# Annotation Project Management

# Project Listing

Clicking on the Projects link in the top navigation bar takes you to a contains a list of existing projects. The project names are shown along with their summaries. Clicking on a project name will take you to the project management page.

# Project Management Page

The project management page contains all the functionalities to manage an annotation project. The page is composed of three main tabs:

  • Configuration - Configure project settings including what annotations are captured.
  • Documents & Annotation - Manage documents and annotations. Upload documents, see contents of a document's annotations and import/export documents.
  • Annotators - Manage the recruitment of annotators.


Annotators can only be recruited to an annotation project after it has been configured and documents are uploaded to the project.

# Project status icons

In the Project listing and Project management page, icon badges are used to provide a quick overview of the project's status:

  • 1 - Number of completed annotations in the project.
  • 1 - Number of rejected annotations in the project.
  • 1 - Number of timed out annotations in the project.
  • 1 - Number of aborted annotations in the project.
  • 1 - Number of pending annotations in the project.
  • 2/60 - Number of occupied annotation tasks over number of total tasks in the project.
  • 20/5/10 - Number of documents, training documents and test documents in the project.
  • 1 - Number of annotators recruited in the project. Annotators are removed from the project when they have completed all annotation tasks in their quota.