# API Documentation

# Using the JSONRPC endpoints


A single endpoint is used for all API requests, located at /rpc

The API used in the app complies to JSON-RPC 2.0 spec. Requests should always be sent with POST and contain a JSON request object in the body. The response will also be in the form of a JSON object.

For example, to call the method subtract(a, b). Send POST a post request to /rpc with the following JSON in the body:


Variables are passed as a list to the params field, in this case a=42 and b=23. The id field in the top level of the request object refers to the message ID, this ID value will be matched in the response, it does not affect the method that is being called.

The response will be as follows:


In the case of errors, the response will contain an error field with error code and error message:

      "message":"Method not found"

The following are error codes used in the app:

PARSE_ERROR = -32700

# API Listing

# initialise()


Provide the initial context information to initialise the Teamware app

        isAuthenticated: bool
        isManager: bool
        isAdmin: bool
        docFormatPref: bool
        allowUserDelete: bool

# is_authenticated()


Checks that the current user has logged in.

# login(payload)

# Parameters

  • payload

# logout()

# register(payload)

# Parameters

  • payload

# generate_user_activation(username)

# Parameters

  • username

# activate_account(username,token)

# Parameters

  • username

  • token

# generate_password_reset(username)

# Parameters

  • username

# reset_password(username,token,new_password)

# Parameters

  • username

  • token

  • new_password

# change_password(payload) login

# Parameters

  • payload

# change_email(payload) login

# Parameters

  • payload

# set_user_receive_mail_notifications(do_receive_notifications) login

# Parameters

  • do_receive_notifications

# set_user_document_format_preference(doc_preference) login

# Parameters

  • doc_preference

# get_user_details() login

# get_user_annotated_projects() login


Gets a list of projects that the user has annotated

# get_user_annotations_in_project(project_id,current_page,page_size) login


Gets a list of documents in a project where the user has performed annotations in. :param project_id: The id of the project to query :param current_page: A 1-indexed page count :param page_size: The maximum number of items to return per query :returns: Dictionary of items and total count after filter is applied {"items": [], "total_count": int}

# Parameters

  • project_id

  • current_page

  • page_size

# user_delete_personal_information() login

# user_delete_account() login

# create_project() manager

# delete_project(project_id) manager

# Parameters

  • project_id

# update_project(project_dict) manager

# Parameters

  • project_dict

# get_project(project_id) manager

# Parameters

  • project_id

# clone_project(project_id) manager

# Parameters

  • project_id

# import_project_config(pk,project_dict) manager

# Parameters

  • pk

  • project_dict

# export_project_config(pk) manager

# Parameters

  • pk

# get_projects(current_page,page_size,filters) manager


Gets the list of projects. Query result can be limited by using current_page and page_size and sorted by using filters.

:param current_page: A 1-indexed page count
:param page_size: The maximum number of items to return per query
:param filters: Filter option used to search project, currently only string is used to search
for project title
:returns: Dictionary of items and total count after filter is applied {"items": [], "total_count": int}

# Parameters

  • current_page

  • page_size

  • filters

# get_project_documents(project_id,current_page,page_size,filters) manager


Gets the list of documents and its annotations. Query result can be limited by using current_page and page_size and sorted by using filters

:param project_id: The id of the project that the documents belong to, is a required variable
:param current_page: A 1-indexed page count
:param page_size: The maximum number of items to return per query
:param filters: Filter currently only searches for ID of documents
for project title
:returns: Dictionary of items and total count after filter is applied {"items": [], "total_count": int}

# Parameters

  • project_id

  • current_page

  • page_size

  • filters

# get_project_test_documents(project_id,current_page,page_size,filters) manager


Gets the list of documents and its annotations. Query result can be limited by using current_page and page_size and sorted by using filters

:param project_id: The id of the project that the documents belong to, is a required variable
:param current_page: A 1-indexed page count
:param page_size: The maximum number of items to return per query
:param filters: Filter currently only searches for ID of documents
for project title
:returns: Dictionary of items and total count after filter is applied {"items": [], "total_count": int}

# Parameters

  • project_id

  • current_page

  • page_size

  • filters

# get_project_training_documents(project_id,current_page,page_size,filters) manager


Gets the list of documents and its annotations. Query result can be limited by using current_page and page_size and sorted by using filters

:param project_id: The id of the project that the documents belong to, is a required variable
:param current_page: A 1-indexed page count
:param page_size: The maximum number of items to return per query
:param filters: Filter currently only searches for ID of documents
for project title
:returns: Dictionary of items and total count after filter is applied {"items": [], "total_count": int}

# Parameters

  • project_id

  • current_page

  • page_size

  • filters

# add_project_document(project_id,document_data) manager

# Parameters

  • project_id

  • document_data

# add_project_test_document(project_id,document_data) manager

# Parameters

  • project_id

  • document_data

# add_project_training_document(project_id,document_data) manager

# Parameters

  • project_id

  • document_data

# add_document_annotation(doc_id,annotation_data) manager

# Parameters

  • doc_id

  • annotation_data

# get_annotations(project_id) manager


Serialize project annotations as GATENLP format JSON using the python-gatenlp interface.

# Parameters

  • project_id

# delete_documents_and_annotations(doc_id_ary,anno_id_ary) manager

# Parameters

  • doc_id_ary

  • anno_id_ary

# get_possible_annotators(proj_id) manager

# Parameters

  • proj_id

# get_project_annotators(proj_id) manager

# Parameters

  • proj_id

# add_project_annotator(proj_id,username) manager

# Parameters

  • proj_id

  • username

# make_project_annotator_active(proj_id,username) manager

# Parameters

  • proj_id

  • username

# project_annotator_allow_annotation(proj_id,username) manager

# Parameters

  • proj_id

  • username

# remove_project_annotator(proj_id,username) manager

# Parameters

  • proj_id

  • username

# reject_project_annotator(proj_id,username) manager

# Parameters

  • proj_id

  • username

# get_annotation_timings(proj_id) manager

# Parameters

  • proj_id

# delete_annotation_change_history(annotation_change_history_id) manager

# Parameters

  • annotation_change_history_id

# get_annotation_task() login


Gets the annotator's current task, returns a dictionary about the annotation task that contains all the information needed to render the Annotate view.

# get_annotation_task_with_id(annotation_id) login


Get annotation task dictionary for a specific annotation_id, must belong to the annotator (or is a manager or above)

# Parameters

  • annotation_id

# complete_annotation_task(annotation_id,annotation_data,elapsed_time) login


Complete the annotator's current task

# Parameters

  • annotation_id

  • annotation_data

  • elapsed_time

# reject_annotation_task(annotation_id) login


Reject the annotator's current task

# Parameters

  • annotation_id

# change_annotation(annotation_id,new_data) login


Adds annotation data to history

# Parameters

  • annotation_id

  • new_data

# get_document(document_id) login


Obsolete: to be deleted

# Parameters

  • document_id

# get_annotation(annotation_id) login


Obsolete: to be deleted

# Parameters

  • annotation_id

# annotator_leave_project() login


Allow annotator to leave their currently associated project.

# get_all_users() admin

# get_user(username) admin

# Parameters

  • username

# admin_update_user(user_dict) admin

# Parameters

  • user_dict

# admin_update_user_password(username,password) admin

# Parameters

  • username

  • password

# admin_delete_user_personal_information(username) admin

# Parameters

  • username

# admin_delete_user(username) admin

# Parameters

  • username

# get_privacy_policy_details()

# get_endpoint_listing()