Module gatenlp.processing.gazetteer.base

Base class for all gazetteer annotators

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Base class for all gazetteer annotators
from typing import Union, List, Set
from dataclasses import dataclass
from gatenlp import Document
from gatenlp.processing.annotator import Annotator

class GazetteerBase(Annotator):
    Gazetteer base class.
    def __call__(self, doc: Document, **kwargs) -> Union[Document, List[Document], None]:
        raise RuntimeError("Not implemented in Gazetteer base class")

# NOTE: slots=True is supported from 3.10 only
class GazetteerMatch:
    A description of a match.
    start: int
    end: int
    match: str
    features: dict
    type: str


class GazetteerBase

Gazetteer base class.

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class GazetteerBase(Annotator):
    Gazetteer base class.
    def __call__(self, doc: Document, **kwargs) -> Union[Document, List[Document], None]:
        raise RuntimeError("Not implemented in Gazetteer base class")



Inherited members

class GazetteerMatch (start: int, end: int, match: str, features: dict, type: str)

A description of a match.

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class GazetteerMatch:
    A description of a match.
    start: int
    end: int
    match: str
    features: dict
    type: str

Class variables

var end : int
var features : dict
var match : str
var start : int
var type : str