,1) overlaps with Span(1,1) because the integer 1 is in both number sets. Span(1,1) overlaps
        with Span(1,2) but not with Span(2,2) or Span(2,3).   Span(1,1) also does not overlap with Span(0,1).

            start: the start offset of the span
            end: the end offset of the span, the offset of the first character after the span that does not
                belong to the span
        assert start is not None
        assert end is not None
        assert start <= end
        self._start = start
        self._end = end

    def start(self):
        Return the start offset.
        return self._start

    def end(self):
        Return the end offset.
        return self._end

    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, Span):
            return False
        if self is other:
            return True
        return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self._start, self._end))

    def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, Span):
            raise Exception("Cannot compare to non-Span")
        if self.start < other.start:
            return True
        if self.start > other.start:
            return False
        return self.end < other.end

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"Span({self.start},{self.end})"

    def length(self) -> int:
        Return length of span.
        return self.end - self.start

    def isoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or
        annotation set.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          `True` if overlapping, `False` otherwise

        # for most cases, we can check if our own range covers either the start or the last element
        # However, if the other range is zero length we must not check for covering(end-1)!
        if start == end:
            return self.iscovering(start)
        return self.iscovering(start) or self.iscovering(end - 1)

    def iscoextensive(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is coextensive with the given span, annotation or
        annotation set, i.e. has exactly the same start and end offsets.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          `True` if coextensive, `False` otherwise

        return self.start == start and self.end == end

    def iswithin(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is within the given span, annotation or
        annotation set, i.e. both the start and end offsets of this annotation
        are after the given start and before the given end.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          `True` if within, `False` otherwise

        return start <= self.start and end >= self.end

    def isbefore(self, start: int, end: int, immediately=False) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is before the other span, i.e. the end of this annotation
        is before the start of the other annotation or span.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span
          immediately: if true checks if this annotation ends immediately before the other one (Default value = False)

          True if before, False otherwise

        if immediately:
            return self.end == start
        return self.end <= start

    def isafter(self, start: int, end: int, immediately=False) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is after the other span, i.e. the start of this annotation
        is after the end of the other annotation or span.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span
          immediately: if true checks if this annotation starts immediately after the other one (Default value = False)

          True if after, False otherwise

        if immediately:
            return self.start == end
        return self.start >= end

    def gap(self, start: int, end: int):
        Return the gep between this span and the other span. This is the distance between
        the last character of the first span and the first character of the second span in
        sequence, so it is always independent of the order of the two span.

        This is negative if the spans overlap.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of span
          end: end offset of span

          size of gap

        if self.start < start:
            # ann1start = self.start
            ann1end = self.end
            ann2start = start
            # ann2end = end
            ann2start = self.start
            # ann2end = self.end
            # ann1start = start
            ann1end = end
        return ann2start - ann1end

    def iscovering(self, start, end=None) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is covering the given span, annotation or
        annotation set, i.e. both the given start and end offsets
        are after the start of this span and before the end of this span.

        If end is not given, then the method checks if start is an offset of the span.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          True if covering, False otherwise

        if end is None:
            if self.start == self.end:
                return self.start == start
            return self.start <= start < self.end
        return self.start <= start and self.end >= end

    def isstartingat(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Check if this span is starting at the same offset as the other span or annotation.

            start: start of other span/annotaiton
            end: end of other span/annotation, ignored

            True if span is starting at the same offset as the other span or annotation

        return self.start == start

    def isendingwith(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is ending at the same offset as the given span or annotation.

            start: start of the span (ignored)
            end: end of the span

            True if ending at the same offset as the span or annotation

        return self.end == end

    def isleftoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or
        annotation set on the left, i.e. the last character is inside the span and the
        first character is before the span.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          `True` if left-overlapping, `False` otherwise

        return self.start <= start and self.end <= end

    def isrightoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or
        annotation set on the right, i.e. the first character is inside the span.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          `True` if right-overlapping, `False` otherwise

        return self.start >= start and self.end >= end

    def squeeze(start: int, end: int, n: int) -> List:
        Helper function to embed n non-overlapping spans in the containing offset range.
        This will divide the contained spans as evenly as possible in the containing span,
        but if there are too many some will get squeezed all into the same last length-1 span.
        The containing span must be at least of length 1.

            start: start offset of the containing span
            end: end offset of the containing span
            n: number of spans to embed

            list if embedded Spans

        l = end - start  # length of the containing span
        assert l > 0
        if n == l:
            return [Span(start + i, start + i + 1) for i in range(n)]
        elif n < l:
            slen = l // n
            rem = l - slen * n
            spans = []
            soff = start
            for i in range(n):
                eoff = soff + slen
                if i < rem:
                    eoff += 1
                spans.append(Span(soff, eoff))
                soff = eoff
            return spans
        else:  # n > l, more to embed than there are characters
            rem = n - l
            spans = [Span(start + i, start + i + 1) for i in range(l)]
            for i in range(rem):
                spans.append(Span(end - 1, end))
            return spans


class Span (start, end)

Class that represents an offset range.

Create a span of length end-start. The end offset must not be less than the start offset and both the start and end offset must be >= 0.

To allow for a clear a simple definition of all span relations (overlapping and ordering between spans), we see a span as the interval of real numbers that include the start offset and everything else that is larger than the start offset but smaller than the end offset. This means for a zero length span Span(x,x), the number x is contained in the span, but no other number > x.

Two spans overlap, if there is at least one integer that is included in both number sets. So Span(1,1) overlaps with Span(1,1) because the integer 1 is in both number sets. Span(1,1) overlaps with Span(1,2) but not with Span(2,2) or Span(2,3). Span(1,1) also does not overlap with Span(0,1).


the start offset of the span
the end offset of the span, the offset of the first character after the span that does not belong to the span
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class Span:
    Class that represents an offset range.
    __slots__ = ["_start", "_end"]

    def __init__(self, start, end):
        Create a span of length end-start. The end offset must not be less than the start offset and both
        the start and end offset must be >= 0.

        To allow for a clear a simple definition of all span relations (overlapping and ordering between spans),
        we see a span as the interval of real numbers that include the start offset and everything else that is
        larger than the start offset but smaller than the end offset. This means for a zero length span
        Span(x,x), the number x is contained in the span, but no other number > x.

        Two spans overlap, if there is at least one integer that is included in both number sets. So
        Span(1,1) overlaps with Span(1,1) because the integer 1 is in both number sets. Span(1,1) overlaps
        with Span(1,2) but not with Span(2,2) or Span(2,3).   Span(1,1) also does not overlap with Span(0,1).

            start: the start offset of the span
            end: the end offset of the span, the offset of the first character after the span that does not
                belong to the span
        assert start is not None
        assert end is not None
        assert start <= end
        self._start = start
        self._end = end

    def start(self):
        Return the start offset.
        return self._start

    def end(self):
        Return the end offset.
        return self._end

    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, Span):
            return False
        if self is other:
            return True
        return self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self._start, self._end))

    def __lt__(self, other) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, Span):
            raise Exception("Cannot compare to non-Span")
        if self.start < other.start:
            return True
        if self.start > other.start:
            return False
        return self.end < other.end

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"Span({self.start},{self.end})"

    def length(self) -> int:
        Return length of span.
        return self.end - self.start

    def isoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or
        annotation set.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          `True` if overlapping, `False` otherwise

        # for most cases, we can check if our own range covers either the start or the last element
        # However, if the other range is zero length we must not check for covering(end-1)!
        if start == end:
            return self.iscovering(start)
        return self.iscovering(start) or self.iscovering(end - 1)

    def iscoextensive(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is coextensive with the given span, annotation or
        annotation set, i.e. has exactly the same start and end offsets.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          `True` if coextensive, `False` otherwise

        return self.start == start and self.end == end

    def iswithin(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is within the given span, annotation or
        annotation set, i.e. both the start and end offsets of this annotation
        are after the given start and before the given end.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          `True` if within, `False` otherwise

        return start <= self.start and end >= self.end

    def isbefore(self, start: int, end: int, immediately=False) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is before the other span, i.e. the end of this annotation
        is before the start of the other annotation or span.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span
          immediately: if true checks if this annotation ends immediately before the other one (Default value = False)

          True if before, False otherwise

        if immediately:
            return self.end == start
        return self.end <= start

    def isafter(self, start: int, end: int, immediately=False) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is after the other span, i.e. the start of this annotation
        is after the end of the other annotation or span.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span
          immediately: if true checks if this annotation starts immediately after the other one (Default value = False)

          True if after, False otherwise

        if immediately:
            return self.start == end
        return self.start >= end

    def gap(self, start: int, end: int):
        Return the gep between this span and the other span. This is the distance between
        the last character of the first span and the first character of the second span in
        sequence, so it is always independent of the order of the two span.

        This is negative if the spans overlap.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of span
          end: end offset of span

          size of gap

        if self.start < start:
            # ann1start = self.start
            ann1end = self.end
            ann2start = start
            # ann2end = end
            ann2start = self.start
            # ann2end = self.end
            # ann1start = start
            ann1end = end
        return ann2start - ann1end

    def iscovering(self, start, end=None) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is covering the given span, annotation or
        annotation set, i.e. both the given start and end offsets
        are after the start of this span and before the end of this span.

        If end is not given, then the method checks if start is an offset of the span.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          True if covering, False otherwise

        if end is None:
            if self.start == self.end:
                return self.start == start
            return self.start <= start < self.end
        return self.start <= start and self.end >= end

    def isstartingat(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Check if this span is starting at the same offset as the other span or annotation.

            start: start of other span/annotaiton
            end: end of other span/annotation, ignored

            True if span is starting at the same offset as the other span or annotation

        return self.start == start

    def isendingwith(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is ending at the same offset as the given span or annotation.

            start: start of the span (ignored)
            end: end of the span

            True if ending at the same offset as the span or annotation

        return self.end == end

    def isleftoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or
        annotation set on the left, i.e. the last character is inside the span and the
        first character is before the span.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          `True` if left-overlapping, `False` otherwise

        return self.start <= start and self.end <= end

    def isrightoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
        Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or
        annotation set on the right, i.e. the first character is inside the span.

        Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
          (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

          start: start offset of the span
          end: end offset of the span

          `True` if right-overlapping, `False` otherwise

        return self.start >= start and self.end >= end

    def squeeze(start: int, end: int, n: int) -> List:
        Helper function to embed n non-overlapping spans in the containing offset range.
        This will divide the contained spans as evenly as possible in the containing span,
        but if there are too many some will get squeezed all into the same last length-1 span.
        The containing span must be at least of length 1.

            start: start offset of the containing span
            end: end offset of the containing span
            n: number of spans to embed

            list if embedded Spans

        l = end - start  # length of the containing span
        assert l > 0
        if n == l:
            return [Span(start + i, start + i + 1) for i in range(n)]
        elif n < l:
            slen = l // n
            rem = l - slen * n
            spans = []
            soff = start
            for i in range(n):
                eoff = soff + slen
                if i < rem:
                    eoff += 1
                spans.append(Span(soff, eoff))
                soff = eoff
            return spans
        else:  # n > l, more to embed than there are characters
            rem = n - l
            spans = [Span(start + i, start + i + 1) for i in range(l)]
            for i in range(rem):
                spans.append(Span(end - 1, end))
            return spans

Static methods

def squeeze(start: int, end: int, n: int) ‑> List[~T]

Helper function to embed n non-overlapping spans in the containing offset range. This will divide the contained spans as evenly as possible in the containing span, but if there are too many some will get squeezed all into the same last length-1 span. The containing span must be at least of length 1.


start offset of the containing span
end offset of the containing span
number of spans to embed


list if embedded Spans

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def squeeze(start: int, end: int, n: int) -> List:
    Helper function to embed n non-overlapping spans in the containing offset range.
    This will divide the contained spans as evenly as possible in the containing span,
    but if there are too many some will get squeezed all into the same last length-1 span.
    The containing span must be at least of length 1.

        start: start offset of the containing span
        end: end offset of the containing span
        n: number of spans to embed

        list if embedded Spans

    l = end - start  # length of the containing span
    assert l > 0
    if n == l:
        return [Span(start + i, start + i + 1) for i in range(n)]
    elif n < l:
        slen = l // n
        rem = l - slen * n
        spans = []
        soff = start
        for i in range(n):
            eoff = soff + slen
            if i < rem:
                eoff += 1
            spans.append(Span(soff, eoff))
            soff = eoff
        return spans
    else:  # n > l, more to embed than there are characters
        rem = n - l
        spans = [Span(start + i, start + i + 1) for i in range(l)]
        for i in range(rem):
            spans.append(Span(end - 1, end))
        return spans

Instance variables

var end

Return the end offset.

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def end(self):
    Return the end offset.
    return self._end
var length : int

Return length of span.

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def length(self) -> int:
    Return length of span.
    return self.end - self.start
var start

Return the start offset.

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def start(self):
    Return the start offset.
    return self._start


def gap(self, start: int, end: int)

Return the gep between this span and the other span. This is the distance between the last character of the first span and the first character of the second span in sequence, so it is always independent of the order of the two span.

This is negative if the spans overlap.

Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of start and end (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)


start offset of span
end offset of span


size of gap

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def gap(self, start: int, end: int):
    Return the gep between this span and the other span. This is the distance between
    the last character of the first span and the first character of the second span in
    sequence, so it is always independent of the order of the two span.

    This is negative if the spans overlap.

    Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
      (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

      start: start offset of span
      end: end offset of span

      size of gap

    if self.start < start:
        # ann1start = self.start
        ann1end = self.end
        ann2start = start
        # ann2end = end
        ann2start = self.start
        # ann2end = self.end
        # ann1start = start
        ann1end = end
    return ann2start - ann1end
def isafter(self, start: int, end: int, immediately=False) ‑> bool

Checks if this span is after the other span, i.e. the start of this annotation is after the end of the other annotation or span.

Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of start and end (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)


start offset of the span
end offset of the span
if true checks if this annotation starts immediately after the other one (Default value = False)


True if after, False otherwise

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def isafter(self, start: int, end: int, immediately=False) -> bool:
    Checks if this span is after the other span, i.e. the start of this annotation
    is after the end of the other annotation or span.

    Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
      (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

      start: start offset of the span
      end: end offset of the span
      immediately: if true checks if this annotation starts immediately after the other one (Default value = False)

      True if after, False otherwise

    if immediately:
        return self.start == end
    return self.start >= end
def isbefore(self, start: int, end: int, immediately=False) ‑> bool

Checks if this span is before the other span, i.e. the end of this annotation is before the start of the other annotation or span.

Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of start and end (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)


start offset of the span
end offset of the span
if true checks if this annotation ends immediately before the other one (Default value = False)


True if before, False otherwise

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def isbefore(self, start: int, end: int, immediately=False) -> bool:
    Checks if this span is before the other span, i.e. the end of this annotation
    is before the start of the other annotation or span.

    Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
      (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

      start: start offset of the span
      end: end offset of the span
      immediately: if true checks if this annotation ends immediately before the other one (Default value = False)

      True if before, False otherwise

    if immediately:
        return self.end == start
    return self.end <= start
def iscoextensive(self, start: int, end: int) ‑> bool

Checks if this span is coextensive with the given span, annotation or annotation set, i.e. has exactly the same start and end offsets.

Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of start and end (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)


start offset of the span
end offset of the span


True if coextensive, False otherwise

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def iscoextensive(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
    Checks if this span is coextensive with the given span, annotation or
    annotation set, i.e. has exactly the same start and end offsets.

    Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
      (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

      start: start offset of the span
      end: end offset of the span

      `True` if coextensive, `False` otherwise

    return self.start == start and self.end == end
def iscovering(self, start, end=None) ‑> bool

Checks if this span is covering the given span, annotation or annotation set, i.e. both the given start and end offsets are after the start of this span and before the end of this span.

If end is not given, then the method checks if start is an offset of the span.

Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of start and end (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)


start offset of the span
end offset of the span


True if covering, False otherwise

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def iscovering(self, start, end=None) -> bool:
    Checks if this span is covering the given span, annotation or
    annotation set, i.e. both the given start and end offsets
    are after the start of this span and before the end of this span.

    If end is not given, then the method checks if start is an offset of the span.

    Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
      (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

      start: start offset of the span
      end: end offset of the span

      True if covering, False otherwise

    if end is None:
        if self.start == self.end:
            return self.start == start
        return self.start <= start < self.end
    return self.start <= start and self.end >= end
def isendingwith(self, start: int, end: int) ‑> bool

Checks if this span is ending at the same offset as the given span or annotation.


start of the span (ignored)
end of the span


True if ending at the same offset as the span or annotation

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def isendingwith(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
    Checks if this span is ending at the same offset as the given span or annotation.

        start: start of the span (ignored)
        end: end of the span

        True if ending at the same offset as the span or annotation

    return self.end == end
def isleftoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) ‑> bool

Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or annotation set on the left, i.e. the last character is inside the span and the first character is before the span.

Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of start and end (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)


start offset of the span
end offset of the span


True if left-overlapping, False otherwise

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def isleftoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
    Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or
    annotation set on the left, i.e. the last character is inside the span and the
    first character is before the span.

    Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
      (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

      start: start offset of the span
      end: end offset of the span

      `True` if left-overlapping, `False` otherwise

    return self.start <= start and self.end <= end
def isoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) ‑> bool

Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or annotation set.

Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of start and end (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)


start offset of the span
end offset of the span


True if overlapping, False otherwise

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def isoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
    Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or
    annotation set.

    Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
      (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

      start: start offset of the span
      end: end offset of the span

      `True` if overlapping, `False` otherwise

    # for most cases, we can check if our own range covers either the start or the last element
    # However, if the other range is zero length we must not check for covering(end-1)!
    if start == end:
        return self.iscovering(start)
    return self.iscovering(start) or self.iscovering(end - 1)
def isrightoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) ‑> bool

Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or annotation set on the right, i.e. the first character is inside the span.

Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of start and end (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)


start offset of the span
end offset of the span


True if right-overlapping, False otherwise

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def isrightoverlapping(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
    Checks if this span is overlapping with the given span, annotation or
    annotation set on the right, i.e. the first character is inside the span.

    Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
      (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

      start: start offset of the span
      end: end offset of the span

      `True` if right-overlapping, `False` otherwise

    return self.start >= start and self.end >= end
def isstartingat(self, start: int, end: int) ‑> bool

Check if this span is starting at the same offset as the other span or annotation.


start of other span/annotaiton
end of other span/annotation, ignored


True if span is starting at the same offset as the other span or annotation

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def isstartingat(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
    Check if this span is starting at the same offset as the other span or annotation.

        start: start of other span/annotaiton
        end: end of other span/annotation, ignored

        True if span is starting at the same offset as the other span or annotation

    return self.start == start
def iswithin(self, start: int, end: int) ‑> bool

Checks if this span is within the given span, annotation or annotation set, i.e. both the start and end offsets of this annotation are after the given start and before the given end.

Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of start and end (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)


start offset of the span
end offset of the span


True if within, False otherwise

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def iswithin(self, start: int, end: int) -> bool:
    Checks if this span is within the given span, annotation or
    annotation set, i.e. both the start and end offsets of this annotation
    are after the given start and before the given end.

    Note: this can be called with an Annotation or AnnotationSet instead of `start` and `end`
      (see gatenlp._utils.support_annotation_or_set)

      start: start offset of the span
      end: end offset of the span

      `True` if within, `False` otherwise

    return start <= self.start and end >= self.end