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It is quite difficult to ensure that the right data can be collected from all possible sites. Therefore, we have set up dedicated support for a few platforms/types of URLs. This means that if you enter links of this particular type, you should get at least some relevant results. In some cases, this means extracting the relevant images, videos and text from a page. In others, this means the assistant recognises the type of link posted, and can forward it onto tools which will do the necessary extracting. If you don’t get any results for these types of links, something may be wrong and you can contact us to let us know.

If however, any URL outside of the supported URLs is entered, the assistant will still try to read what it can. In this case, you are much more likely to get either limited data or none at all. If this is the case, it is likely that nothing has gone wrong - there is just not currently support for the type of URL listed. If you would like to see more dedicated support for any given platform, please contact us.

Supported URLs

The platforms supported are listed in this section. In most cases, data from the social media platforms is extracted, whereas links to video platforms are merely forwarded on to tools without any extraction. Please note that “supporting Twitter” does not mean we support the handling of all Twitter URLs, but that we support the handling of specific URLs from this site . In these sections, the types of URLs supported are explained with example formats and URLs given.

Social Media Platforms

In these cases, any relevant images, videos or text are extracted from the page and passed on as direct text/links to be displayed and used by the assistant.

We support links to specific Twitter posts, and will attempt to retrieve any text, images or videos associated with the post.

Supported URL formats

Example URLs

It should be noted though that if the Twitter post contains a link, the text and images (usually the thumbnail and summary text) associated with that link are not extracted (although the text of the tweet which contains the link can be).
Quoted tweets will be treated as links: their content (text, images, etc.) will not be extracted, but they will appear as an extracted URL. If you post the link to a direct user account, again, nothing will be extracted. The link must be to an individual tweet.

We support links to specific Bluesky posts, and will attempt to retrieve any text, images or videos associated with the post.

Supported URL formats

Example urls

It should be noted though that if the Bluesky post contains a link, the text and images (usually the thumbnail and summary text) associated with that link are not extracted (although the text of the tweet which contains the link can be). Quoted tweets will be treated as links: their content (text, images, etc.) will not be extracted, but they will appear as an extracted URL. If you post the link to a direct user account, again, nothing will be extracted. The link must be to an individual tweet

Links to Snapchat video posts are supported.
We support links to specific Snapchat posts, and will retrieve title and description text, images and videos associated with the post.

Supported URL formats

Example urls

Links to facebook image or video posts are supported.
We support links to specific facebook posts, and will attempt to retrieve any text, images or videos associated with the post.

Supported URL formats

Example URLs

Currently unsupported, but can add at a later date if requested

Links to individual instagram image or video posts are supported.

Supported URL formats

Example URLs

Links to individual tiktok posts are supported.

Supported URL formats

Example URLs

Currently unsupported: links which include the options before the username. Example:

Links to individual telegram posts are supported.

Supported URL formats

Example URLs

The URL without the “/s/” will lead to the same telegram post but is currently not supported as the HTML response which comes back is slightly different and not always as consistent with results. Any telegram post links missing the “/s/” part of the path should be changed to include it: e.g: to

Occasionally, there are posts which will, when viewed in a browser, have videos captioned “Media is too big”. These videos are currently not retrieved because in these cases, the video URL is not available in the page’s source.


Links to invidual VK posts or video posts are supported.

Supported URL formats

Example URLs

Video links are scraped from the posts where found, but they are unable to be embedded into the assistant. The official terminology on VK is that positive numbers are “user” IDs and negative numbers (with the leading hyphen) are “community” IDs, where a community can be either a group or a page.

Video Platforms

In these cases, the content of the page (text, videos and images) themselves are not extracted in any way. Instead, the links are recognised as being videos hosted on a given platform, and tools on the assistant are suggested accordingly.

Links directly to YouTube videos are supported.

Supported URL formats

Example URLs

Currently, URLs of this form do not play in the embedded assistant player. In order to play the video, links must be of the initial two forms


Supported URL formats

Example URLs

Links to direct dailymotion videos are supported.

Supported URL formats

Example URLs

Links to direct vimeo videos are supported.

Supported URL formats

Example URLs

Links to direct liveleak videos are supported.

Supported URL formats

Example URLs