# GATE Teamware Overview

# User roles

There are three types of users in GATE Teamware, annotators, managers and admins.

# Annotators

Annotator is the default role when signing up to Teamware. An annotator can be recruited into annotation projects and annotate documents.

# Managers

Managers can create, view and modify annotation projects. They can also recruit annotators to a project.

# Admins

Admins, on top of what managers can do, they can also manage the users in the system and elevate them as managers or admins.

# Annotation Projects, Documents and Annotations

Projects, documents and annotations form the core of the application.

# Projects

An annotation project contains a configuration of how annotations are to be captured, the documents and its annotations and the recruited annotators.

# Documents

A document in application refers to an individual set of arbitrary text that's to be annotated. A document is stored as arbitrary JSON object and can represent various things such as, a single post (e.g. a tweet or a post from reddit), a pair of source post and reply or a part of a HTML web page.

# Annotations

An annotation represents a single annotation task against a single document. Like the document, an annotation is stored as an arbitrary JSON object and can have any arbitrary structure.