Module gatenlp.processing.gazetteer.stringregex
Module that defines classes for matching annotators other than gazetteers which match e.g. regular expressions of strings or annotations.
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Module that defines classes for matching annotators other than gazetteers which match e.g. regular expressions
of strings or annotations.
import re
from typing import Union, List, Set, Optional, Dict, Iterable, Any, Tuple
from collections import namedtuple
from gatenlp import Document
from gatenlp.processing.gazetteer.stringgazetteer import StringGazetteer
from gatenlp.processing.gazetteer.base import GazetteerBase, GazetteerMatch
# rule body line:
# one or more comma separated group numbers followed by a "=>" followed by feature assignments
# each feature assignment is basically whatever can be inside a python "dict(...)" constructor.
# e.g. 0,3 => Lookup f1=2, f2 = "something" , f3=True
PAT_RULE_BODY_LINE = re.compile(r"^\s*([0-9]+(?:,[0-9]+)*)\s*=>\s*(\w+)\s*(.*)$")
PAT_GAZ_RULE_LINE = re.compile(r"^\s*GAZETTEER\s*=>\s*(.*)$")
PAT_MACRO_LINE = re.compile(r"\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)=(\S+)\s*$")
PAT_SUBST = re.compile(r"{{\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*}}")
GroupNumber = namedtuple("GroupNumber", ["n"])
GLOBALS = {f"G{i}": GroupNumber(i) for i in range(99)}
Rule = namedtuple("Rule", ["pattern", "actions"])
# Note: groupnumbers is none for the (single) Action we get for a GAZETTEER rule.
Action = namedtuple("Action", ["groupnumbers", "typename", "features"])
def one_or(someiterator: Iterable, default: Any = None) -> Any:
"""Return the next element in the iterator or the defaul value if there is no next element."""
for el in someiterator:
return el
return default
def subst(strg: str, substs: Optional[Dict]) -> str:
Substitute any predefined replacements in the strg. If the strg contains sometime {{name}} and
"name" is a key in substs, the "{{name}}" substring gets replaced with the value in substs.
If the name is not in substs, the string remains unchanged. If the replacement string has placeholders,
they get recursively substituted too.
strg: some string
substs: dictionary of name->replacementstring or None
the modified string
if substs is None or len(substs) == 0:
return strg
matches = list(re.finditer(PAT_SUBST, strg))
if len(matches) == 0:
return strg
lastidx = 0
parts = []
for m in matches:
start, end = m.span()
txt =
var = txt[2:-2]
val = substs.get(var)
if val is not None:
val = "(?:" + str(val) + ")"
txt = subst(str(val), substs)
if start > lastidx:
lastidx = end
if lastidx < len(strg):
ret = "".join(parts)
return ret
def replace_group(feats: Dict, groups: Union[list, tuple]):
"""Replace any group placeholders in any of the feats with the text from the group in the match"""
ret = {}
for k, v in feats.items():
if isinstance(v, GroupNumber):
v = groups[v.n][2] # each group is a tuple start, end, text
ret[k] = v
return ret
class StringRegexAnnotator(GazetteerBase):
An annotator for finding matches for any number of complex regular expression rules in a document.
def __init__(self,
source=None, source_fmt="file",
longest_only: bool = False,
select_rules="all", # or first / last
start_type: Optional[str] = None,
end_type: Optional[str] = None,
split_type: Optional[str] = None,
Create a StringRegexAnnotator and optionally load regex patterns.
source: where to load the regex rules from, format depends on source_fmt. If None, nothing is loaded.
source_fmt: the format of the source. Either "rule-list" for a list of Rule instances,
or "file" in which case the rules are loaded from a file with that path
or "string" in which case the rules are loaded from the given string.
outset_name: name of the output annotation set
string_gazetteer: an initialized instance of StringGazetteer, if specified, will be used for GAZETTEER
rules. If not specified, no GAZETTEER rules are allowed.
annset_name: the input annotation set if matching is restricted to spans covered by
containing annotations.
containing_type: if this is not None, then matching is restricted to spans covered by annotations
of this type. The annotations should not overlap.
list_features: a dictionary of arbitrary default features to add to all annotations created
for matches from any of the rules loaded from the current source
skip_longest: if True, after a match, the next match is attempted after the longest current
match. If False, the next match is attempted at the next offset after the start of the
current match.
longest_only: if True, only use the longest match(es) of all matches
select_rules: the strategy of which rules select from all that have acceptable matches.
One of: "all": apply all matching rules (all matching or all longest depending on longest_only)
"first": apply the first of all matching/first of all longest matching rules
"last": apply the last of all matching/all longest matching rules
regex_module: the name (string) of the regular expression module to use. Currently either
"re" or "regexp" to use the module with the corresponding name. Only the module
used is attempted to get loaded.
start_type: if not None, the annotation type of annotations defining possible starting points of matches,
if None, matches can occur anywhere
end_type: if not None, the annotation type of annotations defining possible end points of matches, if
None, matches can end anywhere
split_type: the annotation type of annotations indicating splits, no match can cross a split
self.rules = []
self.outset_name = outset_name
self.annset_name = annset_name
self.containing_type = containing_type
self.skip_longest = skip_longest
self.longest_only = longest_only
self.select_rules = select_rules
self.regex_module = regex_module
self.start_type = start_type
self.end_type = end_type
self.split_type = split_type
self.list_features = list_features
self.gazetteer = string_gazetteer
if regex_module == "regex":
import regex = regex
except Exception as ex:
raise Exception(f"Cannot use module regex, import failed", ex)
else: = re
self.features4list = []
if source is not None:
self.append(source, source_fmt=source_fmt, list_features=list_features)
def make_rule(self,
pats: Union[str, List[str]],
acts: List[Tuple[str, str, dict]],
substs: Optional[Dict] = None,
list_features: Optional[Dict] = None,
Create a rule representation from a pattern string or list of pattern strings, an a list of action line tuples
(groupnumbersstring, typenamestring, featureassignmentsstring) and a dictionary of name substitutions.
Alternately, the pats parameter could be the instance of a gazetteer.
Each featureassignmentsstring is a string of the form "fname1=fval1, fname2=fval2".
pats: a list of pattern strings, or a single pattern string, or a gazetteer instance
acts: list of tuples (groupnumbersstring, typenamestring, features)
substs: dictionary of name -> string substituions
list_features: features to add to each action, if None, add the ones specified at init time
a Rule instance
if list_features is None:
list_features = self.list_features
if list_features is None:
list_features = {}
if isinstance(pats, str):
pats = subst(pats.strip(), substs)
elif isinstance(pats, list):
# pats = ["(?:" + subst(p.strip(), substs) + ")" for p in pats]
pats = ["(?:"+subst(p.strip()+")", substs) for p in pats]
elif isinstance(pats, GazetteerBase):
pattern = pats
raise Exception(f"Parameter pats neither a string, list of strings or gazetteer instance but {type(pats)}")
if isinstance(pats, list):
pattern_string = "|".join(pats)
pattern = # noqa: F821
except Exception as ex:
raise Exception(f"Problem in pattern {pattern_string}", ex)
anndescs = []
for act in acts:
grpnrs, typname, feats = act
grpnrs = [int(x) for x in grpnrs.strip().split(",")]
fassignments = list_features.copy()
anndescs.append(Action(groupnumbers=grpnrs, typename=typname, features=fassignments))
return Rule(pattern=pattern, actions=anndescs)
def append(self, source: Union[str, List], source_fmt: str = "file", list_features = None):
Load a list of rules.
source: where/what to load. See the init parameter description.
source_fmt: the format of the source, see the init parameter description.
list_features: if not None a dictionary of features to assign to annotations created
for any of the rules loaded by that method call.
if list_features is None:
list_features = self.list_features
if source_fmt == "rule-list":
for rule in source:
if source_fmt == "file":
with open(source, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as infp:
lines = infp.readlines()
elif source_fmt == "string":
lines = source.split("\n")
raise Exception(f"Unknown source format: {source_fmt}")
cur_pats = [] # for each line, the original pattern string gets appended
cur_acts = [] # for each line, a tuple with group list string, typename string, feature assign string
cur_substs = {}
for line in lines:
line = line.rstrip("\n\r")
line = line.strip()
if line == "":
if line.startswith("//") or line.startswith("#"):
continue # comment line
if line.startswith("|"):
# if there is a current rule, add it
if len(cur_acts) > 0:
# finish and add rule
rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features)
cur_acts = []
cur_pats = []
# pattern line
if line.startswith("+"):
# if there is a current rule, add it
if len(cur_acts) > 0:
# finish and add rule
rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features)
cur_acts = []
cur_pats = []
# pattern line: if we have already something in cur_pats, concatenate this to the last pat we have
# otherwise, add a new line
if len(cur_pats) == 0:
cur_pats[-1] = cur_pats[-1] + line[1:].strip()
mo = re.match(PAT_RULE_BODY_LINE, line)
if mo is not None:
grouplist, typename, featureassignments = mo.groups()
# now try to match the feature assignments as the initializer of a dict, if that works,
# it is a proper line, otherwise we get an error
features = eval("dict("+featureassignments+")", GLOBALS)
except Exception as ex:
raise Exception(f"Not a valid feature assignment: {featureassignments}", ex)
cur_acts.append((grouplist, typename, features))
mo = re.fullmatch(PAT_GAZ_RULE_LINE, line)
if mo is not None:
if self.gazetteer is None:
raise Exception("GAZETTEER rule found but no gazetteer specified for StringRegexAnnotator")
if len(cur_acts) > 0:
# finish and add rule
rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features)
cur_acts = []
cur_pats = []
featureassignments = mo.groups()[0]
features = eval("dict("+featureassignments+")", GLOBALS)
except Exception as ex:
raise Exception(f"Not a valid feature assignment: {featureassignments}", ex)
self.make_rule(self.gazetteer, [("0", "DUMMY-NOT-USED", features)],
substs=None, list_features=list_features))
mo = re.fullmatch(PAT_MACRO_LINE, line)
if mo is not None:
name =
pat =
cur_substs[name] = pat
# if we fall through to here, the line does not match anything known, must be an error
raise Exception(f"Odd line: {line}")
# end for line
if cur_acts:
# finish and add rule
rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features)
# if there was no last rule, and if rules is still empty, complain
if len(self.rules) == 0:
raise Exception("No complete rule found")
def match_next(self, pat: Any, text: str,
from_offset: int = 0,
add_offset: int = 0,
start_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None,
end_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None,
split_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None
Find the next metch for the compiled pattern in text, at or after from_offset, but only if
all of the start/end/split offset limitations are satisfied (if present).
The from_offset is the offset within text, while add_offset is an additional offset value
to get added so we can compare to any of the start_offsets, end_offsets, split_offsets
(because text may just be a substring of the full text to which those offsets refer).
pat: a pre-compiled re/regex pattern or the gazetteer object for a gazetteer rule
text: the text in which to search for the pattern
from_offset: the offset in text from which on to search for the pattern
add_offset: this gets added to a match offset in order to be comparable to the start/end/split offsets
start_offsets: a set/list of offsets where a match must start
end_offsets: a set/list of offsets where a match must end
split_offsets: a set/list of offsets where a match cannot cross
None if no match is found, otherwise, if pat is a regex,
a tuple (start, end, groups, False) where groups is a tuple/list with all
groups from the RE, starting with group(0), then group(1) etc. Each group in turn as a tuple
(start, end, text).
If pat is a gezetter, a tuple (start, end, matches, True) where matches is the list of matches returned
from the gazetteer find method.
if isinstance(pat, StringGazetteer):
# use the gazetteer to find the next match(es) in the text, starting at the given offset
# Note: this sets longest_only to None to use whatever is configured for the StringGazetteer
# The annotatation type will also be determined by that gazetteer, while the offsets are determined
# by what is defined in this StringRegexAnnotator
matches, maxlen, where = pat.find(text, start=from_offset, longest_only=False,
start_offsets=start_offsets, end_offsets=end_offsets,
if maxlen == 0:
return None
return where, where+maxlen, matches, True
m =, text[from_offset:])
while m:
# in this loop we return the first match that is valid, iterating until we find one or
# no more matches are found
lastidx = m.lastindex
if lastidx is None:
lastidx = 0
groups = [(m.start(i)+from_offset, m.end(i)+from_offset, for i in range(lastidx+1)]
start, end = [o+from_offset for o in m.span()]
ostart = start + add_offset
oend = end + add_offset
if start_offsets and ostart not in start_offsets:
if end_offsets and oend not in end_offsets:
if split_offsets:
for i in range(ostart, oend):
if i in split_offsets:
# the match should be valid, return it
return start, end, groups, False
# end while
return None
def find_all(self, text: str,
start: int = 0,
add_offset: int = 0,
longest_only: Union[None, bool] = None,
skip_longest: Union[None, bool] = None,
select_rules: Union[None, str] = None,
start_offsets: Union[List, Set, None] = None,
end_offsets: Union[List, Set, None] = None,
split_offsets: Union[List, Set, None] = None):
Find all matches for the rules in this annotator and satisfying any addition constraints specified through
the parameters.
text: string to search
start: offset where to start searching (0)
add_offset: what to add to compare the within-text offsets to the offsets in start_offsets etc. This is
used when text is a substring of the original string to match and the start_offsets refer to offsets
in the original string.
longest_only: if True, return only the longest match at each position, if None use gazetteer setting
skip_longest: if True, find next match after longest match, if None use gazetteer setting
select_rules: if not None, overrides the setting from the StringRegexAnnotator instance
start_offsets: if not None, a list/set of offsets where a match can start
end_offsets: if not None, a list/set of offsets where a match can end
split_offsets: if not None, a list/set of offsets which are considered split locations
each of the matches
# first of all create a list of match iterator generators that correspond to each of the rules
if longest_only is None:
longest_only = self.longest_only
if skip_longest is None:
skip_longest = self.skip_longest
if select_rules is None:
select_rules = self.select_rules
beyond = len(text)+1
# initialize the matches
curoff = start
matches = [self.match_next(rule.pattern, text, from_offset=start, add_offset=add_offset,
start_offsets=start_offsets, end_offsets=end_offsets,
split_offsets=split_offsets) for rule in self.rules]
result = []
finished = False # set to true once all matches are None, i.e. there is no match for any pattern left
while not finished and curoff < len(text):
longestspan = 0
smallestoff = beyond
# find the smallest offset of all matches, and also the length of the longest span among all smallestoff
# matches
for idx, match in enumerate(matches):
# if the match is starting before curoff, update it
if match and match[0] < curoff:
match = self.match_next(self.rules[idx].pattern, text,
from_offset=curoff, add_offset=add_offset,
start_offsets=start_offsets, end_offsets=end_offsets,
matches[idx] = match
if not match:
# if there actually is a valid match, use it to determine the smallest offset and the longest match len
if match[0] < smallestoff:
# new smallest offset, also need to reset the longest match
smallestoff = match[0]
longestspan = match[1] - match[0]
if match[0] <= smallestoff:
mlen = match[1] - match[0]
if mlen > longestspan:
longestspan = mlen
# for
# we now know where the next match(es) is/are happening and what the longest match(es) is/are
if smallestoff == beyond:
# no (more) matches found, break out of the while
curoff = smallestoff
# we have at least one match still at smallestoff
# depending on the strategy, select the rule to match:
# all: all rules starting at smallestoff
# first: the first rule at smallestoff
# last: the last rule at smallestoff
# firstlongest: the first rule at smallestoff which is of maximum length
# We select the indices of all rules for which the match should get considered
idx2use = []
lastidx = None
for idx, match in enumerate(matches):
if not match:
matchlen = match[1] - match[0]
if match[0] != smallestoff:
if not longest_only and select_rules == "all":
elif longest_only and select_rules == "all" and matchlen == longestspan:
elif not longest_only and select_rules == "first":
elif longest_only and select_rules == "first" and matchlen == longestspan:
elif not longest_only and select_rules == "last":
lastidx = idx
elif longest_only and select_rules == "last" and matchlen == longestspan:
lastidx = idx
# end for
if select_rules == "last":
# now we have the list of idxs for which to add a match to the result
for idx in idx2use:
match = matches[idx]
# check if we got a match that corresponds to a gazetteer rule, in that case, just
# use the matches we got from there.
if match[3]:
for m in match[2]:
# we need to splice in the features from the rule, if necessary
act = self.rules[idx].actions[0] # for GAZETTEER rules, there is always only one act exactly
if len(act.features) > 0:
features = {}
m.features = features
# result.append(m)
yield m
acts = self.rules[idx].actions
groups = match[2]
for act in acts:
feats = replace_group(act.features, groups)
for gnr in act.groupnumbers:
toadd = GazetteerMatch(start=groups[gnr][0],
# result.append(toadd)
yield toadd
# end for
# now depending on skip_longest, skip either one offset or the length of the longest match
if skip_longest:
curoff += longestspan
curoff += 1
# end while
def __call__(self, doc: Document, **kwargs):
outset = doc.annset(self.outset_name)
annset = doc.annset(self.annset_name)
chunks = [] # list of tuples (text, startoffset)
split_offsets = None
if self.split_type is not None:
split_offsets = set()
anns = annset.with_type(self.split_type)
for ann in anns:
for i in range(ann.start, ann.end):
start_offsets = None
end_offsets = None
if self.start_type is not None:
start_offsets = set()
anns = annset.with_type(self.start_type)
for ann in anns:
if self.end_type is not None:
end_offsets = set()
anns = annset.with_type(self.end_type)
for ann in anns:
if self.containing_type is not None:
for ann in annset.with_type(self.containing_type):
chunks.append((doc[ann], ann.start))
chunks.append((doc.text, 0))
for chunk in chunks:
text = chunk[0]
offset = chunk[1]
# find the matches, add annotations, with the offsets adapted by offset
matches = self.find_all(text=text, add_offset=offset, start_offsets=start_offsets, end_offsets=end_offsets,
for match in matches:
outset.add(match.start + offset, match.end + offset, match.type, match.features)
return doc
def one_or(someiterator: Iterable[+T_co], default: Any = None) ‑> Any
Return the next element in the iterator or the defaul value if there is no next element.
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def one_or(someiterator: Iterable, default: Any = None) -> Any: """Return the next element in the iterator or the defaul value if there is no next element.""" for el in someiterator: return el return default
def replace_group(feats: Dict[~KT, ~VT], groups: Union[list, tuple])
Replace any group placeholders in any of the feats with the text from the group in the match
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def replace_group(feats: Dict, groups: Union[list, tuple]): """Replace any group placeholders in any of the feats with the text from the group in the match""" ret = {} for k, v in feats.items(): if isinstance(v, GroupNumber): v = groups[v.n][2] # each group is a tuple start, end, text ret[k] = v return ret
def subst(strg: str, substs: Optional[Dict[~KT, ~VT]]) ‑> str
Substitute any predefined replacements in the strg. If the strg contains sometime {{name}} and "name" is a key in substs, the "{{name}}" substring gets replaced with the value in substs. If the name is not in substs, the string remains unchanged. If the replacement string has placeholders, they get recursively substituted too.
- some string
- dictionary of name->replacementstring or None
the modified string
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def subst(strg: str, substs: Optional[Dict]) -> str: """ Substitute any predefined replacements in the strg. If the strg contains sometime {{name}} and "name" is a key in substs, the "{{name}}" substring gets replaced with the value in substs. If the name is not in substs, the string remains unchanged. If the replacement string has placeholders, they get recursively substituted too. Args: strg: some string substs: dictionary of name->replacementstring or None Returns: the modified string """ if substs is None or len(substs) == 0: return strg matches = list(re.finditer(PAT_SUBST, strg)) if len(matches) == 0: return strg lastidx = 0 parts = [] for m in matches: start, end = m.span() txt = var = txt[2:-2] val = substs.get(var) if val is not None: val = "(?:" + str(val) + ")" txt = subst(str(val), substs) if start > lastidx: parts.append(strg[lastidx:start]) parts.append(txt) lastidx = end if lastidx < len(strg): parts.append(strg[lastidx:]) ret = "".join(parts) return ret
class Action (groupnumbers, typename, features)
Action(groupnumbers, typename, features)
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var features
Alias for field number 2
var groupnumbers
Alias for field number 0
var typename
Alias for field number 1
class GroupNumber (n)
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var n
Alias for field number 0
class Rule (pattern, actions)
Rule(pattern, actions)
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var actions
Alias for field number 1
var pattern
Alias for field number 0
class StringRegexAnnotator (source=None, source_fmt='file', string_gazetteer=None, outset_name='', annset_name='', containing_type=None, list_features=None, skip_longest=False, longest_only: bool = False, select_rules='all', regex_module='re', start_type: Optional[str] = None, end_type: Optional[str] = None, split_type: Optional[str] = None)
An annotator for finding matches for any number of complex regular expression rules in a document.
Create a StringRegexAnnotator and optionally load regex patterns.
- where to load the regex rules from, format depends on source_fmt. If None, nothing is loaded.
- the format of the source. Either "rule-list" for a list of Rule instances, or "file" in which case the rules are loaded from a file with that path or "string" in which case the rules are loaded from the given string.
- name of the output annotation set
- an initialized instance of StringGazetteer, if specified, will be used for GAZETTEER rules. If not specified, no GAZETTEER rules are allowed.
- the input annotation set if matching is restricted to spans covered by containing annotations.
- if this is not None, then matching is restricted to spans covered by annotations of this type. The annotations should not overlap.
- a dictionary of arbitrary default features to add to all annotations created for matches from any of the rules loaded from the current source
- if True, after a match, the next match is attempted after the longest current match. If False, the next match is attempted at the next offset after the start of the current match.
- if True, only use the longest match(es) of all matches
- the strategy of which rules select from all that have acceptable matches. One of: "all": apply all matching rules (all matching or all longest depending on longest_only) "first": apply the first of all matching/first of all longest matching rules "last": apply the last of all matching/all longest matching rules
- the name (string) of the regular expression module to use. Currently either "re" or "regexp" to use the module with the corresponding name. Only the module used is attempted to get loaded.
- if not None, the annotation type of annotations defining possible starting points of matches, if None, matches can occur anywhere
- if not None, the annotation type of annotations defining possible end points of matches, if None, matches can end anywhere
- the annotation type of annotations indicating splits, no match can cross a split
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class StringRegexAnnotator(GazetteerBase): """ An annotator for finding matches for any number of complex regular expression rules in a document. """ def __init__(self, source=None, source_fmt="file", string_gazetteer=None, outset_name="", annset_name="", containing_type=None, list_features=None, skip_longest=False, longest_only: bool = False, select_rules="all", # or first / last regex_module='re', start_type: Optional[str] = None, end_type: Optional[str] = None, split_type: Optional[str] = None, ): """ Create a StringRegexAnnotator and optionally load regex patterns. Args: source: where to load the regex rules from, format depends on source_fmt. If None, nothing is loaded. source_fmt: the format of the source. Either "rule-list" for a list of Rule instances, or "file" in which case the rules are loaded from a file with that path or "string" in which case the rules are loaded from the given string. outset_name: name of the output annotation set string_gazetteer: an initialized instance of StringGazetteer, if specified, will be used for GAZETTEER rules. If not specified, no GAZETTEER rules are allowed. annset_name: the input annotation set if matching is restricted to spans covered by containing annotations. containing_type: if this is not None, then matching is restricted to spans covered by annotations of this type. The annotations should not overlap. list_features: a dictionary of arbitrary default features to add to all annotations created for matches from any of the rules loaded from the current source skip_longest: if True, after a match, the next match is attempted after the longest current match. If False, the next match is attempted at the next offset after the start of the current match. longest_only: if True, only use the longest match(es) of all matches select_rules: the strategy of which rules select from all that have acceptable matches. One of: "all": apply all matching rules (all matching or all longest depending on longest_only) "first": apply the first of all matching/first of all longest matching rules "last": apply the last of all matching/all longest matching rules regex_module: the name (string) of the regular expression module to use. Currently either "re" or "regexp" to use the module with the corresponding name. Only the module used is attempted to get loaded. start_type: if not None, the annotation type of annotations defining possible starting points of matches, if None, matches can occur anywhere end_type: if not None, the annotation type of annotations defining possible end points of matches, if None, matches can end anywhere split_type: the annotation type of annotations indicating splits, no match can cross a split """ self.rules = [] self.outset_name = outset_name self.annset_name = annset_name self.containing_type = containing_type self.skip_longest = skip_longest self.longest_only = longest_only self.select_rules = select_rules self.regex_module = regex_module self.start_type = start_type self.end_type = end_type self.split_type = split_type self.list_features = list_features self.gazetteer = string_gazetteer if regex_module == "regex": try: import regex = regex except Exception as ex: raise Exception(f"Cannot use module regex, import failed", ex) else: = re self.features4list = [] if source is not None: self.append(source, source_fmt=source_fmt, list_features=list_features) def make_rule(self, pats: Union[str, List[str]], acts: List[Tuple[str, str, dict]], substs: Optional[Dict] = None, list_features: Optional[Dict] = None, ): """ Create a rule representation from a pattern string or list of pattern strings, an a list of action line tuples (groupnumbersstring, typenamestring, featureassignmentsstring) and a dictionary of name substitutions. Alternately, the pats parameter could be the instance of a gazetteer. Each featureassignmentsstring is a string of the form "fname1=fval1, fname2=fval2". Args: pats: a list of pattern strings, or a single pattern string, or a gazetteer instance acts: list of tuples (groupnumbersstring, typenamestring, features) substs: dictionary of name -> string substituions list_features: features to add to each action, if None, add the ones specified at init time Returns: a Rule instance """ if list_features is None: list_features = self.list_features if list_features is None: list_features = {} if isinstance(pats, str): pats = subst(pats.strip(), substs) elif isinstance(pats, list): # pats = ["(?:" + subst(p.strip(), substs) + ")" for p in pats] pats = ["(?:"+subst(p.strip()+")", substs) for p in pats] elif isinstance(pats, GazetteerBase): pattern = pats else: raise Exception(f"Parameter pats neither a string, list of strings or gazetteer instance but {type(pats)}") if isinstance(pats, list): pattern_string = "|".join(pats) try: pattern = # noqa: F821 except Exception as ex: raise Exception(f"Problem in pattern {pattern_string}", ex) anndescs = [] for act in acts: grpnrs, typname, feats = act grpnrs = [int(x) for x in grpnrs.strip().split(",")] fassignments = list_features.copy() fassignments.update(feats) anndescs.append(Action(groupnumbers=grpnrs, typename=typname, features=fassignments)) return Rule(pattern=pattern, actions=anndescs) def append(self, source: Union[str, List], source_fmt: str = "file", list_features = None): """ Load a list of rules. Args: source: where/what to load. See the init parameter description. source_fmt: the format of the source, see the init parameter description. list_features: if not None a dictionary of features to assign to annotations created for any of the rules loaded by that method call. """ if list_features is None: list_features = self.list_features if source_fmt == "rule-list": for rule in source: self.rules.append(rule) else: if source_fmt == "file": with open(source, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as infp: lines = infp.readlines() elif source_fmt == "string": lines = source.split("\n") else: raise Exception(f"Unknown source format: {source_fmt}") cur_pats = [] # for each line, the original pattern string gets appended cur_acts = [] # for each line, a tuple with group list string, typename string, feature assign string cur_substs = {} for line in lines: line = line.rstrip("\n\r") line = line.strip() if line == "": continue if line.startswith("//") or line.startswith("#"): continue # comment line if line.startswith("|"): # if there is a current rule, add it if len(cur_acts) > 0: # finish and add rule rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features) cur_acts = [] cur_pats = [] self.rules.append(rule) # pattern line cur_pats.append(line[1:].strip()) continue if line.startswith("+"): # if there is a current rule, add it if len(cur_acts) > 0: # finish and add rule rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features) cur_acts = [] cur_pats = [] self.rules.append(rule) # pattern line: if we have already something in cur_pats, concatenate this to the last pat we have # otherwise, add a new line if len(cur_pats) == 0: cur_pats.append(line[1:].strip()) else: cur_pats[-1] = cur_pats[-1] + line[1:].strip() continue mo = re.match(PAT_RULE_BODY_LINE, line) if mo is not None: grouplist, typename, featureassignments = mo.groups() # now try to match the feature assignments as the initializer of a dict, if that works, # it is a proper line, otherwise we get an error try: features = eval("dict("+featureassignments+")", GLOBALS) except Exception as ex: raise Exception(f"Not a valid feature assignment: {featureassignments}", ex) cur_acts.append((grouplist, typename, features)) continue mo = re.fullmatch(PAT_GAZ_RULE_LINE, line) if mo is not None: if self.gazetteer is None: raise Exception("GAZETTEER rule found but no gazetteer specified for StringRegexAnnotator") if len(cur_acts) > 0: # finish and add rule rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features) cur_acts = [] cur_pats = [] self.rules.append(rule) featureassignments = mo.groups()[0] try: features = eval("dict("+featureassignments+")", GLOBALS) except Exception as ex: raise Exception(f"Not a valid feature assignment: {featureassignments}", ex) self.rules.append( self.make_rule(self.gazetteer, [("0", "DUMMY-NOT-USED", features)], substs=None, list_features=list_features)) continue mo = re.fullmatch(PAT_MACRO_LINE, line) if mo is not None: name = pat = cur_substs[name] = pat continue # if we fall through to here, the line does not match anything known, must be an error raise Exception(f"Odd line: {line}") # end for line if cur_acts: # finish and add rule rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features) self.rules.append(rule) else: # if there was no last rule, and if rules is still empty, complain if len(self.rules) == 0: raise Exception("No complete rule found") def match_next(self, pat: Any, text: str, from_offset: int = 0, add_offset: int = 0, start_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None, end_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None, split_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None ): """ Find the next metch for the compiled pattern in text, at or after from_offset, but only if all of the start/end/split offset limitations are satisfied (if present). The from_offset is the offset within text, while add_offset is an additional offset value to get added so we can compare to any of the start_offsets, end_offsets, split_offsets (because text may just be a substring of the full text to which those offsets refer). Args: pat: a pre-compiled re/regex pattern or the gazetteer object for a gazetteer rule text: the text in which to search for the pattern from_offset: the offset in text from which on to search for the pattern add_offset: this gets added to a match offset in order to be comparable to the start/end/split offsets start_offsets: a set/list of offsets where a match must start end_offsets: a set/list of offsets where a match must end split_offsets: a set/list of offsets where a match cannot cross Returns: None if no match is found, otherwise, if pat is a regex, a tuple (start, end, groups, False) where groups is a tuple/list with all groups from the RE, starting with group(0), then group(1) etc. Each group in turn as a tuple (start, end, text). If pat is a gezetter, a tuple (start, end, matches, True) where matches is the list of matches returned from the gazetteer find method. """ if isinstance(pat, StringGazetteer): # use the gazetteer to find the next match(es) in the text, starting at the given offset # Note: this sets longest_only to None to use whatever is configured for the StringGazetteer # The annotatation type will also be determined by that gazetteer, while the offsets are determined # by what is defined in this StringRegexAnnotator matches, maxlen, where = pat.find(text, start=from_offset, longest_only=False, start_offsets=start_offsets, end_offsets=end_offsets, split_offsets=split_offsets) if maxlen == 0: return None else: return where, where+maxlen, matches, True m =, text[from_offset:]) while m: # in this loop we return the first match that is valid, iterating until we find one or # no more matches are found lastidx = m.lastindex if lastidx is None: lastidx = 0 groups = [(m.start(i)+from_offset, m.end(i)+from_offset, for i in range(lastidx+1)] start, end = [o+from_offset for o in m.span()] ostart = start + add_offset oend = end + add_offset if start_offsets and ostart not in start_offsets: continue if end_offsets and oend not in end_offsets: continue if split_offsets: for i in range(ostart, oend): if i in split_offsets: continue # the match should be valid, return it return start, end, groups, False # end while return None def find_all(self, text: str, start: int = 0, add_offset: int = 0, longest_only: Union[None, bool] = None, skip_longest: Union[None, bool] = None, select_rules: Union[None, str] = None, start_offsets: Union[List, Set, None] = None, end_offsets: Union[List, Set, None] = None, split_offsets: Union[List, Set, None] = None): """ Find all matches for the rules in this annotator and satisfying any addition constraints specified through the parameters. Args: text: string to search start: offset where to start searching (0) add_offset: what to add to compare the within-text offsets to the offsets in start_offsets etc. This is used when text is a substring of the original string to match and the start_offsets refer to offsets in the original string. longest_only: if True, return only the longest match at each position, if None use gazetteer setting skip_longest: if True, find next match after longest match, if None use gazetteer setting select_rules: if not None, overrides the setting from the StringRegexAnnotator instance start_offsets: if not None, a list/set of offsets where a match can start end_offsets: if not None, a list/set of offsets where a match can end split_offsets: if not None, a list/set of offsets which are considered split locations Yields: each of the matches """ # first of all create a list of match iterator generators that correspond to each of the rules if longest_only is None: longest_only = self.longest_only if skip_longest is None: skip_longest = self.skip_longest if select_rules is None: select_rules = self.select_rules beyond = len(text)+1 # initialize the matches curoff = start matches = [self.match_next(rule.pattern, text, from_offset=start, add_offset=add_offset, start_offsets=start_offsets, end_offsets=end_offsets, split_offsets=split_offsets) for rule in self.rules] result = [] finished = False # set to true once all matches are None, i.e. there is no match for any pattern left while not finished and curoff < len(text): longestspan = 0 smallestoff = beyond # find the smallest offset of all matches, and also the length of the longest span among all smallestoff # matches for idx, match in enumerate(matches): # if the match is starting before curoff, update it if match and match[0] < curoff: match = self.match_next(self.rules[idx].pattern, text, from_offset=curoff, add_offset=add_offset, start_offsets=start_offsets, end_offsets=end_offsets, split_offsets=split_offsets) matches[idx] = match if not match: continue # if there actually is a valid match, use it to determine the smallest offset and the longest match len if match[0] < smallestoff: # new smallest offset, also need to reset the longest match smallestoff = match[0] longestspan = match[1] - match[0] if match[0] <= smallestoff: mlen = match[1] - match[0] if mlen > longestspan: longestspan = mlen # for # we now know where the next match(es) is/are happening and what the longest match(es) is/are if smallestoff == beyond: # no (more) matches found, break out of the while break curoff = smallestoff # we have at least one match still at smallestoff # depending on the strategy, select the rule to match: # all: all rules starting at smallestoff # first: the first rule at smallestoff # last: the last rule at smallestoff # firstlongest: the first rule at smallestoff which is of maximum length # We select the indices of all rules for which the match should get considered idx2use = [] lastidx = None for idx, match in enumerate(matches): if not match: continue matchlen = match[1] - match[0] if match[0] != smallestoff: continue if not longest_only and select_rules == "all": idx2use.append(idx) elif longest_only and select_rules == "all" and matchlen == longestspan: idx2use.append(idx) elif not longest_only and select_rules == "first": idx2use.append(idx) break elif longest_only and select_rules == "first" and matchlen == longestspan: idx2use.append(idx) break elif not longest_only and select_rules == "last": lastidx = idx elif longest_only and select_rules == "last" and matchlen == longestspan: lastidx = idx # end for if select_rules == "last": idx2use.append(lastidx) # now we have the list of idxs for which to add a match to the result for idx in idx2use: match = matches[idx] # check if we got a match that corresponds to a gazetteer rule, in that case, just # use the matches we got from there. if match[3]: for m in match[2]: # we need to splice in the features from the rule, if necessary act = self.rules[idx].actions[0] # for GAZETTEER rules, there is always only one act exactly if len(act.features) > 0: features = {} features.update(m.features) features.update(act.features) m.features = features # result.append(m) yield m continue acts = self.rules[idx].actions groups = match[2] for act in acts: feats = replace_group(act.features, groups) for gnr in act.groupnumbers: toadd = GazetteerMatch(start=groups[gnr][0], end=groups[gnr][1], match=groups[gnr][2], features=feats, type=act.typename) # result.append(toadd) yield toadd # end for # now depending on skip_longest, skip either one offset or the length of the longest match if skip_longest: curoff += longestspan else: curoff += 1 # end while def __call__(self, doc: Document, **kwargs): outset = doc.annset(self.outset_name) annset = doc.annset(self.annset_name) chunks = [] # list of tuples (text, startoffset) split_offsets = None if self.split_type is not None: split_offsets = set() anns = annset.with_type(self.split_type) for ann in anns: for i in range(ann.start, ann.end): split_offsets.add(i) start_offsets = None end_offsets = None if self.start_type is not None: start_offsets = set() anns = annset.with_type(self.start_type) for ann in anns: start_offsets.add(ann.start) if self.end_type is not None: end_offsets = set() anns = annset.with_type(self.end_type) for ann in anns: end_offsets.add(ann.end) if self.containing_type is not None: for ann in annset.with_type(self.containing_type): chunks.append((doc[ann], ann.start)) else: chunks.append((doc.text, 0)) for chunk in chunks: text = chunk[0] offset = chunk[1] # find the matches, add annotations, with the offsets adapted by offset matches = self.find_all(text=text, add_offset=offset, start_offsets=start_offsets, end_offsets=end_offsets, split_offsets=split_offsets) for match in matches: outset.add(match.start + offset, match.end + offset, match.type, match.features) return doc
- GazetteerBase
- Annotator
- abc.ABC
def append(self, source: Union[str, List[~T]], source_fmt: str = 'file', list_features=None)
Load a list of rules.
- where/what to load. See the init parameter description.
- the format of the source, see the init parameter description.
- if not None a dictionary of features to assign to annotations created for any of the rules loaded by that method call.
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def append(self, source: Union[str, List], source_fmt: str = "file", list_features = None): """ Load a list of rules. Args: source: where/what to load. See the init parameter description. source_fmt: the format of the source, see the init parameter description. list_features: if not None a dictionary of features to assign to annotations created for any of the rules loaded by that method call. """ if list_features is None: list_features = self.list_features if source_fmt == "rule-list": for rule in source: self.rules.append(rule) else: if source_fmt == "file": with open(source, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as infp: lines = infp.readlines() elif source_fmt == "string": lines = source.split("\n") else: raise Exception(f"Unknown source format: {source_fmt}") cur_pats = [] # for each line, the original pattern string gets appended cur_acts = [] # for each line, a tuple with group list string, typename string, feature assign string cur_substs = {} for line in lines: line = line.rstrip("\n\r") line = line.strip() if line == "": continue if line.startswith("//") or line.startswith("#"): continue # comment line if line.startswith("|"): # if there is a current rule, add it if len(cur_acts) > 0: # finish and add rule rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features) cur_acts = [] cur_pats = [] self.rules.append(rule) # pattern line cur_pats.append(line[1:].strip()) continue if line.startswith("+"): # if there is a current rule, add it if len(cur_acts) > 0: # finish and add rule rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features) cur_acts = [] cur_pats = [] self.rules.append(rule) # pattern line: if we have already something in cur_pats, concatenate this to the last pat we have # otherwise, add a new line if len(cur_pats) == 0: cur_pats.append(line[1:].strip()) else: cur_pats[-1] = cur_pats[-1] + line[1:].strip() continue mo = re.match(PAT_RULE_BODY_LINE, line) if mo is not None: grouplist, typename, featureassignments = mo.groups() # now try to match the feature assignments as the initializer of a dict, if that works, # it is a proper line, otherwise we get an error try: features = eval("dict("+featureassignments+")", GLOBALS) except Exception as ex: raise Exception(f"Not a valid feature assignment: {featureassignments}", ex) cur_acts.append((grouplist, typename, features)) continue mo = re.fullmatch(PAT_GAZ_RULE_LINE, line) if mo is not None: if self.gazetteer is None: raise Exception("GAZETTEER rule found but no gazetteer specified for StringRegexAnnotator") if len(cur_acts) > 0: # finish and add rule rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features) cur_acts = [] cur_pats = [] self.rules.append(rule) featureassignments = mo.groups()[0] try: features = eval("dict("+featureassignments+")", GLOBALS) except Exception as ex: raise Exception(f"Not a valid feature assignment: {featureassignments}", ex) self.rules.append( self.make_rule(self.gazetteer, [("0", "DUMMY-NOT-USED", features)], substs=None, list_features=list_features)) continue mo = re.fullmatch(PAT_MACRO_LINE, line) if mo is not None: name = pat = cur_substs[name] = pat continue # if we fall through to here, the line does not match anything known, must be an error raise Exception(f"Odd line: {line}") # end for line if cur_acts: # finish and add rule rule = self.make_rule(cur_pats, cur_acts, substs=cur_substs, list_features=list_features) self.rules.append(rule) else: # if there was no last rule, and if rules is still empty, complain if len(self.rules) == 0: raise Exception("No complete rule found")
def find_all(self, text: str, start: int = 0, add_offset: int = 0, longest_only: Optional[bool] = None, skip_longest: Optional[bool] = None, select_rules: Optional[str] = None, start_offsets: Union[List[~T], Set[~T], None] = None, end_offsets: Union[List[~T], Set[~T], None] = None, split_offsets: Union[List[~T], Set[~T], None] = None)
Find all matches for the rules in this annotator and satisfying any addition constraints specified through the parameters.
- string to search
- offset where to start searching (0)
- what to add to compare the within-text offsets to the offsets in start_offsets etc. This is used when text is a substring of the original string to match and the start_offsets refer to offsets in the original string.
- if True, return only the longest match at each position, if None use gazetteer setting
- if True, find next match after longest match, if None use gazetteer setting
- if not None, overrides the setting from the StringRegexAnnotator instance
- if not None, a list/set of offsets where a match can start
- if not None, a list/set of offsets where a match can end
- if not None, a list/set of offsets which are considered split locations
each of the matches
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def find_all(self, text: str, start: int = 0, add_offset: int = 0, longest_only: Union[None, bool] = None, skip_longest: Union[None, bool] = None, select_rules: Union[None, str] = None, start_offsets: Union[List, Set, None] = None, end_offsets: Union[List, Set, None] = None, split_offsets: Union[List, Set, None] = None): """ Find all matches for the rules in this annotator and satisfying any addition constraints specified through the parameters. Args: text: string to search start: offset where to start searching (0) add_offset: what to add to compare the within-text offsets to the offsets in start_offsets etc. This is used when text is a substring of the original string to match and the start_offsets refer to offsets in the original string. longest_only: if True, return only the longest match at each position, if None use gazetteer setting skip_longest: if True, find next match after longest match, if None use gazetteer setting select_rules: if not None, overrides the setting from the StringRegexAnnotator instance start_offsets: if not None, a list/set of offsets where a match can start end_offsets: if not None, a list/set of offsets where a match can end split_offsets: if not None, a list/set of offsets which are considered split locations Yields: each of the matches """ # first of all create a list of match iterator generators that correspond to each of the rules if longest_only is None: longest_only = self.longest_only if skip_longest is None: skip_longest = self.skip_longest if select_rules is None: select_rules = self.select_rules beyond = len(text)+1 # initialize the matches curoff = start matches = [self.match_next(rule.pattern, text, from_offset=start, add_offset=add_offset, start_offsets=start_offsets, end_offsets=end_offsets, split_offsets=split_offsets) for rule in self.rules] result = [] finished = False # set to true once all matches are None, i.e. there is no match for any pattern left while not finished and curoff < len(text): longestspan = 0 smallestoff = beyond # find the smallest offset of all matches, and also the length of the longest span among all smallestoff # matches for idx, match in enumerate(matches): # if the match is starting before curoff, update it if match and match[0] < curoff: match = self.match_next(self.rules[idx].pattern, text, from_offset=curoff, add_offset=add_offset, start_offsets=start_offsets, end_offsets=end_offsets, split_offsets=split_offsets) matches[idx] = match if not match: continue # if there actually is a valid match, use it to determine the smallest offset and the longest match len if match[0] < smallestoff: # new smallest offset, also need to reset the longest match smallestoff = match[0] longestspan = match[1] - match[0] if match[0] <= smallestoff: mlen = match[1] - match[0] if mlen > longestspan: longestspan = mlen # for # we now know where the next match(es) is/are happening and what the longest match(es) is/are if smallestoff == beyond: # no (more) matches found, break out of the while break curoff = smallestoff # we have at least one match still at smallestoff # depending on the strategy, select the rule to match: # all: all rules starting at smallestoff # first: the first rule at smallestoff # last: the last rule at smallestoff # firstlongest: the first rule at smallestoff which is of maximum length # We select the indices of all rules for which the match should get considered idx2use = [] lastidx = None for idx, match in enumerate(matches): if not match: continue matchlen = match[1] - match[0] if match[0] != smallestoff: continue if not longest_only and select_rules == "all": idx2use.append(idx) elif longest_only and select_rules == "all" and matchlen == longestspan: idx2use.append(idx) elif not longest_only and select_rules == "first": idx2use.append(idx) break elif longest_only and select_rules == "first" and matchlen == longestspan: idx2use.append(idx) break elif not longest_only and select_rules == "last": lastidx = idx elif longest_only and select_rules == "last" and matchlen == longestspan: lastidx = idx # end for if select_rules == "last": idx2use.append(lastidx) # now we have the list of idxs for which to add a match to the result for idx in idx2use: match = matches[idx] # check if we got a match that corresponds to a gazetteer rule, in that case, just # use the matches we got from there. if match[3]: for m in match[2]: # we need to splice in the features from the rule, if necessary act = self.rules[idx].actions[0] # for GAZETTEER rules, there is always only one act exactly if len(act.features) > 0: features = {} features.update(m.features) features.update(act.features) m.features = features # result.append(m) yield m continue acts = self.rules[idx].actions groups = match[2] for act in acts: feats = replace_group(act.features, groups) for gnr in act.groupnumbers: toadd = GazetteerMatch(start=groups[gnr][0], end=groups[gnr][1], match=groups[gnr][2], features=feats, type=act.typename) # result.append(toadd) yield toadd # end for # now depending on skip_longest, skip either one offset or the length of the longest match if skip_longest: curoff += longestspan else: curoff += 1
def make_rule(self, pats: Union[str, List[str]], acts: List[Tuple[str, str, dict]], substs: Optional[Dict[~KT, ~VT]] = None, list_features: Optional[Dict[~KT, ~VT]] = None)
Create a rule representation from a pattern string or list of pattern strings, an a list of action line tuples (groupnumbersstring, typenamestring, featureassignmentsstring) and a dictionary of name substitutions. Alternately, the pats parameter could be the instance of a gazetteer.
Each featureassignmentsstring is a string of the form "fname1=fval1, fname2=fval2".
- a list of pattern strings, or a single pattern string, or a gazetteer instance
- list of tuples (groupnumbersstring, typenamestring, features)
- dictionary of name -> string substituions
- features to add to each action, if None, add the ones specified at init time
a Rule instance
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def make_rule(self, pats: Union[str, List[str]], acts: List[Tuple[str, str, dict]], substs: Optional[Dict] = None, list_features: Optional[Dict] = None, ): """ Create a rule representation from a pattern string or list of pattern strings, an a list of action line tuples (groupnumbersstring, typenamestring, featureassignmentsstring) and a dictionary of name substitutions. Alternately, the pats parameter could be the instance of a gazetteer. Each featureassignmentsstring is a string of the form "fname1=fval1, fname2=fval2". Args: pats: a list of pattern strings, or a single pattern string, or a gazetteer instance acts: list of tuples (groupnumbersstring, typenamestring, features) substs: dictionary of name -> string substituions list_features: features to add to each action, if None, add the ones specified at init time Returns: a Rule instance """ if list_features is None: list_features = self.list_features if list_features is None: list_features = {} if isinstance(pats, str): pats = subst(pats.strip(), substs) elif isinstance(pats, list): # pats = ["(?:" + subst(p.strip(), substs) + ")" for p in pats] pats = ["(?:"+subst(p.strip()+")", substs) for p in pats] elif isinstance(pats, GazetteerBase): pattern = pats else: raise Exception(f"Parameter pats neither a string, list of strings or gazetteer instance but {type(pats)}") if isinstance(pats, list): pattern_string = "|".join(pats) try: pattern = # noqa: F821 except Exception as ex: raise Exception(f"Problem in pattern {pattern_string}", ex) anndescs = [] for act in acts: grpnrs, typname, feats = act grpnrs = [int(x) for x in grpnrs.strip().split(",")] fassignments = list_features.copy() fassignments.update(feats) anndescs.append(Action(groupnumbers=grpnrs, typename=typname, features=fassignments)) return Rule(pattern=pattern, actions=anndescs)
def match_next(self, pat: Any, text: str, from_offset: int = 0, add_offset: int = 0, start_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None, end_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None, split_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None)
Find the next metch for the compiled pattern in text, at or after from_offset, but only if all of the start/end/split offset limitations are satisfied (if present).
The from_offset is the offset within text, while add_offset is an additional offset value to get added so we can compare to any of the start_offsets, end_offsets, split_offsets (because text may just be a substring of the full text to which those offsets refer).
- a pre-compiled re/regex pattern or the gazetteer object for a gazetteer rule
- the text in which to search for the pattern
- the offset in text from which on to search for the pattern
- this gets added to a match offset in order to be comparable to the start/end/split offsets
- a set/list of offsets where a match must start
- a set/list of offsets where a match must end
- a set/list of offsets where a match cannot cross
None if no match is found, otherwise, if pat is a regex, a tuple (start, end, groups, False) where groups is a tuple/list with all groups from the RE, starting with group(0), then group(1) etc. Each group in turn as a tuple (start, end, text). If pat is a gezetter, a tuple (start, end, matches, True) where matches is the list of matches returned from the gazetteer find method.
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def match_next(self, pat: Any, text: str, from_offset: int = 0, add_offset: int = 0, start_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None, end_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None, split_offsets: Union[None, list, set] = None ): """ Find the next metch for the compiled pattern in text, at or after from_offset, but only if all of the start/end/split offset limitations are satisfied (if present). The from_offset is the offset within text, while add_offset is an additional offset value to get added so we can compare to any of the start_offsets, end_offsets, split_offsets (because text may just be a substring of the full text to which those offsets refer). Args: pat: a pre-compiled re/regex pattern or the gazetteer object for a gazetteer rule text: the text in which to search for the pattern from_offset: the offset in text from which on to search for the pattern add_offset: this gets added to a match offset in order to be comparable to the start/end/split offsets start_offsets: a set/list of offsets where a match must start end_offsets: a set/list of offsets where a match must end split_offsets: a set/list of offsets where a match cannot cross Returns: None if no match is found, otherwise, if pat is a regex, a tuple (start, end, groups, False) where groups is a tuple/list with all groups from the RE, starting with group(0), then group(1) etc. Each group in turn as a tuple (start, end, text). If pat is a gezetter, a tuple (start, end, matches, True) where matches is the list of matches returned from the gazetteer find method. """ if isinstance(pat, StringGazetteer): # use the gazetteer to find the next match(es) in the text, starting at the given offset # Note: this sets longest_only to None to use whatever is configured for the StringGazetteer # The annotatation type will also be determined by that gazetteer, while the offsets are determined # by what is defined in this StringRegexAnnotator matches, maxlen, where = pat.find(text, start=from_offset, longest_only=False, start_offsets=start_offsets, end_offsets=end_offsets, split_offsets=split_offsets) if maxlen == 0: return None else: return where, where+maxlen, matches, True m =, text[from_offset:]) while m: # in this loop we return the first match that is valid, iterating until we find one or # no more matches are found lastidx = m.lastindex if lastidx is None: lastidx = 0 groups = [(m.start(i)+from_offset, m.end(i)+from_offset, for i in range(lastidx+1)] start, end = [o+from_offset for o in m.span()] ostart = start + add_offset oend = end + add_offset if start_offsets and ostart not in start_offsets: continue if end_offsets and oend not in end_offsets: continue if split_offsets: for i in range(ostart, oend): if i in split_offsets: continue # the match should be valid, return it return start, end, groups, False # end while return None
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