Module gatenlp.processing.gazetteer

Module for various gazetteer annotator implementations.

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Module for various gazetteer annotator implementations.
from gatenlp.processing.gazetteer.tokengazetteer import TokenGazetteer
from gatenlp.processing.gazetteer.stringgazetteer import StringGazetteer
from gatenlp.processing.gazetteer.stringregex import StringRegexAnnotator
from gatenlp.processing.gazetteer.featuregazetteer import FeatureGazetteer



Base class for all gazetteer annotators


Module that implements the FeatureGazetteer which matches the value of some feature of some annotation type against a string gazetteer and adds, …


This module provides the StringGazetter for matching strings against the text in a document.


Module that defines classes for matching annotators other than gazetteers which match e.g. regular expressions of strings or annotations.


This module provides Gazetteer classes which allow matching the text or the tokens of documents against gazetteer lists, lists of interesting texts or …